We were new here last year, so we didn't know what to do. So, we found this company through an agent, he first showed us to damn disastrous apartments (tactics) then he showed us this one. We said ok, the landlord, which is also the company owner I think - a lady, said she only gives us the apartment on her contract. And on the contract was specified that we pay 2 months deposit. So we did.
A few months ago, the walls started falling (I mean the paint, but of course this is not our fault). When we said we will leave the apartment si started screaming at us that we distroyed her apartment and now we leave. WTF I said... we kept it clean, the paint on the walls was not our fault.
S, 2 month before the end of the contract I said: we ain't gonna pay these two months. She said she will give us all deposit back, she will not mix the rent with the deposit, that is NO.
So we agree, she talked very nice, of course (the screaming was after this, when we left).
She came with some people when we left and changed the lock on the door, looked on the inventory and she said she will give us the money as soon as possible.
Next day she dissapeared. After 12 days, she got back, she said: for washing, cleaning, cleaning the sofa, the windows, cleaning matterials 160 pounds. And 150 pounds RENT for these TWO weeks AFTER we left, because she said she wasn't able to rent it like that (when we left we cleaned everything twice for two days, it was already VERY clean. (we don't live like pigs.. I can even show you pictures from the apartment).
So, when I asked what is this f.. k-ing rent because we didn't stay there, she told me to take the money before she changes her mind. What could I do? I don't want to sue her or anything.. I don't have the time for this. So I took the money and left. (I haven't paid last bill on water, and sewerage for half year + municipality fees.. ).
Then a few days later she calls me and tells me she will take legal measures if we don't pay another 160 pounds. We didn't. Tomorrow is the day she said she will take legal measure (I don't know what this means) and she will also go to immigration.
I don't think she will do anything.. I don't really care, but it's better for other people to know and not to get in this s**t like we did.
Oh well.. this is the story so far.