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Iran-Harbour/Fund/Deploy terrorists, there a threat to UK/US

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Postby bigdog » Sat Jul 14, 2007 7:39 am

[quote]Personally I would’ve executed them!

For fuck sake wise up !!
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Postby Eliko » Sat Jul 14, 2007 10:26 am

Oh be Jayzus, it looks like Ian Paisley has got his snout in the trough (or his minion), it is a well known fact that the inhabitants of the unfortunate homeland of the 'IRISH' has been infiltrated by the British to such an extent that they have become more English than Irish in the region that this chap hails from.

I'm surprised you have found time to submit such a long and profound contribution to the topic bigdog, should you not be busy painting the kerbstones 'Red White and Blue' ?. :wink:
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Re: Iran-Harbour/Fund/Deploy terrorists, there a threat to U

Postby miltiades » Sat Jul 14, 2007 11:03 am

Get Real! wrote:Hmm, let’s see what feeble-head has to say…

Exorcist-seeker wrote:Iran are the biggest disturbance within the middle east region,

Utter rubbish. Iran is a very peaceful country that respects it’s neighbors by respecting their borders. It’s the US I would worry about who magically find themselves thousands of kilometers away from home shit stirring around Iran! You get 0/10 here.

there persuit of a nuclear bomb is a sheer display they will use it if they can at any chance...

So according to your logic anyone who does nuclear research and establishes a plant towards nuclear energy already has a target in mind to destroy? What about S.Africa, Japan, Israel, etc, how is it that they were able to research and establish a plant without bombing anyone? Childish logic so I’m afraid you get 0/10 again!

the 'childishness' of the captured sailors incident shows that iran have no degree of morals and can not be trusted.

Hmm, let’s see now… Iran arrests 15 punks, who find themselves thousands of kilometers away from home, in or near Iranian waters in full military gear, and they apprehend, detain, question, feed, clothe, and hand them over to the UK and you call that childish? Personally I would’ve executed them! 0/10

Bush should strike now backed by the United the case of no support UK/US need to make a sustained attack on iran and secure wourld peace!!

Had the callous US/UK known that they could get away with it they would but Iran luckily can defend itself because they have been involved in nuclear research with N.Korea for just over a decade. The US/UK never attack a country that can properly defend itself and that is why so many countries are now rushing to acquire the bomb. 0/10

Here, feast your eyes on Iranian firepower: ... issile.htm

As for the US/UK securing peace…after reading the above figure it out yourself!

My advice: Stay out of international politics because you’re too lazy to read anyways so why make a dork of yourself with cheap sophistries?

I think you should forget Black Water , Iran IS THE ANSWER !!
You know when you take that break that you deserve so much in order to recharge your moronic cells , why not pop over to Iran and see if you can strike a deal with Ayatollah whats his name , then you will have the suicide squad , Black water , and Iran !!
I have read some absurdities in my life but the shit that comes out of the three musketeers is the ultimate in scatological matters !
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Postby Get Real! » Sat Jul 14, 2007 3:28 pm

Exorcist-seeker wrote:Get Real: You have wasted so much time quoting me you have lost sight of the bigger picture!!

Here is the true “bigger picture”…

How many eggs can your face take? Or should I start asking about Omelets?
Unless you’re prepared to provide EVIDENCE with links, etc, DO NOT POST your wish list and present it as fact! Nobody is interested in taking a free tour of your unsubstantiated “logic”.

North Korea - Are a threat to the whole world, China and stated that if North Korea continue there persuit of a Nuclear bomb they will take action. So does this mean China are wrong?

Why have you now jumped to a different country and story? Jumping around again like a wild Hare on heat?

As for isreal, the iranian president has said on several occasions that 'Isreal' should seiz to exist, n that it should be demolished and removed from the middle east region, a president of any country who states this clearly states they do not have a secure frame of mind to lead a conutry. These are the people you want to have a nuclear weapon!!!

Have you bothered to look into how many times Israel has threatened Iran? Almost every other day yet you come up with this one-sided crap? Here, why don’t you EDUCATE yourself?,2933,133899,00.html ... atens_Iran

Im starting to ask myself, are you so stupid that you have been blinded by the whole 'Its in fashion to hate america' pahse, that you do not realise Iran are a threat to world peace.

Stop making a clown of yourself and just…

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Postby Get Real! » Sat Jul 14, 2007 3:31 pm

bigdog wrote:
Personally I would’ve executed them!

For fuck sake wise up !!

Hey Wolfhound boy, spying is a VERY serious offence punishable by death.

Here, why don't you EDUCATE yourself...
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Postby Get Real! » Sat Jul 14, 2007 3:37 pm

Eliko wrote:Oh be Jayzus, it looks like Ian Paisley has got his snout in the trough (or his minion), it is a well known fact that the inhabitants of the unfortunate homeland of the 'IRISH' has been infiltrated by the British to such an extent that they have become more English than Irish in the region that this chap hails from.

I'm surprised you have found time to submit such a long and profound contribution to the topic bigdog, should you not be busy painting the kerbstones 'Red White and Blue' ?. :wink:

Amazing isn't it? The new IRA logo now has Uncle Sam on it! :lol:

Bobby Sands and many others died in vain after all!
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Re: Iran-Harbour/Fund/Deploy terrorists, there a threat to U

Postby MR-from-NG » Sat Jul 14, 2007 3:41 pm

Get Real! wrote:Hmm, let’s see what feeble-head has to say…

Exorcist-seeker wrote:Iran are the biggest disturbance within the middle east region,

Utter rubbish. Iran is a very peaceful country that respects it’s neighbors by respecting their borders. It’s the US I would worry about who magically find themselves thousands of kilometers away from home shit stirring around Iran! You get 0/10 here.

there persuit of a nuclear bomb is a sheer display they will use it if they can at any chance...

So according to your logic anyone who does nuclear research and establishes a plant towards nuclear energy already has a target in mind to destroy? What about S.Africa, Japan, Israel, etc, how is it that they were able to research and establish a plant without bombing anyone? Childish logic so I’m afraid you get 0/10 again!

the 'childishness' of the captured sailors incident shows that iran have no degree of morals and can not be trusted.

Hmm, let’s see now… Iran arrests 15 punks, who find themselves thousands of kilometers away from home, in or near Iranian waters in full military gear, and they apprehend, detain, question, feed, clothe, and hand them over to the UK and you call that childish? Personally I would’ve executed them! 0/10

Bush should strike now backed by the United the case of no support UK/US need to make a sustained attack on iran and secure wourld peace!!

Had the callous US/UK known that they could get away with it they would but Iran luckily can defend itself because they have been involved in nuclear research with N.Korea for just over a decade. The US/UK never attack a country that can properly defend itself and that is why so many countries are now rushing to acquire the bomb. 0/10

Here, feast your eyes on Iranian firepower: ... issile.htm

As for the US/UK securing peace…after reading the above figure it out yourself!

My advice: Stay out of international politics because you’re too lazy to read anyways so why make a dork of yourself with cheap sophistries?

I'm in agreement with every single point made by GR here. Well said my friend.
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Re: Iran-Harbour/Fund/Deploy terrorists, there a threat to U

Postby Get Real! » Sat Jul 14, 2007 3:44 pm

miltiades wrote:I think you should forget Black Water , Iran IS THE ANSWER !!
You know when you take that break that you deserve so much in order to recharge your moronic cells , why not pop over to Iran and see if you can strike a deal with Ayatollah whats his name , then you will have the suicide squad , Black water , and Iran !!
I have read some absurdities in my life but the shit that comes out of the three musketeers is the ultimate in scatological matters !

As per usual your contribution is crap so this is the most appropriate reply to you...
...and here's a new one especially for you...
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Re: Iran-Harbour/Fund/Deploy terrorists, there a threat to U

Postby Get Real! » Sat Jul 14, 2007 3:45 pm

mrfromng wrote:I'm in agreement with every single point made by GR here. Well said my friend.

Thank you amigos. :)
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Postby boomerang » Sat Jul 14, 2007 4:47 pm

Exorcist-seeker wrote:North Korea - Are a threat to the whole world, China and stated that if North Korea continue there persuit of a Nuclear bomb they will take action. So does this mean China are wrong?

This is the best quote of them all. You idiot the chinese are behind all the missiles and nuclear bombs.

Every time kim detonates his firecrackers the yanks monitor and the chinese monitor the yanks. :lol:
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