Birkibrisli wrote:turkish_cypriot wrote:Birkibrisli wrote:Unless a miracle happens the TC culture will disappear from the North withing 25 years....But it will not disappear completely....The TC culture and identity will live in the GCs in the South....As long as one GC is left in Cyprus future anthropologists will have an idea what a TC was like before the world conspired to make them extinct...

Bir my friend...please do not say these things without coming to Cyprus because this is simply NOT the case. The article has truth to it but TCs aren't going anywhere and nor is our culture.
Settlers have been coming here since 74....TCs are still aplenty and people who come here fit in with US, the settlers aren't turning us into Turks, they're fitting in with US!
Does any of the TCs who are unbiased (ie: Iceman) have anything to add? Am I wrong? I really don't think I am because people here are very much Cypriot. Furthermore TCs make a lot of the Turks feel VERY unwelcome here...
I hope you are right,t_c...But consider the possibility that yours is simply wishful thinking....
I read the TC online media every day...I read time and time again (and not only in Afrika!!!) columnists lamenting the loss of their culture and identity....I read people describing how they walk from Girne kapisi (Kyrenia Gate) to Ataturk Square without encountering one TC face...Pressure coming from the top to become more and more "Turkish"every day....They are starting to introduce Koran courses at schools to make people more Islamic....The other day some Turkish thug of a security man beat up the best known TC stage actor in the NOrth.His guilt? Asking him to please speak more politely....Mafia and drug barons are having a field day...You are kidding yourself if you think TCs can absorb all this pressure without changing...But lets hope u r right...
BK, with all respect, I think you've gone a little off track here!
The drug barons and the problems they bring with them is not unique to TRNC but is even more evident in the South. Compared to Mafia style bombings and shootings that go on in the South every year, North Cyprus still has a lot of catching up to do!
Religion and Koran courses always existed in TC schools - did you not get any at your school? I used to hate them and made up any excuse to miss them, and my son who is 12 now has been doing exactly the same
Religion had and will never affect the TC culture! Some wealthy religious bodies whether from Saudi Arabia or Turkey - it really does not matter - will always build a new mosque or finance more facilities for religious classes. But that can also happen in the South if the price is right!
You seem to have an opinion on what you read in the press which is often politically motivated and hence exaggerated. Those of us who have lived recently or live in Cyprus know very well that the North is not flooded as such with settlers from Turkey. Neither has the culture has disappeared - turkish-cypriot is absolutely right in saying that the settlers have converted to Cypriot culture! Most even talk with a Cypriot accent rather than the mainland Turkish one!
What is often being confused is the cheap labour brought in from Turkey who work in construction sites and other labour intensive areas. There are hundreds of them in each town, who wander the streets aimlessly especially at the weekends, and often they are also the source of petty crimes such as break-ins and thefts. They are not the settlers though! Only cheap labour that can be located and disposed of easily, once an agreement is reached and stricter immigration rules apply.
Arguments between the way people address each other and even fights as such cannot be an argument in this instance. It happens between TCs and GCs, between TCs and TCs, between GCs and GCs, between English tourists and GCs or TCs all the time. It usually takes two to tango, and even if there is an unjust attack on a person like the one you mentioned, it is a very rare case and not an everyday occurrence. I assure you, if this sort of behaviour became the norm, the TCs are quite capable of dealing with it in other ways - and I personally witnessed it happen in many entertainment places in the past!