I tried the "Solution Plan" with you all, so now let me ask you a question on the Partition. Many TC's on this Forum are waiting for a Partition every passing day just like the Christians are waiting for the Second coming of the Christ. Lets assume, both of the above have happened today, now what.??
These are my questions.
1. What does Partition actually mean to you.?
a) the "TRNC" is a recognised Country?
b) the "TRNC" gets to have Direct Trade and Flights?
c) the "TRNC" will make an application to the EU to become a member?
d) the "TRNC" will no longer have to deal with the GC property claims?
e) the "TRNC" will no longer need Turkey's financial and military
f) the "TRNC" will be welcomed by the RoC as good neighbours?
g) the "TRNC" will become a prosperous and productive Country.?
2. How does the Partition help the "TRNC".?
a) Other than Tourism, what other Trade the "TRNC" can offer
to the outside world that is not already available to those
b) Will the "TRNC" be able to export anymore goods than they
already export to Turkey now.?
c) How does the "TRNC" ever expect to enter the EU along with
d) After Partition, what is to stop Turkey annexing the "TRNC" if neither
will be accepted into the EU.?
e) What goods can be imported into the "TRNC", that they are not
available right now via Turkey.?
f) How can the "TRNC" have a Government and run a country with
such small population without "Heavy Corruption" because it will be
the case of, most people will know someone that knows someone in
the Government and will ask for favours.?
g) Will the "TRNC" TC's tear up their RoC passports, once they got their
Partition or will the RoC do it for them, as no longer being Citizens
of the RoC.?
3. Can most of the items above NOT be achieved through a "TRUE
BBF". Is Partition really necessary, even if it means, there will
be some Greek spoken around some TC's.?
4. Any answers.?