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Iran-Harbour/Fund/Deploy terrorists, there a threat to UK/US

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Postby Exorcist-seeker » Tue Jul 31, 2007 2:52 pm

Free_Cyprus: Your right nuclear war would end the world, thats why America and Uk will not let Iran make a Nuclear weapon, befor that happens they will invade iran or the United Nations would sanction them and an Allied air strike on Irans Main Military Buildings.
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Postby free_cyprus » Tue Jul 31, 2007 3:29 pm

Exorcist-seeker you speak of america as if they are the peace keepers in the world,and the un who did not have the balls to say no to american and britain regarding iraq war
and lets not be forgetfull about americas recent history and it is recent when one looks at history, they comited genocide againt the native americans, and they were the first to use atomic weapons in the world
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Postby Exorcist-seeker » Wed Aug 29, 2007 2:40 pm

After reading/Seeing the news recently, i agree with G W Bush and the New French President... Iran are a threat to the middle east, there a threat to democracy and encourage terrorism in an already unstaible country (Iraq).

Its time the world stood up and recognised this threat, and acted. Thankfully G w Bush has recognised this whilst all other leaders have been busy with Internal Politics.

Salutes..... G W Bush!
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Postby bg_turk » Thu Sep 06, 2007 6:17 pm

Exorcist-seeker wrote:Lets just take into account, NATO have a mandate on a nuclear disarment schedule for Iraq. All nato members (all 26 of them) believe Irans reason/policy for a nuclear weapon is for harmful use only.

When they have a nuclear bomb and use it, you will be winging about the same things you are now saying

'America should have done this, america should have done that'

You need to think befor you speak as America are a country you depend on!!

Iran would be mad not to get nuclear weapons having in mind what happened to its neighbour, Iraq, which had no weapons to defend itself and its people against the western powers. The Iranian government has a duty before its people to defend their soveregnity against a Western agression and invasion of their country, and the only way a poor people can prevent oil thirsty tyrants from robbing it from it last natural resource and in the process destroying their country is through nuclear armament - the ultimate deterrant. Else they will simply follow the faith of Iraq.
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Postby oranos64 » Thu Sep 06, 2007 11:47 pm

Exorcist-seeker wrote:After reading/Seeing the news recently, i agree with G W Bush and the New French President... Iran are a threat to the middle east, there a threat to democracy and encourage terrorism in an already unstaible country (Iraq).

Its time the world stood up and recognised this threat, and acted. Thankfully G w Bush has recognised this whilst all other leaders have been busy with Internal Politics.

Salutes..... G W Bush!

here we go

America and U.K ...dont need to attack them ,,,Isreal is going to attack IRAN...They have been practising long distance sorties for months ...they even use cyprus airspace ...this is well known by U.N ..

Isreal will bomb iran when threathed again ...,..hence Isreal has just sanctioned $1.7 billion army refit by 2014...this is really a large amount of money to equipt and ready their airforce and remote weapons for war in the region

one more word from Iran and its good bye?

... a recent interview with the new minister of defence ...revealed all

" Isreal will never live in fear of a arab accressor and will not hesitate to attack first a means it believes necessary to continue its survival and protect "

a attack by isreal will be both air and nuclear ..but a US/ISREALI THINK TANKS

Have worked out a fly by attack to destroy the storage and works of the Iranian nuclear weapons dept ...using advance weapons targetting
Last edited by oranos64 on Thu Sep 06, 2007 11:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby oranos64 » Thu Sep 06, 2007 11:49 pm

Exorcist-seeker wrote:After reading/Seeing the news recently, i agree with G W Bush and the New French President... Iran are a threat to the middle east, there a threat to democracy and encourage terrorism in an already unstaible country (Iraq).

Its time the world stood up and recognised this threat, and acted. Thankfully G w Bush has recognised this whilst all other leaders have been busy with Internal Politics.

Salutes..... G W Bush!

the president of Iran is a former terrorist my lips ...ISREAL will prevail.
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Postby free_cyprus » Fri Sep 07, 2007 12:19 am

most leaders in the world are wankers anyway, and bush leads the way followed by the ones he bribes to join his so called just war on iraq. but history will show that it was illegal imoral and unjust. gone are the days when big powers can do waht they like in the world the world is changing, and if iran were attacked they will defend themselves and rightly so,just like any nations that is attacked has the right to defend themselves
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Postby oranos64 » Sat Sep 08, 2007 12:17 am

free_cyprus wrote:most leaders in the world are wankers anyway, and bush leads the way followed by the ones he bribes to join his so called just war on iraq. but history will show that it was illegal imoral and unjust. gone are the days when big powers can do waht they like in the world the world is changing, and if iran were attacked they will defend themselves and rightly so,just like any nations that is attacked has the right to defend themselves

whose going to stop them ? who .... russia and china are looking out for themselves ...They are already forming a new warsaw pact/ sino/mid russian bloc ...with a plan to develop new weapons and tactics to defend themselves

the only nations that can stop the US AND UK are them two ...E.U army ..nope ...thats a joke ...dont believe the hype ....

who will stop the U.S? ...The U.N ,NATO ,.. are their puppets .

all nations will eventaully fall in line with americas request or end up as rubble like IRAQ ...

£ ££$$$$ buys off demorcracy is obivious that poland and similar are U.S puppets in EUROPE ...

so tell me FC ...who will stop them ...IRAQ is not fighting back ...have you been there ..i have

before you mouth off ..

i am U.N inspector and training instructor ...and ranked ...

most of the forum knows that ...

i wish things were back in the 80s with the cold war ....but things have changed ...U.S planned THE NWO ...BACK IN 60S ...

they won over ...
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Postby Get Real! » Sat Sep 08, 2007 1:38 am

oranos64 wrote:the president of Iran is a former terrorist my lips ...ISREAL will prevail.

You should do more reading and less posting. Ahmadinejad has a Civil Engineering Ph.D. and that's a lot more education attained than Bush, Olmert, and yourself, put together!

The three of you should first learn the meaning of the word "terrorism" before shooting your mouths off.

Happy snoring.
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Postby Get Real! » Sat Sep 08, 2007 1:54 am

oranos64 wrote:Isreal will bomb iran when threathed again ...

Iran could turn a tiny country like Israel into glass with a single ballistic missile and you'd better believe it.

Have worked out a fly by attack to destroy the storage and works of the Iranian nuclear weapons dept ...using advance weapons targetting

Which of the hundreds of weapons depots spread all over Iran where you saying Israel will attack? :lol:
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