Correction !! These are not views , they are facts , big difference. The killings are commited by the insurgents , not the Americans and not the Iraqi security forces. Get it through your head Eliko , if the Insurgents , or as I call them , by their real name the Savages were to stop ttheir daily carnage the conflict would stop overnight, the Iraqi security forces would slowly take control and the Americans would be getting ready to withdraw. Such simple facts that you choose to ignore spurned on as usual by your anti American position.
Just a word for that imputent jackass , Get Lost Malaka.[/quote]
miltiades, so according to your 'FACTS', the people of Iraq should just accept the onslaught of the American and British forces, lay down and accept the destruction of their country, encourage the introduction of a new system of government and offer NO resistance to the aggressors
who have murdered countless of their countymen ( women and children) and hand over the control of their lives to the enemies or their land !!.
That is a very strange attitude for you to adopt, I thought you were a bit unhappy about the 'invasion' of your OWN country, perhaps I have been misled by your previous posts.
Or, is it a case of the usual, one law for miltiades and one for everyone else.
The 'Insurgents', 'Savages', 'Terrorists', or whatever name you would like to call them (in accord with the aggressors who would obviously label them such) are the PRODUCT of the unlawful murderous attack upon the innocents of Iraq, there is no justification for it, the world knows that and the aggressors are seeking ANY excuse to extricate themselves from the position they have found themselves in.
Tha Americans will be defeated and it will be the people of Iraq that will do it, despite the might of their foes, WE of course, will be served with the usual political lies when it finally comes to withdrawal, the mighty forces will be too ashamed to admit defeat, they will try to claim some moral victory.
There is neither HATRED nor ALLEGIANCE in any of the above, that can be fairly aimed at ME and I would respectfully request that you desist in you frequent allegations that my views deserve such a stigma, I can only submit my own perceptions.
Best wishes .