bit expenssive though even the 4mbit is £95 a month but i like the uploads! and its not available in my village either lol
i have cytanet and they suck 1Mbit with a crappy 128k upload i havent
had this bad internet in years.
Package Name Max Speed Down/Up Static IPs Installation Fee Monthly Fee
SpiderADSL 300K 300Kbps / 128Kbps no £40 £20.95
SpiderADSL 750K 750Kbps / 256Kbps no £40 £23.95
SpiderADSL 1M 1Mbps / 256Kbps no £40 £27.95
SpiderADSL 1.5M +IP 1.5Mbps / 256Kbps 1 £40 £47.95
SpiderADSL 2M + IP 2Mbps / 256Kbps 1 £40 £59.95
SpiderADSL 4M + IP 4Mbps / 256Kbps 1 £40 £91.95
all on the first web site i posted the adsl companies and what they offer and how much/...
but they are so expenssive i mean who can afford such connections???
24mbit in england i have for £30 a month i think its even 25 now with bethere :/ and mostly are nto available in my village.. i hope cytanet offer us something faster soon for cheap