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US/UK Atrocities against the children of Iraq...

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Postby Get Real! » Wed Jul 18, 2007 12:35 am

miltiades wrote:Well at long last Mr GR has found himself his ...EQUAL , so pick on the big boys Now GR and leave us oldies in peace !!

This one's for you grandpa...

UN: Iraqi Children Worse Off

Associated Press Writer

The situation for Iraqi children is getting worse and, in some respects, was better before the war began, a senior U.N. official said Monday.

'Children today are much worse off than they were a year ago, and they certainly are worse off than they were three years ago,' said Dan Toole, director of emergency programs for the United Nations Children's Fund. He said Iraqis no longer have safe access to a government-funded food basket, established under Saddam Hussein to deal with international sanctions.

Toole said conditions for women and children in Iraq had worsened significantly since the February 2006 bombing of a Shiite shrine in Samarra, north of Baghdad, which triggered a wave of sectarian violence and displacement that continues today.

He added that gains made shortly after the U.S. toppled Saddam's government in 2003, when people were able to move around the country freely and had access to food markets and health centers, had been lost.

'Nutritional indicators, health access indicators are all changing for the worse,' Toole said. He said recently published data showing improvement refers to the situation a couple of years ago and is outdated.

The system of government-sponsored handouts _ set up by Saddam's government to meet the basic needs of Iraqi citizens from 1991 to 2003, when the country was under U.N. sanctions _ started to fall apart last year, Toole said.

Apart from shortages of items such as milk and baby milk formula, 'the basic Iraqi food basket was fairly secure under the regime because there was food coming in and the government provided the food basket to its citizens,' he said.

Toole could not say whether malnutrition has worsened significantly but he said UNICEF was concerned by reports it has received from refugees fleeing the country.

Toole said that, because of the violence, mothers were too afraid to send their children to school or take them to health centers to get checkups and nutritional supplements.

While efforts are being made to maintain levels of immunization, particularly against measles and polio, UNICEF is worried about the possibility of a cholera epidemic because two-thirds of Iraqis lack clean water. A couple of cases of cholera have been reported in the south of Iraq but so far there has been no major outbreak, Toole said.

He said the agency has so far received no government donations toward a $41.5 million
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Postby GorillaGal » Wed Jul 18, 2007 12:40 am

it's always darkest before the dawn.

lets see what happens 3 years from now. 5 years from now. 10 years from now.
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Postby Eliko » Wed Jul 18, 2007 12:55 am

GorillaGal, do you think there will be a resurrection of all the innocent victims of slaughter then ?.

If you build marble cities and emboss the walls in gold, it will not wash the blood from the hands of those responsible for all the attrocities in Iraq.

I refer to the 'Root Causes' of course, not the resultant mayhem. :(
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Postby miltiades » Wed Jul 18, 2007 6:55 am

Frank Jordans' article states :

""Toole said that, because of the violence, mothers were too afraid to send their children to school or take them to health centers to get checkups and nutritional supplements """""

Mothers afraid to send their children to school or to health centres !!! And they are right . The savages would not hesitate to blow them up , as they do every day in markets , on the buses in Mosques and everywhere else.
Where sanctity of life is held at such low esteem as to encourage an individual to blow himself to smithereens in order that so much other life follows , civilization as we know it seizes to exist. Life is precious and should be revered not wasted .

Here are some more killings by the "heroic" barbarians against the Iraqi people.

14 killed, 16 wounded in suicide attacks in Iraq

""""""BAGHDAD: At least 10 people were killed an 11 wounded on Tuesday by a suicide car bomb targeting an Iraqi Army patrol in east Baghdad, police said.
Four of the dead and five of the wounded in the attack on the religiously mixed neighbourhood of Zayouna were soldiers, police added. US and Iraqi forces have launched a major security clampdown in and around Baghdad targeting Islamist militants and Shiite militias, but violence has continued to flare.
More than 9,000 US and Iraqi troops launched a massive assault on insurgents along the Euphrates valley in the restive western province of Anbar, the US military reported on Tuesday.
Operation Mawtini began on Sunday and aims to “neutralise any future attempts by anti-Iraqi forces to re-establish a presence in key urban areas along the Euphrates valley,” the military said in a statement. “We anticipate that the terrorists will attempt to step up their attacks in the urban areas to regain power and influence over the population” US commander in Anbar Colonel Stacy Clardy said.
Operation Mawtini follows an earlier assault in the region, which provided insight in “enemy movement patterns and safe havens,” the military said. On Monday the military launched Operation Marne Avalanche in the central regions of Babil, Karbala and Najaf provinces. Thousands of US and Iraqi troops are also deployed in the restive Diyala province northeast of Baghdad to flush out Al Qaeda militants. Four people were killed on Tuesday by a car bomb parked near the Iranian embassy in Baghdad, Iraqi police said. Police said five were wounded in the attack. """
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Postby Eliko » Wed Jul 18, 2007 10:42 am

miltiades, you have once again selected a small section of a report in order to press a point.

Frank Jordan's article clearly states that the children of Iraq are 'Worse Off' now than they were before the attack on their country.

I purposely avoid calling it 'War' since it does not qualify for such a distinction in my opinion.

The overall message of Frank Jordan's report is quite clear, YET, you manage to extract the fact that NOW the mothers of Iraq are afraid to send their children to school ?.

Wonderful perception Sir, I should think they would be wouldn't you ?.

Strange how no such fear existed PRIOR to the unlawful aggression of the mighty forces of US and Co.

Your fondness of using the same expressions in order to describe the adversaries of the unlawful aggressors, HAS , I fear, clouded your judgement to such an extent that you have become unable to distinguish the difference between an intelligent observation and your own perceptions.

That Sir, is a serious fault when one is involved in a debate on any subject, since it removes the possibility of a resolution, one must have the capacity to accept the opinions of others in order to advance one's knowledge.

I would like you to read Frank Jordan's report again, THIS time, digest what he has written and forget about the actions of 'The Savages' since that title is more appropriate if attached to the actions of the initial murderous attackers of an INNOCENT nation.

In my humble opinion. :(
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Postby denizaksulu » Wed Jul 18, 2007 11:01 am

[quote="miltiades"]deni wrote :

""""is Yahya Barzani supported by the USA Admin? If the answer is yes, then he is their mouthpiece. You would not expect any contrary statements from him, would you? """"

Deni come on , he is a reporter reporting events not giving opinions for godsake .[/quote]

Miltiades, you dont believe in God. What happened? Are you sure you know how reportewrs work? I am always sceptical about their news. Which reporter was is that anounced the death of president Makarios after the 1974 coup. I have many other examples of journalists follies, but with your time and resources you can easily find them.
BTW why do we disagree on USA matters and agree on Cypriot ones. We should talk about that.
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Postby denizaksulu » Wed Jul 18, 2007 11:05 am

[quote="Get Real!"][quote="Exorcist-seeker"]Viva la Americao Revolution

Viva la prophet G W Bush for saving the world[/quote]
As per usual you fall to pieces at the slightest challenge and resort to village talk.

With a childish alias like "Exorcist-seeker" what more can people possibly expect other than a Ronald McDonald![/quote]

Get Real; Are you still playing with little boys like e-s. I think its about time you made another offspring, and a male this time!! :wink: :wink: Tell e-s to go to the local creche to play!
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Postby GorillaGal » Wed Jul 18, 2007 12:21 pm

Eliko wrote:miltiades, you have once again selected a small section of a report in order to press a point.

but eliko, isn't that what this whole thread is about?--let's pick on the brits and especially the americans and post all kinds of small sectionsof news articals to prove that they are evil people! it's ok for the USA hating forum members to post thier views, but not myself or miltiades, who are just trying to show the other side of the coin.
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Postby GorillaGal » Wed Jul 18, 2007 2:40 pm

Eliko wrote:GorillaGal, do you think there will be a resurrection of all the innocent victims of slaughter then ?.

If you build marble cities and emboss the walls in gold, it will not wash the blood from the hands of those responsible for all the attrocities in Iraq.

I refer to the 'Root Causes' of course, not the resultant mayhem. :(

Eliko, do you think the lives of those who die in iraq now are any different than the lives of the baby girls being murdered in india, just because they are girls?
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Postby Exorcist-seeker » Wed Jul 18, 2007 2:49 pm

R.I.P The dead Pakistan soldiers, Muslims Killings Muslims for a so called 'Holy war'. This shows that Al Quada will stop at nothing and it also shows that they are trying to influence the political issues in Pakistan to entice a Civil War.

Isreal/america/uk need to come out publicly and condemn these actions, and support the Pakistan President in his hour of need!!!

Theres a new poll going around in England, to bring Tony Blair back :)
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