Filitsa wrote:Ladies and gentleman, what some of you (Pantheman) fail to understand is that the U.S. did not become the world's superpower by repressing its political and economic interests for sheer altruism. It is far from utopian. It is, in fact, however, a political entity, and like any political entity on the face of the earth, it pursues matters in its own best interest.
Additionally, what some of you (Pantheman) fail to understand is that, despite the death and destruction the U.S. has caused in its time, it is equally responsible for proportionate acts of life-saving philanthropy, too numerous for me to list here.
Further, I'll take souvla and sheftalia over hotdogs and hamburgers on any 4th of July. There's no comparison, and every freekin' American in my neighborhood knows this is true.
Lastly, how does one with heartfelt connections to both the U.S. and Cyprus reconcile the U.S.'s role in the partition of Cyprus? It's irreconcilable. In other words, for those of you who may not believe it (Pantheman), one need not be a nonAmerican to be in discord with U.S. poltical policy.
Well (filitsa mou) i hear what you are saying, but (filitsa) it does stop me from hating the US. In case you (filitsa) didn't realise it still my country that is under an illegal occupation and you (filitsa) must remember we can't go home.
I couldn't give a rats bottom about their self interests as that doesn't make it alright. Surely you (filitsa) can see the damage being done to the world by the US. Its not even safe to shopping any more. As they, your (filitsa) buddies have really open a can of worms now. They were just lucky where GCs are concerned that they don't do suicide bombings. Otherwise they would have a shit load more trouble.
So, please, lay off the bulshit and don't insult my intelligence with your usual american crap. I know about self interest, just look at afganistan, iraq, lebanon, yugolsavia it says it all about US self interest.
The US should take a closer look at its own backyard, homeless, drugs, prostitution, gangs etc etc. Get those things sorted and then lets measure how good they are. Until then wrap up.
And lastly, if the US wants to do something positive for cyprus, it can start by telling turkey to get out, condem them publically, stop giving them arms, money other forms of aid, it can demand turkey obey the numerous UN resolutions etc etc. but this ain't never gonna happen because of US self interest, they need turkey more than they need cyprus.
So please i ask you don't put sult on our wounds by spouting such rubbish.
Heres a little brain teaser for you (filitsa) and anyone else for that matter, Whats the difference between UN resolution 1441 against iraq and the numerous resolutions against turkey ?
Answer; The US wants to be in iraq where all the oil is, potatoes not good enough. That sums up the US very nicely.
have a nice day. I rest my case.