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My first rant.

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My first rant.

Postby joe » Fri Jul 06, 2007 11:28 pm

My first rant.

Don’t mind me, just letting off some steam.


You look at some of these characters driving in Cyprus and you just wonder how did they get a license to drive that vehicle? Stop means Stop or “STOPE”. Kindly remove the foot from the acceleration when entering an intersection and slooow down. When a sign is saying round-about coming up, kindly remove the foot from the acceleration and slooow down. When there is traffic, why does the car in back feel the need to ride up to your bumper like your going to pick up your vehicle to bypass all the traffic…ok, this is where you back off a bit as accidents are prone to happen if you don’t give the guy in front of you some space.


Ohh how people love to yap here about anything and everything and they don’t care who is listening. You can be at work dealing with a tight schedule, evidently, a tight schedule here means gossiping 4 working hours instead of the regular six working hours. Even at the gym, one flat bench, and this guy chooses it to just sit back and relax and blather away on his mobile. Hey, Don Juan, you see me standing here waiting to use the bench…mooooveee!!!!!!!! Ohh girl im sexy, you just don’t know blabla blab la blablablaaa. What is this?

OK, feel better now. Take care.
Last edited by joe on Fri Jul 06, 2007 11:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: My first rant.

Postby Niki » Fri Jul 06, 2007 11:31 pm

joe wrote:My first rant.

Don’t mind me, just letting off some steam.


You look at some of these characters driving in Cyprus and you just wonder how did they get a license to drive that vehicle? Stop means Stop or “STOPE”. Kindly remove the foot from the acceleration when entering an intersection and slooow down. When a sign is saying round-about coming up, kindly remove the foot from the acceleration and slooow down. When there is traffic, why does the car in back feel the need to ride up to your bumper like your going to pick up your vehicle to bypass all the traffic…ok, this is where you back off a bit as accidents are prone to happen if you don’t give the guy in front of you some space.


Ohh how people love to yap here about anything and everything and they don’t care who is listening. You can be at work dealing with a tight schedule, evidently, a tight schedule here means gossiping 4 working hours instead of the regular six working hours. Even at the gym, one flat bench, and this guy chooses it to just sit back and relax and blather away on his mobile. Hey, Don Juan, you see me standing here waiting to use the bench….mooooveee!!!!!!!! Ohh girl im sexy, you just don’t know blabla blab la blablablaaa. What is this?

OK, feel better now. Take care.

Nice one. Feel better now? :lol: :lol:
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Postby Eliko » Fri Jul 06, 2007 11:37 pm

Niki, I have just consumed rather too much red wine, I misread your post and eagerly shot in for a gander, shocking stuff !.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby oranos64 » Sat Jul 07, 2007 12:40 am

JOE nice ...i solve both issues being both conservative and agreesive ...i need the bench " move" if you are in the gym and doing your workout forcefully and use correct body language ...

driving ..simple ...use your horn .your hazurds now and again ...and scream in the mirror

works for me ... to be honest i also conduct myself as a gentleman ...most cypriots recognise confidence and act accordingly by getting out my way ... then again i love cyprus and the people the people are lax at times ..better than then get blown up by loons (uk) shot (south africa ) trampled (U.S ) ALL OF THE ABOVE (RUSSIA )
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Postby marshie » Sat Jul 07, 2007 1:40 am

Joe you need to drive like everyone else

thats what i do now, and i tell you what it feels great! :D

ROAD RAGE! :shock:
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Postby paul » Sat Jul 07, 2007 9:48 am

we all need to let of steam now and again... thats why i love driving in cyprus it's crazy & you forget all your troubles because your to busy throwing insult at one an other.
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Postby skyvet » Sat Jul 07, 2007 12:42 pm

That would probably explain the higher than average road accident victims per head of population!
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Postby joe » Sun Jul 08, 2007 4:48 am

I think that most Cypriot drivers are indeed good drivers, but there are some who are truly too aggressive--and reading from the responses here, id say you people know who you are!

Has anyone ever said something to another driver and then regretted opening their mouth? There is that brief instance when you just cant hold your tongue:

Hey, when the light starts turning green give me one second before honking that horn, just one second, giagia...thats all im asking. What’s that? Uhuh, well I got places to go and people to see as well!
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Postby paliometoxo » Tue Jul 10, 2007 3:00 am

its not like england where you have 50 tests all very hard to pass. here u move foward and u passed and everyone drives crazy here.. like lights.. red means precoeed with caution
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Postby Crivens » Tue Jul 10, 2007 8:23 am

I think that most Cypriot drivers are indeed good drivers, but there are some who are truly too aggressive
Nope, don't agree. Be aggressive sure, but I find it less aggressive here. I used to commute along the M4 near London every day and in no way is it more aggressive here. If anything you get a *lot* of people being extra cautious at roundabouts and junctions. It's like c'mon get a bloody move on. It's probably because of the massive amount of accidents though. I notice I'm getting more cautious since I've been here.

Personally I put it down to sheer lack of concentration while driving. Couple that with not maintaining the cars. Most of the time crossing the road for a pedestrian here (even on crossings) is putting your life in your hands. Don't put a foot on that road until you are totally sure. Imagine my surprise when someone stopped for me the other day *before* putting my foot down? I had already decided she was going too fast and would probably kill me before stopping, so I waited. She noticed me by the crossing, and decided she *had* to stop. Unfortuantly she was going a bit too fast and the car was a bit too old, and she had to do an emergency stop on the road (which was totally empty apart from her). Had to laugh at her face that looked like she was going to mow down a child or something. :)

red means precoeed with caution
Heh, are you sure? More like just proceed. While talking (and looking) at the person in the passenger seat/ phone/ back seat/ sky. :)

Has anyone ever said something to another driver and then regretted opening their mouth?
Oh yeah. But that is normally in the vast minority. One time someone yelled and beeped at me for making him stop his car. On a pedestrian crossing. I gave him the universal single finger salute. Twat.

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