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US/UK Atrocities against the children of Iraq...

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Postby boomerang » Wed Nov 28, 2007 12:03 pm

Milti you can't sit there and tell me this ain't a by product of the if it is then you gotta question the motive...a whole country is buried and the natural resources stolen...come on man its there in black and white
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Postby humanist » Wed Nov 28, 2007 12:37 pm

Milti you can't sit there and tell me this ain't a by product of the if it is then you gotta question the motive...a whole country is buried and the natural resources stolen...come on man its there in black and white

Milti am with Boomie on this one mate.
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Postby shahmaran » Wed Nov 28, 2007 1:57 pm

Didn't the British also invade and divide and exploit the natural resources of so many countries under the name of "bringing civilization" to "savages" while massacring millions and causing such profound internal conflicts that most of these countries are still having trouble recovering today, and the US is doing it to bring "democracy and freedom", same shit different asshole some might say, and surprisingly people are still buying this shit, have we not learned anything from history ffs!
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Postby miltiades » Wed Nov 28, 2007 2:11 pm

shahmaran wrote:Didn't the British also invade and divide and exploit the natural resources of so many countries under the name of "bringing civilization" to "savages" while massacring millions and causing such profound internal conflicts that most of these countries are still having trouble recovering today, and the US is doing it to bring "democracy and freedom", same shit different asshole some might say, and surprisingly people are still buying this shit, have we not learned anything from history ffs!

Strange how all these "liberated " people with so many natural resources are jostling to come to the UK , as for Rhodesia just look at the mess the liberated from British people are in at the moment !
The third world is incompetent , doesn't want to go forward and blame all their ills on the West.
Look at the idiots at Sudan , jailing a woman teacher because the kids named a mascot Mohamed !!!
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Postby shahmaran » Wed Nov 28, 2007 2:33 pm

miltiades wrote:
shahmaran wrote:Didn't the British also invade and divide and exploit the natural resources of so many countries under the name of "bringing civilization" to "savages" while massacring millions and causing such profound internal conflicts that most of these countries are still having trouble recovering today, and the US is doing it to bring "democracy and freedom", same shit different asshole some might say, and surprisingly people are still buying this shit, have we not learned anything from history ffs!

Strange how all these "liberated " people with so many natural resources are jostling to come to the UK , as for Rhodesia just look at the mess the liberated from British people are in at the moment !
The third world is incompetent , doesn't want to go forward and blame all their ills on the West.
Look at the idiots at Sudan , jailing a woman teacher because the kids named a mascot Mohamed !!!

Ye you are absolutely right, lets go bomb the fuckers into civilization, that will teach them to be so uneducated, and the ones who survive will thank us later on anyways...
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Postby alexISS » Wed Nov 28, 2007 2:45 pm

Hopefully the Democrats will win the next elections; Less war, more Hollywood!
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Postby Exorcist-seeker » Wed Nov 28, 2007 10:27 pm

All you anti america people are blind... the USA have saved the world by ousting Saddam... theres a theory saddams nuclear arsenal was moved to IRAN so the UN could not get it.....

The USA now must continue policing the world and go into Iran and search to find these weapons. Iran are funding terrorism within the middle east, something that can not go without being answered for.
Look how much in 2/3 years Iraq has moved forwrd, Education, Politics etc... in saddams reign it was the poor get left to be poor and the rich get rich... USA/UK jst evened the odds out and stopped this happening.

Ruling by fear like saddam did is not political nor right.
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Postby dinos » Wed Nov 28, 2007 10:48 pm

OMG - no WMD in Iraq, so we have to start looking in Iran now, too? WTF? Honestly...

Also, it's not to defend Saddam or anything, but the world was hardly saved by getting rid of him...
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Postby miltiades » Wed Nov 28, 2007 11:58 pm

boomerang wrote:Milti you can't sit there and tell me this ain't a by product of the if it is then you gotta question the motive...a whole country is buried and the natural resources stolen...come on man its there in black and white

So you believe that the invasion of Iraq was to steal the oil . Do you know how many billions this war is costing ? No amount of oil will ever compensate the financial and the human loss .
The West has an obligation to intervene right now in Iran and stop the madmen from being in a position to anihilate not only Israe but the entire Middle East , including Cyprus. Do you think these theocrats will stop and consider the implications of using atomic weapons ? No they will not , anymore than a suicide bomber hesitates blowing himself up in case women and children , innocent souls , are in the vicinity. This nonsense that America spends billions and billions just to get its hands on oil is absurd.

I understand the Cypriot mentality since it is the byproduct of the Greek mentality , blame America for all our problems. nonsense !
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Postby shahmaran » Thu Nov 29, 2007 12:00 am

Exorcist you couldn't be this blind if you had carved your eyes out!

I think the US has exhausted the WMD gibberish by far, and let me remind you that the initial reason was to go after the Taliban who were behind 9/11, which was also more gibberish just like every other sad excuse they can find in order to avoid words like imperialism and hegemony and exploitation. 600,000 dead in Iraq, some might call that a genocide only if the US had not made it look so good.

And the saddest part is that absolute ignorant baboons like yourself do actually by and preach this shit!

Oh please miltiades, the only people who used nuclear weapons so far were the US themselves and guess what, they were also fighting against suicide attackers who were defending their country!!!

The US has fucked way too many people for being able actually convince anyone that this is all about bringing world peace, one must be an absolute idiot to not see that this is about nothing but fatassed American self interest!!
Last edited by shahmaran on Thu Nov 29, 2007 12:06 am, edited 2 times in total.
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