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Postby Eliko » Fri Jul 06, 2007 11:53 am

So THAT'S where the smell of 'chicken soup' came from, glad we've got that one sorted out.. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby Get Real! » Fri Jul 06, 2007 12:53 pm

Southerner wrote:I'm 64 I've been a musician for 43 years, as I intend to move to Cyprus next year I'm starting to run down my current playing/band commitments,

Well let's keep our fingers crossed that you'll leave your Zionist ideologies behind when you come to live in Cyprus because these days this little island is the neutral meeting ground between East and West so there's no room for that. Your band may be called upon to play sweet music while the Sheik of Qatar negotiates the next ME construction project with J&P and a British steel magnate. Such is the nature of Cyprus these days so please adjust yourself.

Regards, GR.
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Postby Southerner » Fri Jul 06, 2007 12:54 pm

denizaksulu wrote:Hi Southerner, I was in a band many many moons ago. I used to play the Bass Trombone. No chance of that now, I've got bl.... asthma. I still remember all my notes (musical) as if it was yesterday. Ah!! The good old days. Anyway you kep it up (me too). :lol: :lol:
Regards DA

Hi DA is that the Anglsides on the old road to Larnaca?.
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Postby miltiades » Fri Jul 06, 2007 12:59 pm

denizaksulu wrote:Hi Southerner, I was in a band many many moons ago. I used to play the Bass Trombone. No chance of that now, I've got bl.... asthma. I still remember all my notes (musical) as if it was yesterday. Ah!! The good old days. Anyway you kep it up (me too). :lol: :lol:
Regards DA

Cant believe it man , So was I ! Started with Guitar and switched to bouzouki by accident ! But next to you two oldies I'm but a mere boy at 61 and 2 months !!
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Postby denizaksulu » Fri Jul 06, 2007 1:06 pm

Yes Southerner, thats the one. Nobody told me about the new road. I went looking for my village two years ago and said "oh my Allah, somebody has moved my village"!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby denizaksulu » Fri Jul 06, 2007 1:07 pm

In fact what I reallysaid was" Panayiamou, somebody has stolen my village" :cry: :cry: :cry:
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Postby Southerner » Fri Jul 06, 2007 1:13 pm

Get Real! wrote:
Southerner wrote:Your band may be called upon to play sweet music while the Sheik of Qatar negotiates the next ME construction project with J&P and a British steel magnate. Such is the nature of Cyprus these days so please adjust yourself.Regards, GR.
Our Military band went over to Lybia to entertain King Idriss, by the way I'm not a zionist; when a muslim recruiter tried to convert us during a holiday in Turkey I told him that I had no time whatsoever in supporting any religion that does not grant equal rights for women be it Ilsam or judaism; he got up and left.
I am totaly against all the muslim countries that want Israel destroyed.
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Postby Eliko » Fri Jul 06, 2007 4:18 pm

Southerner, I see by your latest post that you are a musician and that you have found others of the same interest, I also enjoy music and do play guitar and sing (although not professionally I assure you).

I am a great fan of 'Country and Folk ' music and am particularly fond of Bob Dylan and Don Williams in their respective styles, I actually produce quite an acceptable performance (so I'm told) when I sing their songs.

However, I feel that we have gone slightly off topic by exchanging our musical experiences, enjoyable as they are, but am drawn to your last comment regarding the destruction of Israel by Muslim countries.

It occurs to me that there may be people who consider Israel to be part of the 'Root Causes' that we are trying to expose and I wonder what your views on that are, there do seem to be a lot of similarities in the conflicts both in Iraq and surrounding areas, I suppose there might be antagonism there due to envy.

Would you accept that as a possibility? or do you have other suggestions as to what the reason for such an awful situation could be.

In closing, I would like to mention that I am sure we are all well aware of the abominable actions of those who are unfortunate enough to be part of the struggles in those regions, the question is, what is the reason for all of these actions and what do they wish to achieve by them.

Please Southerner, I am sure you are an intelligent man, do not descend into the same old song (being a musician Ha Ha) as we have heard time and time again, let us try and determine the reasons. Best Wishes.

:wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:
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Postby Southerner » Fri Jul 06, 2007 7:18 pm

Eliko wrote:However, I feel that we have gone slightly off topic by exchanging our musical experiences, enjoyable as they are, but am drawn to your last comment regarding the destruction of Israel by Muslim countries.
It occurs to me that there may be people who consider Israel to be part of the 'Root Causes' that we are trying to expose and I wonder what your views on that are, there do seem to be a lot of similarities in the conflicts both in Iraq and surrounding areas, I suppose there might be antagonism there due to envy.
Would you accept that as a possibility? or do you have other suggestions as to what the reason for such an awful situation could be.
:wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:

Nobbody would dispute that Israel is a product/symbol of the west and is no doubt considered to be more of a western than middle eastern state by most Ararb countries, Judaism is a religion unique to the people of Israel and Jews the world over and has very few if any splinter groups within it, whereas Christianity and Islam have far too many offshoot groups/denominations with no one singular leader speaking for them, over the years both religions have suffered from religious leaders who have ulterior motives/hidden agendas. Most of the modern day Israelis came to Israel from the western/European countrys where their familys had lived for many generations, so it is quite easy to understand why Arab countries see them as a western threat.
The problem that most western/Christian people have with Isalm is that it is too"in you face" compared to the Christian church and the western way of life.
The UK has become a multicultural society, I am not very happy about it, not because I don't like foriegners, but I prefer the way of life as it was when I grew up, I know that it will sound hypocritical as we hope to move to Cyprus next year but we intend to settle and intigrate, it is the Cypriot way of life that we like we certainly don't feel out of place as we did when visiting Tunisia and to a lesser extent Turkey.
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Postby Eliko » Fri Jul 06, 2007 8:21 pm

Southerner, I do know from experience and having visited Israel on various occasions that there is a great deal of resentment there due to Israel's progressive development, in the early days of the formation of the state, the land was barren and it is only through the hard work and industry of the new occupants, that the state became what it is today.

I think it would be fair to say that such progress, viewed through the eyes of the original inhabitants would create such resentment, call it jealousy.

Since the 'New State' of Israel received such strong support from the Western states, it is also fair to say that the resentment would increase, particularly if the original inhabitants felt they were being pushed out of their own lands.

The historical events of the last half century in and around the state of Israel, surely give an indication of why some of the Arab nations have become opposed to it.

I am not qualified to make judgements, nor do I, but I suspect the general population of most Eastern cultures, regard Israel as the epitome of Western cultures which they regard as inferior to their own.

Such a situation is the ideal breeding ground for extremism, it is also a blessing in disguise for politicians of every persuasion and a lucrative source of income for the profiteers, unfortunately it is of little use to the ordinary families that have to live under constant threat.

The escalation of violence over the past few years is abhorrent to ALL of us ordinary folk, we are the innocent victims of deceptive political agendas, we are powerless to repair the damage done by our political representatives,BUT, that does not mean we should sound the 'War Cry' like a hoard of savages, that makes us as bad as them, don't you think ?.

Thank you for your sensible response............... :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:
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