I read the plan carefully and must congratulate you on the thought and hard work you put into it. It would be a good plan if it addressed the gut fears that I have as a Greek Cypriot- non resident in Cyprus. Let me make some comments.
Like the Annan plan you make the effort to safeguard the rights of settlers, and like the Annan plan you have NO provisions to bring back to the island people like me and my children- that is Cypriots forced to live abroad because of 1974! I find that a little insultling to all of us emigrants, Greeks, Turks and others.
You do not address the suspicion of a future scessionist move by the Turkish Federal State. Like the Annan plan you dissolve the Republic, and if the one state splits off then what is left in terms of legal personality? Zilch!
Security to me means that nothing like 1974 will ever happen again. I see no provision for that considering that an invasion can be mounted from Turkey in hours rather than days.
I see no incorporation of European treaties which these days take precedence over local constitutions- things like the freedom of movement, establishment, residence etc.
Finally you do not deal with the foreign military presence on the island and something in my gut tells me that that is the real problem all these years!
Despite the ctritique I thinkg it is a reasonable plan, and a serious effort.