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How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby RichardB » Tue Jul 10, 2007 12:13 am

VP I think paliometoxo is talking about TCs who came over for the funeral of the child who was murdered. And is refering to the number of TCs who came over
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Postby Jerry » Tue Jul 10, 2007 12:13 am

Viewpoint wrote:
Jerry wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
Jerry wrote:VP would you have asked this question if the child victim had been Greek Cypriot?

Definately, and I would not have caused all the comotion some people are showing on this thread, Richard appears to be the only level headed individual with a sense of civility and concern. The others have all attacked me for asking for answers, well you all reak of guilt and this its not so important attitude is really pissing me off. There is even the most fanatic creep trying to score brownie points, what and absolute idiot, I do not respond to people I do not value therefore anything they have to say is also worthless.

So if you would have asked the question regardless of the race of the victim why did you feel the need to mention the fact that the child was a TC. Its quite obvious you were just trying to stir up trouble.

Have you ever heard of clarity? if I were enquiring about GC children I would try to be just as clear. Why is everyone so annoyed, the next thing you would will telling people these incidents never took place.

That's a pretty crappy argument VP, clarity my foot. You have been caught out trying to gratuitously dig up some anti GC dirt. Why on earth would I tell people these incidents never took place when, judging by the media coverage, they obviously did.
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Postby Kikapu » Tue Jul 10, 2007 9:48 am

Viewpoint wrote:
Are these the same ones that were told not enter into an military area if they did they would be at risk, are these the sane people that tried to go up a flag pole and tear down a nations flag? Although I condone the incident and feel ashamed and disgusted by the act the warnings were in place but nor heeded but the children got no such warnings..can you see the difference.

The truth is always somewhere in what ever VP writes. It may not be the truth he wants us to know about himself, but he does make a slip and tells us what it is, that he wants to tell us.


Is that what he really feels and just made a slip, or was it, there were no slips, but the direct truth.???

Giving VP's past on self made damaging HATE and PROPOGANDA remarks, the above possibilities on his intent on the use of the words "I CONDONE" may go "hand in hand".
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