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Is this GC or TC propaganda

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby iceman » Sat Jul 07, 2007 11:30 pm

Get Real! wrote:
iceman wrote:
Pyrpolizer wrote:I said many times the TCs have done FATAL mistakes over the years. The first fatal mistake was their Taksim dream, the second the settlers, the third the selling of GC properties to foreigners.

How about the fatal mistakes of GC's? would you like to list some of them also or shall i?
We know by now,blaming the other side got us no where till now,the fact is,WE both made fatal mistakes and unless WE both start admitting them WE will not achieve any progress..

The only thing I regret in my life is being born... :)

I dont mind the fact of being born but why,why did we have to be born in Cyprus into this mess?? Could we not have been born else where in the world where people have more solvable daily problems instead of this lifetime lasting shit!!
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Postby Filitsa » Sat Jul 07, 2007 11:47 pm

My philosophy, my ideology is best summed up by Oscar Wilde when he said

“A map of the world that does not include Utopia is not worth even glancing at, for it leaves out the one country at which Humanity is always landing.”

Oscar was not a pragmatist, which is why he was such prolific writer. If it were true that "Humanity" is always landing at Utupia, then this forum wouldn't exist. "Humanity" aims at Utopia but falls short of landing at it (I, on the other hand, am a pragmatist, which is why my writing stinks.)

Back to the thread: I'm curious to know why the emphasis is on 'propaganda or not' and not the message itself because it's a good one.
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Postby Ghandi » Sun Jul 08, 2007 11:10 am

i really enjoyed the article.I thought it was from the heart and had a great message.It was very insigtful and eye opening to me I asked if it propaganda because my reasearch has found so seems that the GC use certain arguements as do the TC and therefore i am sceptical that an article is not leaning towards any agenda .

Some of the arguements that i thought might be arguements used by opposing government are the ones that follow

The people who are in Cyprus know of their uniqueness yet day by day it disappears. They live in a country where they are a minority. A country were in times of protest the crowd chants Turkiye a country were certain places the Cypriot fails to venture because it is full of settlers

I understand that The Turkish army is there because of certain reasons and so are the settlers. This occupation and it can only be called one if the majority on the North call it one is leading to a melting away of a culture

The people of Cyprus live there lives as the easy going people they are. Living for the day. There lives of coffee, kebabs and money. Many have money through Greek Cypriot land through the business of the settlers and the money that Turkey gives.

There are reasons for this I know but they are all short term. If we continue selling other peoples land then if I was a GC I would find it difficult to want to reach a settlement. If we live off Turkeys land then they will continue to own us financially, emotionally and culturally. If our survival depends on other races then what will happen to our own race.

The Greeks aid no to the Anan plan but they had there reasons. They may not want to have dialogue with our government and again they have there reasons. The world may not recognize us or have agendas in keeping the Island divided. I am not here to write about that this has been written about for 35 years. In this time a culture has ceased to grow and is now disappearing.
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Postby BirKibrisli » Sun Jul 08, 2007 1:39 pm

Unless a miracle happens the TC culture will disappear from the North withing 25 years....But it will not disappear completely....The TC culture and identity will live in the GCs in the South....As long as one GC is left in Cyprus future anthropologists will have an idea what a TC was like before the world conspired to make them extinct... :cry:
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Postby Pyrpolizer » Sun Jul 08, 2007 9:28 pm

iceman wrote:
Pyrpolizer wrote:I said many times the TCs have done FATAL mistakes over the years. The first fatal mistake was their Taksim dream, the second the settlers, the third the selling of GC properties to foreigners.

How about the fatal mistakes of GC's? would you like to list some of them also or shall i?
We know by now,blaming the other side got us no where till now,the fact is,WE both made fatal mistakes and unless WE both start admitting them WE will not achieve any progress..

Sorry but you are confusing mistakes with FATAL mistakes. The later are the ones that kill any possibility for a solution.
Be my guest tell me what FATAL mistakes have the GCs done.
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Postby iceman » Sun Jul 08, 2007 9:41 pm

Pyrpolizer wrote:
iceman wrote:
Pyrpolizer wrote:I said many times the TCs have done FATAL mistakes over the years. The first fatal mistake was their Taksim dream, the second the settlers, the third the selling of GC properties to foreigners.

How about the fatal mistakes of GC's? would you like to list some of them also or shall i?
We know by now,blaming the other side got us no where till now,the fact is,WE both made fatal mistakes and unless WE both start admitting them WE will not achieve any progress..

Sorry but you are confusing mistakes with FATAL mistakes. The later are the ones that kill any possibility for a solution.
Be my guest tell me what FATAL mistakes have the GCs done.

C'mon pyro,lets not play word games..
Dictionaries describe "fatal" as
a-causing or capable of causing death; mortal; deadly
b-causing destruction, misfortune, ruin, or failure

Enosis was as fatal as Taksim
EOKA was as fatal as TMT
and the most important fatal mistake coup d'état in 1974...
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Postby T_C » Sun Jul 08, 2007 9:52 pm

Birkibrisli wrote:Unless a miracle happens the TC culture will disappear from the North withing 25 years....But it will not disappear completely....The TC culture and identity will live in the GCs in the South....As long as one GC is left in Cyprus future anthropologists will have an idea what a TC was like before the world conspired to make them extinct... :cry:

Bir my friend...please do not say these things without coming to Cyprus because this is simply NOT the case. The article has truth to it but TCs arent going anywhere and nor is our culture.

Settlers have been coming here since 74....TCs are still aplenty and people who come here fit in with US, the settlers aren't turning us into Turks, they're fitting in with US!

Does any of the TCs who are unbiased (ie: Iceman) have anything to add? Am I wrong? I really don't think I am because people here are very much Cypriot. Furthermore TCs make a lot of the Turks feel VERY unwelcome here...
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Postby DT. » Sun Jul 08, 2007 10:09 pm

turkish_cypriot wrote:
Birkibrisli wrote:Unless a miracle happens the TC culture will disappear from the North withing 25 years....But it will not disappear completely....The TC culture and identity will live in the GCs in the South....As long as one GC is left in Cyprus future anthropologists will have an idea what a TC was like before the world conspired to make them extinct... :cry:

Bir my friend...please do not say these things without coming to Cyprus because this is simply NOT the case. The article has truth to it but TCs arent going anywhere and nor is our culture.

Settlers have been coming here since 74....TCs are still aplenty and people who come here fit in with US, the settlers aren't turning us into Turks, they're fitting in with US!
Does any of the TCs who are unbiased (ie: Iceman) have anything to add? Am I wrong? I really don't think I am because people here are very much Cypriot. Furthermore TCs make a lot of the Turks feel VERY unwelcome here...[/quote]

WHich one do you wish to happen TC? DO you want them to integrate with you or do you consider them outcasts?
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Postby T_C » Sun Jul 08, 2007 10:23 pm

Well they have no choice DT, a lot of them aren't appreciated over here and some TCs make it quite clear...its them who end up trying to fit in with us so theres no chance of TCs becoming extinct. Turks know this is Cyprus and we do things our own way, they don't try and turn Cyprus into Turkey. It's the Turkish government who tries to do that with the statues and all the rest of it...

The secular Turks I am fine with...its the Islamists I dont like because they're harder to assimilate. The secular ones are not much different from TCs apart from their accents.
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Postby DT. » Sun Jul 08, 2007 10:27 pm

turkish_cypriot wrote:Well they have no choice DT, a lot of them aren't appreciated over here and some TCs make it quite clear...its them who end up trying to fit in with us so theres no chance of TCs becoming extinct. Turks know this is Cyprus and we do things our own way, they don't try and turn Cyprus into Turkey. It's the Turkish government who tries to do that with the statues and all the rest of it...

The secular Turks I am fine with...its the Islamists I dont like because they're harder to assimilate. The secular ones are not much different from TCs apart from their accents.

they're all still foreigners on this land TC and ths GC's being the hospitable people that they are are providing them with their homes.
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