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US/UK Atrocities against the children of Iraq...

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Postby Exorcist-seeker » Mon Jul 16, 2007 10:22 pm

My cover????? what the hell you on about
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Postby miltiades » Mon Jul 16, 2007 11:13 pm

BAGHDAD (Reuters) - At least 85 people were killed on Monday by a suicide truck bomb in the volatile Iraqi city of Kirkuk, some of them trapped on a bus where they burned to death, a witness said.

Police also said 180 people were wounded in a blast that heightened tension in the oil-producing northern city, shared by Kurds, Turkmen, Shi'ite and Sunni Arabs. The city plans to hold a crucial referendum later this year on its future status.

"Tens of houses and shops were totally destroyed by the power of the explosion," said General Torhan Abdul Rahman, the city's deputy chief of police.

Dozens of cars were set on fire and Reuters pictures from the scene showed a number of charred and torn bodies in the bus and a large crater in the road where the truck blew up. A police pick-up was splattered with blood.


Twin Bombings Kill 80 in Northern Iraq

Monday July 16, 2007 12:01 PM


Associated Press Writer

KIRKUK, Iraq (AP) - Twin suicide car bombings exploded within 20 minutes of each other in the northern city of Kirkuk on Monday, killing at least 80 people and wounding around 150 in attacks targeting a Kurdish political office and ripping through an outdoor market, police said.

The attacks began around noon when a suicide bomber detonated his explosives-packed truck near the concrete blast walls of the headquarters of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan, the party of Iraqi President Jalal Talabani.

The explosion blasted a 10-yard-deep crater in the pavement and collapsed part of the roof of the one-story PUK office. Outside the offices, the burnt shells of more than two dozen vehicles were in the street.

Soon after, the second bomber attacked the Haseer market, 700 yards away, destroying stalls and cars, said Kirkuk police Brig. Sarhat Qadir.

The outdoor Haseer market - with stalls of vegetable and fruit sellers - is frequented by Kurds in Kirkuk, a city where tensions are high between the Kurdish and Arab populations. At least 80 people were killed and around 140 wounded, said police Brig. Burhan Tayeb Taha.

These are events that take place every single day , innocent Iraqis massacred by the savages , most of them according to one report from Saudi Arabia.
Any condemnation will be welcomed !!!!
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Postby Exorcist-seeker » Mon Jul 16, 2007 11:16 pm

The iraqi people are killing the iraqi people. i thank god that he has appointed G W Bush as a world peace keeper to over look on the children of iraq and keep them from harmony and make sure they have a future.

He has done nothing but try to protect the innocent people of iraq..

God Bless such a good man
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Postby Eliko » Mon Jul 16, 2007 11:20 pm

Exorcist-seeker wrote:The iraqi people are killing the iraqi people. i thank god that he has appointed G W Bush as a world peace keeper to over look on the children of iraq and keep them from harmony and make sure they have a future.

He has done nothing but try to protect the innocent people of iraq..

God Bless such a good man

Oh, you can be sure 'Old George' is keeping them from harmony all right, you got THAT bit right son, Good on ya !. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby Get Real! » Mon Jul 16, 2007 11:26 pm

Exorcist-seeker wrote:The iraqi people are killing the iraqi people. i thank god that he has appointed G W Bush as a world peace keeper to over look on the children of iraq and keep them from harmony and make sure they have a future.

He has done nothing but try to protect the innocent people of iraq..

God Bless such a good man

I'm surprised you're holding yourself back and not complaining that so many blessings are going out to the Iraqi people and none coming in your direction. Well let's hope that one of these days he will bless your family too... to smithereens.
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Postby Exorcist-seeker » Mon Jul 16, 2007 11:29 pm

Get Real: I am not a selfish man, i know the Iraqi people are in good hands. They probly have a better life then us. They have free drinks, free clubs and free satalite.... courtesy of america.

They have better cities now,, more money then they have ever had... and a better police force.
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Postby Eliko » Mon Jul 16, 2007 11:33 pm

I think you have had enough to drink, (or whatever else it is you are on mate) your spelling is becoming worse as time passes by, get some sleep lad, simmer down. :wink:
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Postby miltiades » Mon Jul 16, 2007 11:38 pm

Eliko , the killing fields of Iraq are the exclusive property of the perverted psychopaths that are driven by a sick ideology that it has nothing what so ever to do with religion , an ideology that encourages and makes martyrs of these medieval barbarians who indiscriminately spread death and injury to 100s of Iraqi daily. Your blind hatred of America restricts you just as it restricts the author of this thread from seeing the reality in Iraq and understand who the killers are . The savages that blow them selves up with no regard for human life , for children , women elderly , you want to examine the roots of their evil acts !! From you I would expect an expression of profound disgust at such heinous acts, from the author nothingness is more appropriate in line with his renowned hollowness.
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Postby Get Real! » Mon Jul 16, 2007 11:45 pm

miltiades wrote:Eliko , the killing fields of Iraq are the exclusive property of the perverted psychopaths that are driven by a sick ideology that it has nothing what so ever to do with religion , an ideology that encourages and makes martyrs of these medieval barbarians who indiscriminately spread death and injury to 100s of Iraqi daily. Your blind hatred of America restricts you just as it restricts the author of this thread from seeing the reality in Iraq and understand who the killers are . The savages that blow them selves up with no regard for human life , for children , women elderly , you want to examine the roots of their evil acts !! From you I would expect an expression of profound disgust at such heinous acts, from the author nothingness is more appropriate in line with his renowned hollowness.

Time for your medication grandpa... there you go... that's right you are very tired...Image
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Postby Natty » Mon Jul 16, 2007 11:53 pm

Eliko wrote:
Natty wrote:
Btw, I know all about those annual Greeko community parties they conduct in the diaspora... they start off with a couple of speeches and then everybody wakes up to feast themselves stupid, and last some of the people who can still stand do a few rounds on the dancefloor, and finally you then all go to bed...

Hmm, yeah that should liberate Cyprus!

Get real, although I agree with you on the majority of things you have said about America and the UK’s foreign policy, I cannot agree with you on what you say about the Diaspora GC’s. My Father and many others in our community have been campaigning against the Turkish occupation of Cyprus for years. Since I was a small child I remember going on marches, handing out leaflets in the street, listening to speeches, going to fundraisers, etc.. My father has meetings every week, where they organize marches and petitions, where they try and find every way possible of publicising the Cyprus problem and where they attempt to get local MP’s on board (many times successfully). I have been to London on marches and I am in awe at just how many people there are, young and old, all together to do there bit to try and solve the Cyprus issue, however small a part they play.. I just don’t think it’s fair to suggest that the Greek Cypriots who have moved away, do not care about Cyprus and do nothing to fight for justice…‘Turkish troops out of Cyprus, refugees to return home, and Cyprus to be unified’ basically justice for all Cypriots, that’s the message I’ve grown up with..

Anyway, about America and Britain’s foreign policies…What can I say? I hate hypocrisy, I hate double standards, I hate what they are doing in the middle east, I hate this simplistic view that Bush carries of ‘good versus evil’ , where he generalizes and lumps almost everyone with the ‘terrorist’ label. When I watch him on the television I get so mad sometimes…And Blair? Well I lost all respect for him (not that I had much before hand..) after what happened in Lebanon, he just proved to me then that he was incapable of thinking for himself…People continued to die because he didn’t have the guts to stand up against Bush and say ‘this is wrong, it needs to stop’…

What is happening in the occupied territories in Palestine? What is happening in Iraq? What is happening in Iran? (But jot just in the middle east, but in Latin America, Asia and Africa, all places where America and the CIA decided to get involved, and many times to make a mess, a mess that in many places is still causing problems to this day…) It’s interesting to note that members of the group that attacked the twin towers were form I believe Saudi Arabia, so why, if it’s a quest to ‘fight evil’ have not Bush and Blair invaded Saudi Arabia? Hypocrisy anyone? I have nothing against America and Americans, I know that they have brought many things to this world, in the form of music, art, science, etc and I do not condone the actions of suicide bombers, but America and Britain’s foreign policy, well sucks. It needs to change. I watched a documentary recently about the actions of the CIA throughout the ages (I‘ll try and find it online and post It at some point..), and I was shocked with just how many coups they had funded to topple democratically elected governments all because they did not fit with the ‘American plan’. So in the West we are allowed democracy, but others are not? That’s just appalling.. As I said, the foreign policy of both America and the UK needs to change, because it’s making a lot of people angry, including myself… :x

Natty, your comments are a credit to you, I applaud your perceptions. :)

Thanks Eliko, I just think that people need to see the bigger picture, it's not about the 'Good' west (America and Britain mainly) and the 'bad' East, that view is too simplistic. It just seems to me that there is a lot going on behind the scenes, and that America and Britain’s foreign policies have unfortunately sparked many of the problems we face today...
Last edited by Natty on Tue Jul 17, 2007 12:03 am, edited 1 time in total.
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