T_C wrote:What has terrorist bombings got to do with it? So what? It has nothing to do with the USA! It doesn't concern the Americans....it's none of their business what goes on in Iraq, it's not their country!
If the US is soooo concerned about people being murdered then why did they just sit and watch the recent GENOCIDE in Rowanda?!?!?!??!
Just because people are blowing themselves up in THEIR OWN country doesn't give the US a reason to go try RULE their country...it's none of their business and if they had nothing to gain from it then they wouldn't of even bothered in the first place (Rowanda!!!).
I can't believe you're still buying into all this bullshit Miltiades.

TC , this is the 21st century and sanctity of life is of paramount importance to all it seems but the savages who happily blow them selves up killing and maiming INDISCRIMINATELY.IT HAS TO STOP .Life , all life is precious , these sick perverts must never be ignored any more that a common murderer Killing in HIS OWN COUNTRY !!
These so called martyrs are the victims of a cruel and vindictive interpretation of an otherwise peaceful loving religion .They have hijacked their religion and are acting like savages from the stone age . How the fuck can anyone possibly accept that killing of innocents in a market place , on a bus , in a holy place can be attributed to the Americans !These savages are just that plain savages .
And what the hell do you mean by this ""I can't believe you're still buying into all this bullshit Miltiades. :""
Buying into what mate , that these barbarians are doing the decent thing by blowing themselves up in the middle of a fucking market !! Get a hold of yourself man , these are criminals with a sick mind. Killing innocent children targeted entirely purposefuly is vile , is despicable , is dark and horrendously inhumane, more so whent these bloody idiots believe they are going to heavens !!!
And what the hell do you mean by