On this forum there are many who leap to the defence of their country at the merest slight, they display all the characteristics of what one would expect of a patriot and they should be commended for that.
It is an honourable thing to be patriotic, it is also a right and a duty to be so, BUT, there are times when it becomes difficult.
I think we are now living in one of those difficult times, there is much conflict between many members (even within the confines of this small forum) and it grieves me to observe it.
The whole world seems to be in turmoil as we members exchange our views on various topics, harsh words and insults are tossed into most of the discussions and they become arguments due to those facts.
The end result is predictable,nothing will be solved, nothing will be learned and nothing will be gained by any of the participants.
Such a situation need not be the norm if we adopt a different approach to our exchanges, it is not difficult and is within the reach of us all.
First, let us accept that for as much as WE may be patriotic, OTHERS are as entitled to their own patriotic feelings, in accepting that small fact, we may begin to understand the differences that exist between us all.
There is little point in constantly referring to the words and agreements made between politicians when we know that they thrive on the very disharmony they create, repeating the logic of those who have led us into confusion, will not increase our knowledge, it will slowly destroy us.
If I utter the words of a wise man, that does not make me wise, it should make me strive for wisdom also for I have recognized it in him.
The current situation in the Middle East is a disgrace to the nations that are involved in it, we all know that, we all should condemn it, it will solve nothing and will end in shame.
We, as members of this forum, should not allow the hatreds apparent in those conflicts, to permeate our discussions here, we all know of the horrors resulting from the actions of suicide bombers and extremists, let us debate the origins of these actions, let us discover WHY these actions have become an everyday event, let us uncover the reasons for all this hatred, if we can do that, we may be able to understand our own actions and the actions of others, those who are different to ourselves.