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US/UK Atrocities against the children of Iraq...

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Postby karma » Sat Jul 14, 2007 10:40 pm

if Gorilla admits USA is commting crime in Iraq in 2007
if Miltiades admits he is being a bit oldfashioned
if Elico admits USA sometimes does wonderful things too
and if Karma stops involving others' comments
Life wld have been much better :)
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Postby Get Real! » Sat Jul 14, 2007 10:49 pm

Iraq is the pinnacle of humanity's stupidity! The whole thing makes me sick.

I might remind everyone that nearly this time last year Israel saw fit to attack little Lebanon YET AGAIN and after a month of aerial bombardments during which around 2,500 lost their lives if I remember well, the US saw fit to send another dispatch of Cluster bombs to those murdering Israelis so that they could continue the death and destruction against the people of our little sister country... the Lebanon!

This black "aniversary" is nearing too! :(
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Postby denizaksulu » Sat Jul 14, 2007 11:57 pm

[quote="karma"][quote="denizaksulu"]GG: These lines I think are from the great nationalist poet/writer Namik Kemal:
I think Zan or BigOz can give you a good poetic translation. I am afraid it is only one line.:


These lines must have been written with the USA in mind. They can keep there 'civilisation' if that is what it costs.

:shock: :shock:


it is not Namik Kemal, it is Mehmet Akif !! lol
and it is

''Medeniyet dedigin tek disi kalmis canavar''

but dont expect me to translate it, coz my english is not better than ur chinese... :oops:

Let Zan or BirKibrisli do it :)[/quote]

Thank you ,Karma.
You dont surprise me, It was a long time ago I read Mehmet Akif. Goodness, this forum has rotted my brain.
Thanks agin. You are a GEM.
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Postby pitsilos » Sun Jul 15, 2007 2:19 am

US/UK Atrocities against the children of Iraq...what we have here is the iraqi uneducated generation...the US and no need to mention the lap dogs, have stolen education, from these kids big time with their attrocities.
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Postby miltiades » Sun Jul 15, 2007 7:21 am

Contrary to views expressed by many on this forum , Wikipaedia as well as the Human Rights Watch paint a different picture of who is killing Iraqi children and innocent civilians.

Main article: Bombings and terrorist attacks of the Iraq War

Iraqi insurgency
Terrorist attacks

Years: 2003 • 2004 • 2005 • 2006 • 2007
Other: Wikinews • Images

Suicide bombings in Iraq since 2003 have killed thousands of people, mostly Iraqi civilians, and arguably constitute a new phenomenon in the history of warfare. Suicide bombings have been used as a tactic in other armed struggles, but their frequency and lethality in Iraq is unprecedented.[1]

A 2005 Human Rights Watch report analysed the insurgency in Iraq and highlighted, "The groups that are most responsible for the abuse, namely al-Qaeda in Iraq, Ansar al-Sunna and the Islamic Army in Iraq, have all targeted civilians for abductions and executions. The first two groups have repeatedly boasted about massive car bombs and suicide bombs in mosques, markets, bus stations and other civilian areas. Such acts are war crimes and in some cases may constitute crimes against humanity, which are defined as serious crimes committed as part of a widespread or systematic attack against a civilian population."[2]
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Postby pitsilos » Sun Jul 15, 2007 8:45 am

Miltiades, can you provide any figures from before the invasion of iraq as to how many suiside bombers existed or the human rights violation that the US was more than willing to endorse as long as saddam said how high when the yanks said jump?

I don't know as to why you seemed to defend the yanks when you know that the relationship with the US is based on an exclusive basis on a one way stream...

Iraqi history didn't just start with 2003 mate...

Lets look at Afganistan...what more have the yanks achieved than the russians?...just remember, kabul is only the capital...yeah they secured the capital...its a fucking joke...i wonder what wikinews have to say about the heroin production before the invasion versus to after the invasion...look it up...

you see a pattern here? yanks and their fucking neocon thinking....
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Postby pitsilos » Sun Jul 15, 2007 8:52 am

and lets not forget the time of the annan plan, bush, sends powell to facilitate a plan...he even called him the facilitator...and did we get a fair plan mate? NO mate we didn't coz the greatest "preacher" and I use this cheaply, of democrasy in the world seemed to just forget to do as she preaches...go figure

mate the only way we gonna get a fair deal in roc is if the yanks tell the turks to get out and really mean it...have you seen such actions from this great preacher and exporter of democrasy?...lucky for us is the turks keep on screwing up...
firstly with the big NO to the US for their Iraq invasion
secondly with the rising nationalism
thirdly with their PKK crap

yeah we should be thankfull that our enemy is a little bit on the stupid side...

one would think with so much greek influence in virtually all administrations, especially the last 2, the tables would have changed...but here we are debatig how great the US is...
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Postby miltiades » Sun Jul 15, 2007 9:19 am

pitsilos wrote:Miltiades, can you provide any figures from before the invasion of iraq as to how many suiside bombers existed or the human rights violation that the US was more than willing to endorse as long as saddam said how high when the yanks said jump?

I don't know as to why you seemed to defend the yanks when you know that the relationship with the US is based on an exclusive basis on a one way stream...

Iraqi history didn't just start with 2003 mate...

Lets look at Afganistan...what more have the yanks achieved than the russians?...just remember, kabul is only the capital...yeah they secured the capital...its a fucking joke...i wonder what wikinews have to say about the heroin production before the invasion versus to after the invasion...look it up...

you see a pattern here? yanks and their fucking neocon thinking....

Pitsilos , before 2003 the killings were done by Sadam , a lot more killings than since 2003 .
As you know , and as everyone on this forum knows by now , is that I'm a staunch supporter of the USA and in general of the Western world democracies and cultures. No one in their right mind would condone the killings of innocent people regardless of their ethnicity.
The USA , following 9/11 had a duty to its citizens and to the world of nations that are democratic and peace loving , to take action against the perpetrators of this horrendous attack and action against those nations that encouraged and subsidised the export of terror to the Western world. Afghanistan was a legitimate target if only to remove the Taliban regime .
Iraq was considered to have been in possession of WOMD , as it transpired no such weapons were found , and many in the West are highly critical of the American and British involvement in removing Sadam and in their efforts to install a democratic government made up of Iraqis. The people of Iraq want a democratic government they proved this by casting their votes in their free elections and against intimidation by the Al Qaeda terrorists. Until the Iraqi government assumes total control and until the insurgents are defeated , the Americans no doubt will remain in Iraq at the request of the elected Iraqi government. What annoys me so much is Cypriots who instead of looking after the interests of our nation they arbitrarily condemn the USA and blame all that is horrendously wrong in Iraq on the shoulders of America. Lets not forget the thousands of Shiites and Kurds gassed by Sadam , this will not now happen if only the savage barbarians gave peace a chance.
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Postby Eliko » Sun Jul 15, 2007 10:23 am

There must be a sound reason for the 'diplomatic niceties' which exist between the US and Turkey.

I realise I may be shouted down by miltiades but feel compelled to offer my view on the subject.

I believe the US is obliged to remain on good terms with that nation because they are going to need their assistance when it comes to the withdrawal (or retreat) of their forces from Iraq.

The US will be unable to go back the way they came in for fear of being exposed to devastating loss of life and equipment, they are in a precarious position and probably would like to go now.

The only sensible option is to head North and secure the aid of Turkey in order to extricate themselves from the situation they have placed themselves in.

Such a withdrawal will allow them to 'save face' in some small way, it will not conceal the fact that they are really dragging their sorry arses back from whence they came, dejected, defeated and sad.

Cyprus may well be a pawn in the 'Diplomatic Game' of chess which began WELL before 1974 and was set up by the US and the UK.

That is my humble opinion. :wink:
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Postby miltiades » Sun Jul 15, 2007 10:43 am

Eliko wrote:There must be a sound reason for the 'diplomatic niceties' which exist between the US and Turkey.

I realise I may be shouted down by miltiades but feel compelled to offer my view on the subject.

I believe the US is obliged to remain on good terms with that nation because they are going to need their assistance when it comes to the withdrawal (or retreat) of their forces from Iraq.

The US will be unable to go back the way they came in for fear of being exposed to devastating loss of life and equipment, they are in a precarious position and probably would like to go now.

The only sensible option is to head North and secure the aid of Turkey in order to extricate themselves from the situation they have placed themselves in.

Such a withdrawal will allow them to 'save face' in some small way, it will not conceal the fact that they are really dragging their sorry arses back from whence they came, dejected, defeated and sad.

Cyprus may well be a pawn in the 'Diplomatic Game' of chess which began WELL before 1974 and was set up by the US and the UK.

That is my humble opinion. :wink:

Eliko , the USA maintains strong ties with nations that it considers best serve the interests of the USA . Turkey is such a nation. All previous superpowers needed to forge alliances with nations not based on anything else than their own interests. Politics is very much like business . A company or an individual customer that spends 100 pounds a year is a different league to that company or individual who spends ten thousand pounds a year. It would be folly for the USA to seize looking after its interests. As you have noticed Turkey is not only a close ally of the USA and Britain but also Israel , in fact the ONLY Muslim nation that supports Israel !!
As far as your comments on the USA loosing out in Iraq , your wrong here. The losers will be the Iraqis if the USA was to withdraw prior to the Iraqi government taking full control of the security situation. Many on this forum are in support of Iran becoming a nuclear power , the only Nuclear status likely for Iran to possess will be that of a nuclear victim , unfortunately I can see this happening in the not too distant future.

I believe that the next President of the USA will be Republican John McCain a strong supporter of the war in Iraq and we could see an escalation of conflict with Israel being a large player. How can it be averted. Simple , let the people of Iraq decide their future in a denmocratic fashion not by the gun and terrorism , as for Iran simple again . Stop supporting terrorism and abandon plans to become a Nuclear VICTIM .
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