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Postby paliometoxo » Mon Jul 16, 2007 10:43 pm

LoLLL but i mean if the turkish came to invade cyprus again... america would say good and hand them more guns... everyone i spoek to would agree
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Postby Southerner » Mon Jul 16, 2007 11:11 pm

paliometoxo wrote:LoLLL but i mean if the turkish came to invade cyprus again... america would say good and hand them more guns... everyone i spoek to would agree

With Turkey wanting to join the EEC they are hardly likely to do anything to rock the boat in Cyprus, I think that it is more likely that they will make even more effort to achieve a reconciliation, otherwise no EEC.
Somthing that the German chancellor said should also make you think when she said that it was a mistake letting Cyprus into the EEC.
Germany is a long standing ally of Turkey, in many places German is the second language, hundreds of thousands of Turks work in germany.
Merkel now realises that Turkey won't get in the EEC unless it toes the line regarding its attitude towards the Cyprus issue because ROC and Greece will veto its application..
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Postby paliometoxo » Mon Jul 16, 2007 11:40 pm

what i wanna know is our president whent on tv saying we have one last resort i dont want to use it only if we have to... and he even said sorry on tv... then a week or so later the turkish said the greek side better watch out your stepping on egg shells and like threatend us in english with a smile on his face.. i wanna know what this last resort was.. any ideas anyone?
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Postby Southerner » Tue Jul 17, 2007 12:44 am

paliometoxo wrote:what i wanna know is our president whent on tv saying we have one last resort i dont want to use it only if we have to... and he even said sorry on tv... then a week or so later the turkish said the greek side better watch out your stepping on egg shells and like threatend us in english with a smile on his face.. i wanna know what this last resort was.. any ideas anyone?

What you must consider is the British capabilities compared to most middle eastern countries, numbers don't count if those numbers are not equipped to fight a modern war, you only have to look at recent conflicts to see what I mean. Don't cofuse policing a country after the battle with defeating a country's armed forces during a firefight.
Iraq had a massive army so did Egypt, Syria, Jordan and Iran, these armies are at best a match for WWII warefare armies.
It would be a very foolish Turkish leader to start trouble with so much at stake.
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Postby paliometoxo » Tue Jul 17, 2007 2:20 am

sure would but what was our presidents last resort? it was enough to scare the turkish i wonder what he ws going to do
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