GorillaGal wrote:T_C wrote:What has terrorist bombings got to do with it? So what? It has nothing to do with the USA! It doesn't concern the Americans....it's none of their business what goes on in Iraq, it's not their country!
If the US is soooo concerned about people being murdered then why did they just sit and watch the recent GENOCIDE in Rowanda?!?!?!??!
Just because people are blowing themselves up in THEIR OWN country doesn't give the US a reason to go try RULE their country...it's none of their business and if they had nothing to gain from it then they wouldn't of even bothered in the first place (Rowanda!!!).
I can't believe you're still buying into all this bullshit Miltiades.

T_C, the USA isn't ruling Iraq, but we are trying to help them set up a more democratic government. that isn't so bad, imagine that, a country where the people might actually have a say instead of getting shot or thrown in jail for talking against the popular government positions!
somehow i think you all would complain if the USA went into Rowanda as well.
Something stings here...why did you go there in the first place?...Saddam was boxed in, couldn't do shit, adults going about their normal life, KIDS GOING TO SCHOOL, food on the table, etc...and all with Saddam, an undemocratic bastard...and most importantly no suiside bombers...and certaintly without any collateral damage...and death to society...
Now look at the above and tell me how is life after the invasion?...with all your mighty help?...How many generations of illetarary kids/people have you created?, how many people died learning your democrasy with all your mighty help?... How much food is on the table?...fresh water?...medicine?...schools?...infrastructure?...what?...what have you done to achieve those goals with all your mighty help?...Made any friends?
And you are there to help them?...IGNORANCE and SHORTSIGHTNESS to the max...I say it's more like looking at the situation through a kaleidoscope...Just because other horseshit governments promotote it to their citizens it don't mean everyone is a fool...
You went there to steal their natural resources...and no amount of bullshit spin is gonna prove otherwise...these days ordinary people ain't fools, ofcource there are exemptions...citizens of La La land are highly exempted...
imagine that, a country where the people might actually have a say instead of getting shot or thrown in jail
I thought La La Land was a refference to California, but judging by your post it looks like you could refference the whole of US with the La La Land label and be over and done with it...
Fuck me...
PS...please don't try and justify absertiness and stupitidy to boot, coz you
would be insulting my intelligence...I am
pleading with you to show mercy on me...