Check this out... ... ed&search=
I find it very enlightening....
Hope you too...
Is it a long book ? it ought to be it took Ulysese 10 years to get to Ithaka.karma wrote:very nice video, if people read more Hikmet and Seferis , things wld have been much better on the way to Ithaka
oranos64 wrote:please ...hahahhahahaha the turkish cypriots here are talking about brainwashing the ones who are bombarded with images of your flag every 20seconds on your state tv ,your army brainwashes your troops to ethinically cleanse everynation near you (greeks ,syrians ,armenians etc ,." lucky is he born to be a turk is lit up on the kyrenia mountain range (which we cyps pay for) ..." atturk this and that ... read his book ...seems your military didnt understand his final comments .." become gentlemen ..not barbrians ....
,,man please .look at history who invaded who .... ? what technolgy or medicine or even skills have come from your empire in the last 50 years ..opps forgot you guys are the master race in the area ...with your 1 million troops yep want peace ...
you my friend are brainwashed .....sorry i have no time for you ....
souroul wrote:oh there we go, the epitome of brain washing has spoken.
turkish_cypriot, are you saying that we are more brainwashed than you? it takes a very low IQ and a very high level of stupidity to assume that. harsh, but true. just a week ago all the turkish papers had a field day with the death of that diplomat, when the embassy that examined the scene first clearly stated the situation as a personal disaster.
how can a country ran by the military not be brainwashed... are you kidding me? just a month ago the military threatened to march their tanks in the streets and take over the government... AGAIN
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