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US/UK Atrocities against the children of Iraq...

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Postby Exorcist-seeker » Thu Nov 29, 2007 12:05 am

saddam killed over a million people in genoicide, he poisened them with gas bcus he had no means of political rule... he basically bullied ppl into voting for him.... what type of phycho goes on national tv waving a gun and shutting it into the air neway?? some1 who wants to drive fear into ppl...

Bush & Blair saved the world its simple
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Postby Get Real! » Thu Nov 29, 2007 12:08 am

Exorcist-seeker wrote:saddam killed over a million people in genoicide, he poisened them with gas bcus he had no means of political rule... he basically bullied ppl into voting for him.... what type of phycho goes on national tv waving a gun and shutting it into the air neway?? some1 who wants to drive fear into ppl...

Bush & Blair saved the world its simple

You shameless little poof… how many times can one get disgraced and still come back for more??? :roll:
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Postby Exorcist-seeker » Thu Nov 29, 2007 12:11 am

Shahmaran i deal with facts, the fact is the whole of the United Nations thought iraq had weapons of mass distruction... Blair & bush didnt randomly meet and say

'oh lets say iraq has WMD to go to war'

This so called intelligence was passed to them from there comrads (ie former presidents & priministers), they acted on this information and saddam hid like an animal, the same way he made ppl hide from him when he was in power. Blair and Bush this and that, at least what they did they did for the sake of the world and what they thought was right for there countries...

All this theory x/y/x bullshit is a joke, oil this oil that... as milit said its cost them billions to fight this war no amount of oil can repay that.
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Postby shahmaran » Thu Nov 29, 2007 12:11 am

America has already caused way more deaths than Saddam, and for once i agree with Get Real, you are a disgracefully sorry being!!
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Postby Exorcist-seeker » Thu Nov 29, 2007 12:14 am

Get_Real, turning to personal insults shows that you can not handle the truth and facts... shows that deep down you know im right but i guess you have to look cool and say FUCK AMERICA to fir in with ur anti american mates.... grow up and smell the coffee mate... if it wasnt america youd be moaning about another super power.
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Postby boomerang » Thu Nov 29, 2007 12:14 am

miltiades wrote:
boomerang wrote:Milti you can't sit there and tell me this ain't a by product of the if it is then you gotta question the motive...a whole country is buried and the natural resources stolen...come on man its there in black and white

So you believe that the invasion of Iraq was to steal the oil . Do you know how many billions this war is costing ? No amount of oil will ever compensate the financial and the human loss .
The West has an obligation to intervene right now in Iran and stop the madmen from being in a position to anihilate not only Israe but the entire Middle East , including Cyprus. Do you think these theocrats will stop and consider the implications of using atomic weapons ? No they will not , anymore than a suicide bomber hesitates blowing himself up in case women and children , innocent souls , are in the vicinity. This nonsense that America spends billions and billions just to get its hands on oil is absurd.

I understand the Cypriot mentality since it is the byproduct of the Greek mentality , blame America for all our problems. nonsense !

So you believe that the invasion of Iraq was to steal the oil . Do you know how many billions this war is costing ? No amount of oil will ever compensate the financial and the human loss .

It's about re distribution and ultimately persevation...Something you readily discount...

The West has an obligation to intervene right now in Iran and stop the madmen from being in a position to anihilate not only Israe but the entire Middle East , including Cyprus. Do you think these theocrats will stop and consider the implications of using atomic weapons ? No they will not , anymore than a suicide bomber hesitates blowing himself up in case women and children , innocent souls , are in the vicinity.

Multi you are muddying the watres here...Two different and unrelated attempt of sidetracking?...Please stick on topic...

I understand the Cypriot mentality since it is the byproduct of the Greek mentality , blame America for all our problems. nonsense

I think you mistake me for someone else coz I never consider my a self a Greek but always a Cypriot...And for the record there is no by product mate as I was raised in Australia..Again side stepping the issue of discussion...

Ps...please take a look here before you flamboyantly throw accussations around
Last edited by boomerang on Thu Nov 29, 2007 12:18 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby shahmaran » Thu Nov 29, 2007 12:17 am

Its not JUST about oil, its about being able exploit and control any given aspect of a country across the world, long term investment my friend, thats what this is about, thats how most Empires are built, get some bloody history books and bang it against your head a few times because you seem to be pretty dam thick! There is nothing new here, Europeans have been doing it for centuries...
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Postby Get Real! » Thu Nov 29, 2007 12:18 am

Exorcist-seeker wrote:Get_Real, turning to personal insults shows that you can not handle the truth and facts... shows that deep down you know im right but i guess you have to look cool and say FUCK AMERICA to fir in with ur anti american mates.... grow up and smell the coffee mate... if it wasnt america youd be moaning about another super power.

I burried your comical theories ages ago so forget it.

When do you plan to answer this question O' shameless one?
So you've been to Iraq eh? Answer this question then...

What's that blue piece of paper they place in everyone's passport all about?
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Postby boomerang » Thu Nov 29, 2007 12:24 am

Shahmaran...if there was no oil...they wouldn't give a continental...don't kid yourself...Its all about controlling the flow and who gets it...This way you have total control...

The Arab states without oil they would have been camel jockeys today and noone would have given a shit about them...

And lets no muddy the waters here with Agfanistan because the only thing the yanks control is kabul...period...pretty much what the Russians controlled... :lol:
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Postby Get Real! » Thu Nov 29, 2007 12:27 am

Around about now would be a great time for someone to release a new source of energy in the international market and I’ll wager the US would collapse overnight! :lol:
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