A four way stop intersection, right? means STOP! You let one car car go and all the other cars in back of it think this means they can pass as well. What kind of idiots reside down here?
I just came home in a foul mood.
I havent eaten all day and im tired of eating the food around my neighborhood. Im heading down to the strip in Lemesos so that i can get a chicken wopper (freaken lite mayo, how do you say that in Romanian!) king size because im starving. Ok, so im waiting for my food and yes chicks at the cafe right next door are checking me out. I now have the food in my hand and I get into my car thats parked right outside Basement and place my food on the passenger seat. Aww, i can smell the food. Im now driving down the strip when low and behold some idiot wants to merge but doesnt feel the need to stop at the stop sign and i slam my breaks. yes, fries, tomatoes, onion rings diet coke everywhere. While im looking at the mess, the car in back of me starts to honk his horn. Sh@% the ^%$# up ^*& worthless freakin @$$%*&!# You hear me? I pulled my car over so that i can clean the mess. Thirty minutes later, i check my pockets and i do not have enough for that King size meal. Damn, not enough for that medium size meal either. I should have caught up to the idiot asked for my money. Yes give me my 4 pounds and another 6 pounds because i now have to get my car cleaned, what is that? You cant breathe?
Back to reality. im heading home, grab my wallet and head to the nearest Zorba for a tuna fish sandwich. It just doesnt smell the same