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Is this GC or TC propaganda

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby BirKibrisli » Tue Jul 10, 2007 9:19 am

halil wrote:As to my visit to the North,I will come if you would guarantee my safe passage out of there :lol: :lol: Or promise to come and join me while I do my military service...Do they have a Dad's Army section by any chance????
:lol: :lol:

why don't u visit the army!s web site or write them to get better answer for u. Lots of tc's like whenever they comes back nothing happens them.they do what the laws says.when u asked them u can decide for your self what is good for u what is bad for.Does'nt make any sense talking all the time that if u come dada.....dada..... dada.....
have look at here
may be u can get the answer.don't listen what the others says.

It will be a biiiiiiiiig relief when I put all that behind me one day....
Can you find out one thing for me...Is it true that after 49 years old,if you come to Trnc you can't get out unless you pay some money and do one month of service?????I am getting different answers to this and I am confused...I have one of those exemption letters/permits from 1999,before i turned 49....Thanks...
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Postby bigOz » Tue Jul 10, 2007 11:19 am

Birkibrisli wrote:
halil wrote:As to my visit to the North,I will come if you would guarantee my safe passage out of there :lol: :lol: Or promise to come and join me while I do my military service...Do they have a Dad's Army section by any chance????
:lol: :lol:

why don't u visit the army!s web site or write them to get better answer for u. Lots of tc's like whenever they comes back nothing happens them.they do what the laws says.when u asked them u can decide for your self what is good for u what is bad for.Does'nt make any sense talking all the time that if u come dada.....dada..... dada.....
have look at here
may be u can get the answer.don't listen what the others says.

It will be a biiiiiiiiig relief when I put all that behind me one day....
Can you find out one thing for me...Is it true that after 49 years old,if you come to Trnc you can't get out unless you pay some money and do one month of service?????I am getting different answers to this and I am confused...I have one of those exemption letters/permits from 1999,before i turned 49....Thanks...

BK, you seem to be confusing the army service requirements for people returning to settle from overseas and visitors!

If you reside abroad and have a foreign citizenship, you can stay up to 90 days as a tourist. Within this time you must apply to ASAL Sube for an army exemption certificate on the basis of being a visitor from abroad (hand in an application - and pick the response later). Job done! What you must make sure of is; you bring with you to Cyprus all your credentials as proof of your status.

This is what the Military Service Law says (59/200):


So being under "Special Military Service Status", you can stay up to 3 months with no obligation to join the army. This covers thousands of young and old TCs living abroad, who travel there for holidays every year - and I assure you none of them are dragged into the army. Should you decide to settle down in North Cyprus one day, you have to pay £2000 and do 1 month of basic training (I know of people who pay more to go for "paint -gun" war games!), or pay £4000 and not do any service at all.

There is nothing more to it... :D
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Postby BirKibrisli » Tue Jul 10, 2007 4:05 pm

bigOz wrote:
Birkibrisli wrote:
halil wrote:As to my visit to the North,I will come if you would guarantee my safe passage out of there :lol: :lol: Or promise to come and join me while I do my military service...Do they have a Dad's Army section by any chance????
:lol: :lol:

why don't u visit the army!s web site or write them to get better answer for u. Lots of tc's like whenever they comes back nothing happens them.they do what the laws says.when u asked them u can decide for your self what is good for u what is bad for.Does'nt make any sense talking all the time that if u come dada.....dada..... dada.....
have look at here
may be u can get the answer.don't listen what the others says.

It will be a biiiiiiiiig relief when I put all that behind me one day....
Can you find out one thing for me...Is it true that after 49 years old,if you come to Trnc you can't get out unless you pay some money and do one month of service?????I am getting different answers to this and I am confused...I have one of those exemption letters/permits from 1999,before i turned 49....Thanks...

BK, you seem to be confusing the army service requirements for people returning to settle from overseas and visitors!

If you reside abroad and have a foreign citizenship, you can stay up to 90 days as a tourist. Within this time you must apply to ASAL Sube for an army exemption certificate on the basis of being a visitor from abroad (hand in an application - and pick the response later). Job done! What you must make sure of is; you bring with you to Cyprus all your credentials as proof of your status.

This is what the Military Service Law says (59/200):


So being under "Special Military Service Status", you can stay up to 3 months with no obligation to join the army. This covers thousands of young and old TCs living abroad, who travel there for holidays every year - and I assure you none of them are dragged into the army. Should you decide to settle down in North Cyprus one day, you have to pay £2000 and do 1 month of basic training (I know of people who pay more to go for "paint -gun" war games!), or pay £4000 and not do any service at all.

There is nothing more to it... :D

You are sure age plays no part,bigOz????
If that is the case it would make more sense...The problem is ,as Kikapu found out, you get a different "official" answer from everyone you speak to....I wonder what they would do if I turned up and said I wanted to do my full military service.... :lol: :lol: :lol: Send me to peel potatoes????? :lol:
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Postby Kikapu » Tue Jul 10, 2007 4:21 pm

Hi Bir,



Answer (c) is the one that seems to trouble me the most. " One must do their military by the age 49". There is no mention if this is only for those staying longer than 90 days, or what happens after age 49. This is where I have lost confidence to get clear answers from the officials, since it is not written down officially, it is left for interpretation. I was also told recently by the way, that if a TC crosses into the "TRNC" from the South, is less likely to have problems leaving the same way, as suppose to flying into Ercan and trying to leave from Ercan, where one's exit papers will be required from the ASAL SUBE. I do not know why that would make a bit of difference, but this is what was told to me by those who claim to know.

The problem is, everybody claims to know all the answers, but it is not written down anywhere, regarding for those who are above 49 years old, unless you know people on the inside.

You better give VP a call before you go, so that he can take care of you in the "TRNC". :lol:
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Postby bigOz » Tue Jul 10, 2007 5:31 pm

Birkibrisli wrote:You are sure age plays no part,bigOz????
If that is the case it would make more sense...The problem is ,as Kikapu found out, you get a different "official" answer from everyone you speak to....I wonder what they would do if I turned up and said I wanted to do my full military service.... :lol: :lol: :lol: Send me to peel potatoes????? :lol:

BK I have no reason to lie to you and I do not think you can point to anything I said in this forum that could be interpreted as a lie. Below is current official status, so please read and make your own mind:
Madde 14.

(1) Kıbrıs asıllı Türk anne veya babadan yabancı bir ülkede doğan ve doğduğu veya yerleştiği yabancı ülkede askerlik çağına kadar ikamet eden Kuzey Kıbrıs Türk Cumhuriyeti yurttaşları ile 12 yaşını tamamladığı tarihten önce anne veya babası ile Kıbrıs’tan ayrılan ve gittiği yabancı ülkeye yerleşerek askerlik çağına kadar yurt dışında ikamet eden Kuzey Kıbrıs Türk Cumhuriyeti yurttaşları mükellefiyet hizmetini bu Yasanın 17’nci maddesinin (1)’inci fıkrası kapsamında yerine getirirler.

(2) Bu maddenin (1)’inci fıkrası kapsamına girenlerin, askerlik çağına kadar olan dönem içerisinde, öğrenim nedeniyle Kuzey Kıbrıs Türk Cumhuriyetinde bulunmaları, aşağıdaki şartları taşımaları halinde bu maddenin (1)’inci fıkrası ile verilen haklarını ortadan kaldırmaz.

(A) Toplam yedi yıl yurt dışında ikamet etmek, ve

(B) Anne ve/veya babanın, çocuklarının askerlik çağına kadar olan dönemi içerisinde, Kuzey Kıbrıs Türk Cumhuriyetinde yılda toplam 90 günden fazla ikamet etmemiş olması.

Continuing with the relevant section:
Madde 31. Özel statüde ve bedelli askerlik yapacak olanların yoklamaları:

Bu Yasa’nın [b]14 ncü
ve 15 nci maddeleri kapsamında olanların yoklamaları Güvenlik Kuvvetleri Komutanlığınca tespit edilecek tarihlerde bu Yasa’nın 29 ncu madde kurallarına göre yapılır.

BUT... I think we have a problem because you are over the age of 49:
Madde 37. Özel statüde ve bedelli askerlik yapacak olanların ertelemeleri ve Kuzey Kıbrıs Türk Cumhuriyetinde ikamet süreleri

(1) Bu Yasa’nın 14 ncü maddesi kapsamında olup süresi içinde başvuran ve daimi olarak yurt dışında ikamet etmeye devam edeceğini beyan edenlerin askerlik yükümlülüğü Kuzey Kıbrıs Türk Cumhuriyetine kesin dönüş yapacakları tarihe ve her halükarda en fazla 49 yaşını tamamlayacağı tarihe kadar ertelenir. .......

(2) Yukarıdaki (1) nci fıkra kurallarına uygun olarak askerlik yükümlülüğü tecil ettirenler, Kuzey Kıbrıs Türk Cumhuriyetinde Yılda toplam 90 günü aşmamak koşulu ile en fazla 49 yaşını tamamladıkları tarihe kadar ikamet edebilirler. Meşru mazaret hali dışında yılda toplam 90 günden fazla ikamet ettiği saptananlar ile 49 yaşını tamamlayanlara çıkış izni verilmez ve bunlar kesin dönüş yapmış sayılır.

Bunlardan 90 günlük ikamet süresini dolduranlar Kuzey Kıbrıs Türk Cumhuriyetine son giriş yaptıkları tarihten itibaren 12 ay, 49 yaşını dolduranlar ise 49 yaşını doldurduğu tarihten sonra Kuzey Kıbrıs Türk Cumhuriyetine ilk defa giriş yaptıkları tarihten itibaren 90 gün içinde ASAL Şubeye başvurarak müracaat tarihinden itibaren; ikamet süresini dolduranlar 12 ay, 49 yaşını tamamlayanlar ise 24 ay içerisinde bu Yasa’nın 17 nci maddesinin (1) nci fıkrası uyarınca askerlik yükümlülüklerini yerine getirmek zorundadırlar.

Madde 17.

(1) Bu Yasa’nın 14 ncü maddesi kapsamında olanlar mükellefiyet hizmetini aşağıdaki şekilde yerine getirebilirler :

(a) 3000 Stg. (Sterling) ödeyerek serbest kalmak, veya

(b) 1500 Stg. (Sterling) ödeyerek 1ay hizmet yapmak, veya

(c) Kesin dönüş yapmak amacı ile Kuzey Kıbrıs Türk Cumhuriyetine giriş yaptığı tarihte 31 yaşından küçük olanlar 6 ay hizmet yapmak, veya

(ç) Kesin dönüş yapmak amacı ile Kuzey Kıbrıs Türk Cumhuriyetine giriş yaptığı tarihte 31 yaşından (31 dahil) büyük olanlar 3 ay hizmet yapmak.

The above apply to those who left Cyprus to go and live in Europe, so I am not exactly sure about the status of those allowed to emigrate to Australia. That was done with the approval of the Turkish authorities at the time and blessings of the RoC government. Hence, for all intents and purposes, their Cypriot citizenship ceased the minute they were allowed to go and became Australians. As you can see above there is a "mesru mazaret disinda" clause (special circumstances) where it says those over the age of 49 should serve. I need to find out what these special circumstances are.

BK, I have a close family friend who runs a "bufe" near ASAL Sube where all this is dealt with (serves them their food every day). Give me a week or so and I'll try to find out what the position of those who ended up in Australia would be.

Otherwise, you have three options:

1. Pay nothing and play war games for 3 months (can be fun if you are fit)
2. Pay 1500 stg and do 1 month
3. or pay 3000 stg and do nothing
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Postby zan » Tue Jul 10, 2007 7:28 pm

Birkibrisli wrote:
zan wrote:
Birkibrisli wrote:
bigOz wrote:BK, with all respect, I think you've gone a little off track here!

The drug barons and the problems they bring with them is not unique to TRNC but is even more evident in the South. Compared to Mafia style bombings and shootings that go on in the South every year, North Cyprus still has a lot of catching up to do!

Religion and Koran courses always existed in TC schools - did you not get any at your school? I used to hate them and made up any excuse to miss them, and my son who is 12 now has been doing exactly the same
Religion had and will never affect the TC culture! Some wealthy religious bodies whether from Saudi Arabia or Turkey - it really does not matter - will always build a new mosque or finance more facilities for religious classes. But that can also happen in the South if the price is right!

You seem to have an opinion on what you read in the press which is often politically motivated and hence exaggerated. Those of us who have lived recently or live in Cyprus know very well that the North is not flooded as such with settlers from Turkey. Neither has the culture has disappeared - turkish-cypriot is absolutely right in saying that the settlers have converted to Cypriot culture! Most even talk with a Cypriot accent rather than the mainland Turkish one!

What is often being confused is the cheap labour brought in from Turkey who work in construction sites and other labour intensive areas. There are hundreds of them in each town, who wander the streets aimlessly especially at the weekends, and often they are also the source of petty crimes such as break-ins and thefts. They are not the settlers though! Only cheap labour that can be located and disposed of easily, once an agreement is reached and stricter immigration rules apply.

Arguments between the way people address each other and even fights as such cannot be an argument in this instance. It happens between TCs and GCs, between TCs and TCs, between GCs and GCs, between English tourists and GCs or TCs all the time. It usually takes two to tango, and even if there is an unjust attack on a person like the one you mentioned, it is a very rare case and not an everyday occurrence. I assure you, if this sort of behaviour became the norm, the TCs are quite capable of dealing with it in other ways - and I personally witnessed it happen in many entertainment places in the past!

You are putting the best spin on all this,bigOz....but i am still worried...very worried....
Of course drugs gambling prostitution exist in all countries...But it is only a small part of the legal or illegal economy....and it is tightly controlled by stringent laws of those countries...We can't say that about the Trnc....

I remember having din dersi (religious instruction) about one hour a week in primary school....But we are now talking about systematic indoctrination of young minds by real fanatics with intensive summer courses and after school hour studies....Some of the stuff I read make my hairs stand on end....How they are scaring innocent children with hell fire and brimstone...or whatever it is they use to scare people witless...

bigOz....when the AKP uses the chief religious officer in the trnc to organise and reorganise the political landscape,via people resigning from their elected parties and forming new parites and forming new coalitions,even blind Freddie would smell some danger....You and VP and Zan (where is he by the way?) might want to bury your heads in the sand mate...but it won't change the feeling in my guts that "something is rotten
in the state of Denmark"... :D

Any worries about the Greek Orthodox Church and their teachings. They have been at it non stop but now you see danger in fanatics. :roll:

There you are ,Zan...
I thought you were away,but maybe because I haven't been around much myslef....School holidays and all that. You will understand...
Look mate...We can't do much about the doings of the Orthodox Church in the Republic....But we can damn well take a good look at what is happening in our own backyard,and try to do something about that...Sweeping problems under the carpet is not going to help our community one iota...The most effective criticism is one which comes from within.That is why I am hard on us, TCs...I leave it to GCs to criticise their side...And if they don't it is their loss...They are only kidding themselves....It won't advance the solution of the peace one step. There are GCs in this forum who do criticise their own side....Cypez/Pyros/Bananiot/Miltiades/Humanist come readily to mind...This is my overall philosophy.Each side put their own house in order,and then we meet in the middle and solve our problems....It is the only way mate.Believe me...

Who said anything about sweaping things under the table??? :? I have mentioned before that there is more than one front to any war and we have to look at all of them. As to the Orthodox church only being a threat to the Greeks then I think you had better rethink that statement.

I have critisised ther Turks many times but that is an internal matter and has no relevence to the "RoC" except for our being under siege and all the implications of that.
I do like your working model of putting our house in order and meeting in the middle. It would be much easier if there were not missiles aimed at us (politically speaking) while we were doing it. Look mate..That is exactly what got us to a point where the "RoC" is in europe dispite their OXI to the Annan plan and we have not got anytrhing we were promised in case of the Greek OXI and if we voted Yes. You can sit back and do all the house cleaning you want and I hope you achieve what you are after but I will fight the other fight that exists along side that one. Can you wish me god spead as well???
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Postby BirKibrisli » Wed Jul 11, 2007 5:08 am

Kikapu wrote:Hi Bir,



Answer (c) is the one that seems to trouble me the most. " One must do their military by the age 49". There is no mention if this is only for those staying longer than 90 days, or what happens after age 49. This is where I have lost confidence to get clear answers from the officials, since it is not written down officially, it is left for interpretation. I was also told recently by the way, that if a TC crosses into the "TRNC" from the South, is less likely to have problems leaving the same way, as suppose to flying into Ercan and trying to leave from Ercan, where one's exit papers will be required from the ASAL SUBE. I do not know why that would make a bit of difference, but this is what was told to me by those who claim to know.

The problem is, everybody claims to know all the answers, but it is not written down anywhere, regarding for those who are above 49 years old, unless you know people on the inside.

You better give VP a call before you go, so that he can take care of you in the "TRNC". :lol:

Hi kikapu....Nice to hear from you again.Were you away or something...?
Come to think of it,i remember you talking about some wedding in London...The real problem as you say is that the laws are not applied to everyone equally...I don't think anyone would deny it,that if you can pull strings you can just about get away with anything...My problem is that I don't want to pull any strings any more...Like you i want to know exactly what I will be facing if I turn up like anybody else...
bigOz is getting to the bottom of this I feel....So lets wait and see what he will dig up...Your point of crossing from the south and avoiding the Asal Sube is interesting....I will ask bigOz what he thinks about that...
And I wouldnt want to impose myself on poor VP,he has enough to deal with without our personal problems with the military... :wink: :lol:
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Postby BirKibrisli » Wed Jul 11, 2007 5:13 am

bigOz wrote:
Birkibrisli wrote:You are sure age plays no part,bigOz????
If that is the case it would make more sense...The problem is ,as Kikapu found out, you get a different "official" answer from everyone you speak to....I wonder what they would do if I turned up and said I wanted to do my full military service.... :lol: :lol: :lol: Send me to peel potatoes????? :lol:

BK I have no reason to lie to you and I do not think you can point to anything I said in this forum that could be interpreted as a lie. Below is current official status, so please read and make your own mind:
Madde 14.

(1) Kıbrıs asıllı Türk anne veya babadan yabancı bir ülkede doğan ve doğduğu veya yerleştiği yabancı ülkede askerlik çağına kadar ikamet eden Kuzey Kıbrıs Türk Cumhuriyeti yurttaşları ile 12 yaşını tamamladığı tarihten önce anne veya babası ile Kıbrıs’tan ayrılan ve gittiği yabancı ülkeye yerleşerek askerlik çağına kadar yurt dışında ikamet eden Kuzey Kıbrıs Türk Cumhuriyeti yurttaşları mükellefiyet hizmetini bu Yasanın 17’nci maddesinin (1)’inci fıkrası kapsamında yerine getirirler.

(2) Bu maddenin (1)’inci fıkrası kapsamına girenlerin, askerlik çağına kadar olan dönem içerisinde, öğrenim nedeniyle Kuzey Kıbrıs Türk Cumhuriyetinde bulunmaları, aşağıdaki şartları taşımaları halinde bu maddenin (1)’inci fıkrası ile verilen haklarını ortadan kaldırmaz.

(A) Toplam yedi yıl yurt dışında ikamet etmek, ve

(B) Anne ve/veya babanın, çocuklarının askerlik çağına kadar olan dönemi içerisinde, Kuzey Kıbrıs Türk Cumhuriyetinde yılda toplam 90 günden fazla ikamet etmemiş olması.

Continuing with the relevant section:
Madde 31. Özel statüde ve bedelli askerlik yapacak olanların yoklamaları:

Bu Yasa’nın [b]14 ncü
ve 15 nci maddeleri kapsamında olanların yoklamaları Güvenlik Kuvvetleri Komutanlığınca tespit edilecek tarihlerde bu Yasa’nın 29 ncu madde kurallarına göre yapılır.

BUT... I think we have a problem because you are over the age of 49:
Madde 37. Özel statüde ve bedelli askerlik yapacak olanların ertelemeleri ve Kuzey Kıbrıs Türk Cumhuriyetinde ikamet süreleri

(1) Bu Yasa’nın 14 ncü maddesi kapsamında olup süresi içinde başvuran ve daimi olarak yurt dışında ikamet etmeye devam edeceğini beyan edenlerin askerlik yükümlülüğü Kuzey Kıbrıs Türk Cumhuriyetine kesin dönüş yapacakları tarihe ve her halükarda en fazla 49 yaşını tamamlayacağı tarihe kadar ertelenir. .......

(2) Yukarıdaki (1) nci fıkra kurallarına uygun olarak askerlik yükümlülüğü tecil ettirenler, Kuzey Kıbrıs Türk Cumhuriyetinde Yılda toplam 90 günü aşmamak koşulu ile en fazla 49 yaşını tamamladıkları tarihe kadar ikamet edebilirler. Meşru mazaret hali dışında yılda toplam 90 günden fazla ikamet ettiği saptananlar ile 49 yaşını tamamlayanlara çıkış izni verilmez ve bunlar kesin dönüş yapmış sayılır.

Bunlardan 90 günlük ikamet süresini dolduranlar Kuzey Kıbrıs Türk Cumhuriyetine son giriş yaptıkları tarihten itibaren 12 ay, 49 yaşını dolduranlar ise 49 yaşını doldurduğu tarihten sonra Kuzey Kıbrıs Türk Cumhuriyetine ilk defa giriş yaptıkları tarihten itibaren 90 gün içinde ASAL Şubeye başvurarak müracaat tarihinden itibaren; ikamet süresini dolduranlar 12 ay, 49 yaşını tamamlayanlar ise 24 ay içerisinde bu Yasa’nın 17 nci maddesinin (1) nci fıkrası uyarınca askerlik yükümlülüklerini yerine getirmek zorundadırlar.

Madde 17.

(1) Bu Yasa’nın 14 ncü maddesi kapsamında olanlar mükellefiyet hizmetini aşağıdaki şekilde yerine getirebilirler :

(a) 3000 Stg. (Sterling) ödeyerek serbest kalmak, veya

(b) 1500 Stg. (Sterling) ödeyerek 1ay hizmet yapmak, veya

(c) Kesin dönüş yapmak amacı ile Kuzey Kıbrıs Türk Cumhuriyetine giriş yaptığı tarihte 31 yaşından küçük olanlar 6 ay hizmet yapmak, veya

(ç) Kesin dönüş yapmak amacı ile Kuzey Kıbrıs Türk Cumhuriyetine giriş yaptığı tarihte 31 yaşından (31 dahil) büyük olanlar 3 ay hizmet yapmak.

The above apply to those who left Cyprus to go and live in Europe, so I am not exactly sure about the status of those allowed to emigrate to Australia. That was done with the approval of the Turkish authorities at the time and blessings of the RoC government. Hence, for all intents and purposes, their Cypriot citizenship ceased the minute they were allowed to go and became Australians. As you can see above there is a "mesru mazaret disinda" clause (special circumstances) where it says those over the age of 49 should serve. I need to find out what these special circumstances are.

BK, I have a close family friend who runs a "bufe" near ASAL Sube where all this is dealt with (serves them their food every day). Give me a week or so and I'll try to find out what the position of those who ended up in Australia would be.

Otherwise, you have three options:

1. Pay nothing and play war games for 3 months (can be fun if you are fit)
2. Pay 1500 stg and do 1 month
3. or pay 3000 stg and do nothing

bigOz....thanks for your time and efforts mate...Most appreciated....The picture is becoming clearer...There are two other matters you might be able to clarify for me...Is my exit permit from 1999 still valid? And what about Kikapu's point above,that you bypass Asal Sube if you cross from the South and back the same way???? cheers.... 8)
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Postby BirKibrisli » Wed Jul 11, 2007 5:22 am

zan wrote:
Birkibrisli wrote:
zan wrote:
Birkibrisli wrote:
bigOz wrote:BK, with all respect, I think you've gone a little off track here!

The drug barons and the problems they bring with them is not unique to TRNC but is even more evident in the South. Compared to Mafia style bombings and shootings that go on in the South every year, North Cyprus still has a lot of catching up to do!

Religion and Koran courses always existed in TC schools - did you not get any at your school? I used to hate them and made up any excuse to miss them, and my son who is 12 now has been doing exactly the same
Religion had and will never affect the TC culture! Some wealthy religious bodies whether from Saudi Arabia or Turkey - it really does not matter - will always build a new mosque or finance more facilities for religious classes. But that can also happen in the South if the price is right!

You seem to have an opinion on what you read in the press which is often politically motivated and hence exaggerated. Those of us who have lived recently or live in Cyprus know very well that the North is not flooded as such with settlers from Turkey. Neither has the culture has disappeared - turkish-cypriot is absolutely right in saying that the settlers have converted to Cypriot culture! Most even talk with a Cypriot accent rather than the mainland Turkish one!

What is often being confused is the cheap labour brought in from Turkey who work in construction sites and other labour intensive areas. There are hundreds of them in each town, who wander the streets aimlessly especially at the weekends, and often they are also the source of petty crimes such as break-ins and thefts. They are not the settlers though! Only cheap labour that can be located and disposed of easily, once an agreement is reached and stricter immigration rules apply.

Arguments between the way people address each other and even fights as such cannot be an argument in this instance. It happens between TCs and GCs, between TCs and TCs, between GCs and GCs, between English tourists and GCs or TCs all the time. It usually takes two to tango, and even if there is an unjust attack on a person like the one you mentioned, it is a very rare case and not an everyday occurrence. I assure you, if this sort of behaviour became the norm, the TCs are quite capable of dealing with it in other ways - and I personally witnessed it happen in many entertainment places in the past!

You are putting the best spin on all this,bigOz....but i am still worried...very worried....
Of course drugs gambling prostitution exist in all countries...But it is only a small part of the legal or illegal economy....and it is tightly controlled by stringent laws of those countries...We can't say that about the Trnc....

I remember having din dersi (religious instruction) about one hour a week in primary school....But we are now talking about systematic indoctrination of young minds by real fanatics with intensive summer courses and after school hour studies....Some of the stuff I read make my hairs stand on end....How they are scaring innocent children with hell fire and brimstone...or whatever it is they use to scare people witless...

bigOz....when the AKP uses the chief religious officer in the trnc to organise and reorganise the political landscape,via people resigning from their elected parties and forming new parites and forming new coalitions,even blind Freddie would smell some danger....You and VP and Zan (where is he by the way?) might want to bury your heads in the sand mate...but it won't change the feeling in my guts that "something is rotten
in the state of Denmark"... :D

Any worries about the Greek Orthodox Church and their teachings. They have been at it non stop but now you see danger in fanatics. :roll:

There you are ,Zan...
I thought you were away,but maybe because I haven't been around much myslef....School holidays and all that. You will understand...
Look mate...We can't do much about the doings of the Orthodox Church in the Republic....But we can damn well take a good look at what is happening in our own backyard,and try to do something about that...Sweeping problems under the carpet is not going to help our community one iota...The most effective criticism is one which comes from within.That is why I am hard on us, TCs...I leave it to GCs to criticise their side...And if they don't it is their loss...They are only kidding themselves....It won't advance the solution of the peace one step. There are GCs in this forum who do criticise their own side....Cypez/Pyros/Bananiot/Miltiades/Humanist come readily to mind...This is my overall philosophy.Each side put their own house in order,and then we meet in the middle and solve our problems....It is the only way mate.Believe me...

Who said anything about sweaping things under the table??? :? I have mentioned before that there is more than one front to any war and we have to look at all of them. As to the Orthodox church only being a threat to the Greeks then I think you had better rethink that statement.

I have critisised ther Turks many times but that is an internal matter and has no relevence to the "RoC" except for our being under siege and all the implications of that.
I do like your working model of putting our house in order and meeting in the middle. It would be much easier if there were not missiles aimed at us (politically speaking) while we were doing it. Look mate..That is exactly what got us to a point where the "RoC" is in europe dispite their OXI to the Annan plan and we have not got anytrhing we were promised in case of the Greek OXI and if we voted Yes. You can sit back and do all the house cleaning you want and I hope you achieve what you are after but I will fight the other fight that exists along side that one. Can you wish me god spead as well???

Zan,I never said the Orthodox Church poses no problems for TCs...I said we cannot do much about the doings of the Church from where we are...It is upto the GCs to try to curb the negative influences of their own Church in the peace process...If they don't well peace and solution will be so much more difficult....I wish you God speed with your fight,which is easier than mine....When I say clean up our act I mean: rejecting Turkey's presence in Cyprus as an act of occupation and demanding her withdrawal;insisting on stripping all settlers of the power to vote;backing only those political parties who want unification under the 1960 agreement;and making no compromise of our right of self rule and self determination as a separate nation of Cypriots....Now tell me which one of us has the more difficult job....??? :wink: :lol: :lol:
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Postby halil » Wed Jul 11, 2007 7:10 am

Birkibrisli wrote:
bigOz wrote:
Birkibrisli wrote:You are sure age plays no part,bigOz????
If that is the case it would make more sense...The problem is ,as Kikapu found out, you get a different "official" answer from everyone you speak to....I wonder what they would do if I turned up and said I wanted to do my full military service.... :lol: :lol: :lol: Send me to peel potatoes????? :lol:

BK I have no reason to lie to you and I do not think you can point to anything I said in this forum that could be interpreted as a lie. Below is current official status, so please read and make your own mind:
Madde 14.

(1) Kıbrıs asıllı Türk anne veya babadan yabancı bir ülkede doğan ve doğduğu veya yerleştiği yabancı ülkede askerlik çağına kadar ikamet eden Kuzey Kıbrıs Türk Cumhuriyeti yurttaşları ile 12 yaşını tamamladığı tarihten önce anne veya babası ile Kıbrıs’tan ayrılan ve gittiği yabancı ülkeye yerleşerek askerlik çağına kadar yurt dışında ikamet eden Kuzey Kıbrıs Türk Cumhuriyeti yurttaşları mükellefiyet hizmetini bu Yasanın 17’nci maddesinin (1)’inci fıkrası kapsamında yerine getirirler.

(2) Bu maddenin (1)’inci fıkrası kapsamına girenlerin, askerlik çağına kadar olan dönem içerisinde, öğrenim nedeniyle Kuzey Kıbrıs Türk Cumhuriyetinde bulunmaları, aşağıdaki şartları taşımaları halinde bu maddenin (1)’inci fıkrası ile verilen haklarını ortadan kaldırmaz.

(A) Toplam yedi yıl yurt dışında ikamet etmek, ve

(B) Anne ve/veya babanın, çocuklarının askerlik çağına kadar olan dönemi içerisinde, Kuzey Kıbrıs Türk Cumhuriyetinde yılda toplam 90 günden fazla ikamet etmemiş olması.

Continuing with the relevant section:
Madde 31. Özel statüde ve bedelli askerlik yapacak olanların yoklamaları:

Bu Yasa’nın [b]14 ncü
ve 15 nci maddeleri kapsamında olanların yoklamaları Güvenlik Kuvvetleri Komutanlığınca tespit edilecek tarihlerde bu Yasa’nın 29 ncu madde kurallarına göre yapılır.

BUT... I think we have a problem because you are over the age of 49:
Madde 37. Özel statüde ve bedelli askerlik yapacak olanların ertelemeleri ve Kuzey Kıbrıs Türk Cumhuriyetinde ikamet süreleri

(1) Bu Yasa’nın 14 ncü maddesi kapsamında olup süresi içinde başvuran ve daimi olarak yurt dışında ikamet etmeye devam edeceğini beyan edenlerin askerlik yükümlülüğü Kuzey Kıbrıs Türk Cumhuriyetine kesin dönüş yapacakları tarihe ve her halükarda en fazla 49 yaşını tamamlayacağı tarihe kadar ertelenir. .......

(2) Yukarıdaki (1) nci fıkra kurallarına uygun olarak askerlik yükümlülüğü tecil ettirenler, Kuzey Kıbrıs Türk Cumhuriyetinde Yılda toplam 90 günü aşmamak koşulu ile en fazla 49 yaşını tamamladıkları tarihe kadar ikamet edebilirler. Meşru mazaret hali dışında yılda toplam 90 günden fazla ikamet ettiği saptananlar ile 49 yaşını tamamlayanlara çıkış izni verilmez ve bunlar kesin dönüş yapmış sayılır.

Bunlardan 90 günlük ikamet süresini dolduranlar Kuzey Kıbrıs Türk Cumhuriyetine son giriş yaptıkları tarihten itibaren 12 ay, 49 yaşını dolduranlar ise 49 yaşını doldurduğu tarihten sonra Kuzey Kıbrıs Türk Cumhuriyetine ilk defa giriş yaptıkları tarihten itibaren 90 gün içinde ASAL Şubeye başvurarak müracaat tarihinden itibaren; ikamet süresini dolduranlar 12 ay, 49 yaşını tamamlayanlar ise 24 ay içerisinde bu Yasa’nın 17 nci maddesinin (1) nci fıkrası uyarınca askerlik yükümlülüklerini yerine getirmek zorundadırlar.

Madde 17.

(1) Bu Yasa’nın 14 ncü maddesi kapsamında olanlar mükellefiyet hizmetini aşağıdaki şekilde yerine getirebilirler :

(a) 3000 Stg. (Sterling) ödeyerek serbest kalmak, veya

(b) 1500 Stg. (Sterling) ödeyerek 1ay hizmet yapmak, veya

(c) Kesin dönüş yapmak amacı ile Kuzey Kıbrıs Türk Cumhuriyetine giriş yaptığı tarihte 31 yaşından küçük olanlar 6 ay hizmet yapmak, veya

(ç) Kesin dönüş yapmak amacı ile Kuzey Kıbrıs Türk Cumhuriyetine giriş yaptığı tarihte 31 yaşından (31 dahil) büyük olanlar 3 ay hizmet yapmak.

The above apply to those who left Cyprus to go and live in Europe, so I am not exactly sure about the status of those allowed to emigrate to Australia. That was done with the approval of the Turkish authorities at the time and blessings of the RoC government. Hence, for all intents and purposes, their Cypriot citizenship ceased the minute they were allowed to go and became Australians. As you can see above there is a "mesru mazaret disinda" clause (special circumstances) where it says those over the age of 49 should serve. I need to find out what these special circumstances are.

BK, I have a close family friend who runs a "bufe" near ASAL Sube where all this is dealt with (serves them their food every day). Give me a week or so and I'll try to find out what the position of those who ended up in Australia would be.

Otherwise, you have three options:

1. Pay nothing and play war games for 3 months (can be fun if you are fit)
2. Pay 1500 stg and do 1 month
3. or pay 3000 stg and do nothing

bigOz....thanks for your time and efforts mate...Most appreciated....The picture is becoming clearer...There are two other matters you might be able to clarify for me...Is my exit permit from 1999 still valid? And what about Kikapu's point above,that you bypass Asal Sube if you cross from the South and back the same way???? cheers.... 8)

My dear friend Birkıbrıslı,

you are writing everyday on this forum...... somehow u are very lasy to write direcly to ASAL ŞÜBE....... Come on man .don't be lasy. DO YOUR OWN JOB !!!! this is advise u.I am a year older than u.As soon as i return home i will find out for u.Best thing is to get in touch with them.3 weeks ago my cousine came from london.he was born in london.he paid 3000 pound.he is free now.he did'n go to army at all.
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