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US/UK Atrocities against the children of Iraq...

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Postby Eliko » Wed Jul 18, 2007 3:12 pm

GorillaGal, your comments are unfair in this instance. :)
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Postby GorillaGal » Wed Jul 18, 2007 3:15 pm

i do not think so. not at all. life is life. what makes an iraqi child's life different from an indian girl?
please explain why you believe they are unfaire Eliko.
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Postby Eliko » Wed Jul 18, 2007 3:31 pm

GorillaGal wrote:i do not think so. not at all. life is life. what makes an iraqi child's life different from an indian girl?
please explain why you believe they are unfaire Eliko.

I was referring to your comments on the Frank Jordan report, you indicated that some of us are apt to pick on a section of a subject in order to show America in a bad light.

I disagree with you on that one and would ask you to identify an example of such selection.

The whole issue of anti-American comments are the result of the attack and subsequent invasion of Iraq, they are not based on any dislike or hatred of the American people.

The latter is another issue altogether. :wink:
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Postby Get Real! » Wed Jul 18, 2007 3:34 pm

GorillaGal wrote:i do not think so. not at all. life is life. what makes an iraqi child's life different from an indian girl?
please explain why you believe they are unfaire Eliko.

Do I sense a shameless attempt to soften the blow of the atrocities committed by your country in Iraq?

Can 650,000 Iraqi deaths since your country’s 5-year invasion and occupation possibly ever be “softened”???

Do you honestly think that you can argue your country out of the responsibility of such crimes and especially by bringing up the victims of some ridiculous custom in India?

What the Indians made you do it? Is that what you’re trying to say here woman???

Are you out of your mind? Have you no shame whatsoever?
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Postby Eliko » Wed Jul 18, 2007 3:44 pm

Get Real! wrote:
GorillaGal wrote:i do not think so. not at all. life is life. what makes an iraqi child's life different from an indian girl?
please explain why you believe they are unfaire Eliko.

Do I sense a shameless attempt to soften the blow of the atrocities committed by your country in Iraq?

Can 650,000 Iraqi deaths since your country’s 5-year invasion and occupation possibly ever be “softened”???

Do you honestly think that you can argue your country out of the responsibility of such crimes and especially by bringing up the victims of some ridiculous custom in India?

What the Indians made you do it? Is that what you’re trying to say here woman???

Are you out of your mind? Have you no shame whatsoever?

Get Real, THAT was a 'Pre-emptive Strike', I was in the process of broaching the second issue with GorillaGal as you leapt in, you covered the point admirably. :wink:
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Postby Get Real! » Wed Jul 18, 2007 4:06 pm

Eliko wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
GorillaGal wrote:i do not think so. not at all. life is life. what makes an iraqi child's life different from an indian girl?
please explain why you believe they are unfaire Eliko.

Do I sense a shameless attempt to soften the blow of the atrocities committed by your country in Iraq?

Can 650,000 Iraqi deaths since your country’s 5-year invasion and occupation possibly ever be “softened”???

Do you honestly think that you can argue your country out of the responsibility of such crimes and especially by bringing up the victims of some ridiculous custom in India?

What the Indians made you do it? Is that what you’re trying to say here woman???

Are you out of your mind? Have you no shame whatsoever?

Get Real, THAT was a 'Pre-emptive Strike', I was in the process of broaching the second issue with GorillaGal as you leapt in, you covered the point admirably. :wink:

I think the difference between you and me is that you philosophize too much and unknowingly give them the impression that they can actually “negotiate” their way out of horrendous crimes against humanity and this unfortunately psychologically sanitizes their minds out of the responsibility of such serious offences.

If there was any justice on this planet in the form of an unbiased international court capable of enforcing the law countries like the US and UK would already be on death row or executed ages ago.

I guess the only justice that people can hope for in this corrupt world is that promised by Jesus Christ in the Gospel which will hopefully come to pass… the sooner the better.
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Postby Eliko » Wed Jul 18, 2007 4:23 pm

Get Real, I passionately believe in fairness, I have always condemned the actions of America in the Iraq issue, there can be no justification for what they have done, they are responsible for every drop of blood spilled in that unhappy land, whether it be by their hand or by those who oppose them.

They have trod on a Lion's tail and will suffer it's wrath.

I blame the politicians for ALL of the disharmony in the world, I think they have lost track of their function and WE are the ones who suffer for it.

I am able to understand the reasons for resistance to aggression and it is in THIS area that I receive most of the negative responses to my views.

I cannot understand the 'Blindness' of those who support the American attack, invasion, occupation and campaign of terror, they have inflicted on an innocent (proven beyond doubt) nation.

The general populations of the US and UK, are reknowned for their gullability, GOD HELP THEM. :(
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Postby denizaksulu » Thu Jul 19, 2007 9:58 am

[quote="Exorcist-seeker"]R.I.P The dead Pakistan soldiers, Muslims Killings Muslims for a so called 'Holy war'. This shows that Al Quada will stop at nothing and it also shows that they are trying to influence the political issues in Pakistan to entice a Civil War.

Isreal/america/uk need to come out publicly and condemn these actions, and support the Pakistan President in his hour of need!!!

Theres a new poll going around in England, to bring Tony Blair back :)[/quote]

Waake up e-s. Have you only just discovered that co-religionist do kill each other. Like the crusaders who saked Constantinople in the middle ages, the hundred years, the 30 year wars amongst the older wars and recently the Catholics and protestants. Why do you delve on the moslems so much. Let them get on with it.
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Postby Exorcist-seeker » Thu Jul 19, 2007 2:49 pm

Moslems??? is this a new religion u jst made up??
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Postby denizaksulu » Thu Jul 19, 2007 2:55 pm

[quote="Exorcist-seeker"]Moslems??? is this a new religion u jst made up??[/quote]

You IGNORAMUS. A Moslem is a practiser of the Islamic religion. Didn't you learn anything at school.!! :roll: :roll: Like Christian and christianity.
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