Milti you can't sit there and tell me this ain't a by product of the if it is then you gotta question the motive...a whole country is buried and the natural resources stolen...come on man its there in black and white
shahmaran wrote:Didn't the British also invade and divide and exploit the natural resources of so many countries under the name of "bringing civilization" to "savages" while massacring millions and causing such profound internal conflicts that most of these countries are still having trouble recovering today, and the US is doing it to bring "democracy and freedom", same shit different asshole some might say, and surprisingly people are still buying this shit, have we not learned anything from history ffs!
miltiades wrote:shahmaran wrote:Didn't the British also invade and divide and exploit the natural resources of so many countries under the name of "bringing civilization" to "savages" while massacring millions and causing such profound internal conflicts that most of these countries are still having trouble recovering today, and the US is doing it to bring "democracy and freedom", same shit different asshole some might say, and surprisingly people are still buying this shit, have we not learned anything from history ffs!
Strange how all these "liberated " people with so many natural resources are jostling to come to the UK , as for Rhodesia just look at the mess the liberated from British people are in at the moment !
The third world is incompetent , doesn't want to go forward and blame all their ills on the West.
Look at the idiots at Sudan , jailing a woman teacher because the kids named a mascot Mohamed !!!
boomerang wrote:Milti you can't sit there and tell me this ain't a by product of the if it is then you gotta question the motive...a whole country is buried and the natural resources stolen...come on man its there in black and white
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