Exorcist-seeker wrote:North Korea have said they would use a nuclear bomb to anialate South Korea if they could... South Korea are close alies to Japan & China
Exorcist-seeker wrote:I have not been seen off!! i was at Buckingham Palace making sure Tony Blair gets the recognition he deserves!! His a great man who will now be remebered as the greatest leader of the 21st century!
Get Real! wrote:Eliko wrote:Oh be Jayzus, it looks like Ian Paisley has got his snout in the trough (or his minion), it is a well known fact that the inhabitants of the unfortunate homeland of the 'IRISH' has been infiltrated by the British to such an extent that they have become more English than Irish in the region that this chap hails from.
I'm surprised you have found time to submit such a long and profound contribution to the topic bigdog, should you not be busy painting the kerbstones 'Red White and Blue' ?.
Amazing isn't it? The new IRA logo now has Uncle Sam on it!![]()
Bobby Sands and many others died in vain after all!
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