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Postby Eliko » Thu Jul 05, 2007 8:59 pm

Where IS that smell of 'Chicken Soup' coming from I wonder ?....................... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby Get Real! » Thu Jul 05, 2007 8:59 pm

Southerner wrote:
Get Real! wrote:Unless you change your sources of information there is no hope for you but to be quite honest with you at 61 it's too late for you now anyway. Miltiades just enjoy your grand daughter, and wine, and don't worry too much.
As for the spelling you must've automatically run a spell checker somehow on what you quoted. Go back and read original messages to solve your query.

Wow what a great contrbution from the terrorists champion.
15 not the usual 12 virgins for you when you pass through the pearly gates (I hope they're all 90 years old.

:P :P :P :P :P

I know that you are intelligent enough to know that it can never be possible to have a “democratically elected government” in a country at war such as Iraq and especially when the invader himself is setting up the “elections”! It is unconstitutional for this to happen and in fact Saddam Houssein was ILLEGALLY removed from office by the invader regardless of your personal feelings about him, which I'm sure you also know.

Your petty attempt to promote something so ludicrous was the dead giveaway that you are a Zionist. I am well versed in Zionist propaganda as I have confronted it scores of times.

Do you ever read “Haaretz” Southerner? I think you do, so Guess who Get Real is… :)

Btw, unfortunately you still can’t spell...
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Postby miltiades » Thu Jul 05, 2007 9:02 pm

Eliko wrote:miltiades, for goodness sake don't start harping on about 'Democratically Elected Governments', you are likely to stir up a whole hornets nest about the way 'Hamas' (A democratically elected government) was prevented from taking up their rightful place, due to the fact that it didn't suit the Jews, the manner in which they were treated by the forces of the West, is another example of the chicanery we are all subject to.

Unless you get all your political information from the 'Sun' of course.

:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

You dumbfound me to the extreme. Hamas won the election by having thugs outside polling stations with fingers on the trigger intimidating and terrorising voters . Hamas is a terrorist organization that just recently was killing Palestinians. Hams is the curse of the Palestinian people. That should address your rather debilitated conclusion on the results of that election.
As far as your deception theory is concerned may I suggest you consider the fact that there is ONLY one democratic nation in the M.East and it does not fall into your appraisal unfortunately in view , I beleive of your somewhat dogmatic view and abhorrence of the West and particularly of your adoration and your keen interest in understanding grotesque actions , such as those of self mutilation or parental infliction of savagery on their off springs , which some time ago you graciously commented upon.
With respect to you and total abhorrence to them
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Postby Eliko » Thu Jul 05, 2007 9:15 pm

miltiades, OFF YOU GO AGAIN !!!!, so what is the point you are trying to make ?.

Don't you think it is about time you contributed something substantial to this discussion other than the same old 'Can of Beans' ?.

I am sure we are all well aware of your likes and dislikes, I am equally sure that we are ALL IN AGREEMENT with your aversion to the recent and earlier shocking events in Iraq and elsewhere.

The purpose of these discussions SHOULD be to establish the 'Root Causes' of those events.

I have made my own observations quite clear, WHAT ARE YOUR VIEWS ?....... :?: :?: :?: :?: :?:

READ the third comment on page 5 of this thread........Please....... :wink:
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Postby miltiades » Thu Jul 05, 2007 9:26 pm

Get Real! wrote:
Southerner wrote:
Get Real! wrote:Unless you change your sources of information there is no hope for you but to be quite honest with you at 61 it's too late for you now anyway. Miltiades just enjoy your grand daughter, and wine, and don't worry too much.
As for the spelling you must've automatically run a spell checker somehow on what you quoted. Go back and read original messages to solve your query.

Wow what a great contrbution from the terrorists champion.
15 not the usual 12 virgins for you when you pass through the pearly gates (I hope they're all 90 years old.

:P :P :P :P :P

I know that you are intelligent enough to know that it can never be possible to have a “democratically elected government” in a country at war such as Iraq and especially when the invader himself is setting up the “elections”! It is unconstitutional for this to happen and in fact Saddam Houssein was ILLEGALLY removed from office by the invader regardless of your personal feelings about him, which I'm sure you also know.

Your petty attempt to promote something so ludicrous was the dead giveaway that you are a Zionist. I am well versed in Zionist propaganda as I have confronted it scores of times.

Do you ever read “Haaretz” Southerner? I think you do, so Guess who Get Real is… :)

Btw, unfortunately you still can’t spell...

GR , you appear to be rather proficient in M.Eastern affairs , as well a virtuoso in repudiating those above the mental age of 18 , which of course does not include you in spite pf sentiments recently expressed on the benefits of mercenaries , while repeatedly your views are in contrast with your philanthropistic tendencies when it comes to the M.East and our great allies the Arabs.

May I respectfully suggest that you refrain from indiscreet assertions whose only purpose is to demean some one with whom you will be at a great disadvantage in a hall of political deliberation , unless of course the main agenda consisted of polemics. As you can can see your derogatory comments such as your above ::there is no hope for you but to be quite honest with you at 61 it's too late for you now anyway. Miltiades just enjoy your grand daughter, and wine, and don't worry too much.""""
Such remarks are not only insulting but extremely immature and rather dismissive and appalingly stupid. A young man ought to refrain from rudeness and bravado since such displays tend to activate an otherwise mellow 61 year old grandad.
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Postby Get Real! » Thu Jul 05, 2007 9:46 pm

miltiades wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
Southerner wrote:
Get Real! wrote:Unless you change your sources of information there is no hope for you but to be quite honest with you at 61 it's too late for you now anyway. Miltiades just enjoy your grand daughter, and wine, and don't worry too much.
As for the spelling you must've automatically run a spell checker somehow on what you quoted. Go back and read original messages to solve your query.

Wow what a great contrbution from the terrorists champion.
15 not the usual 12 virgins for you when you pass through the pearly gates (I hope they're all 90 years old.

:P :P :P :P :P

I know that you are intelligent enough to know that it can never be possible to have a “democratically elected government” in a country at war such as Iraq and especially when the invader himself is setting up the “elections”! It is unconstitutional for this to happen and in fact Saddam Houssein was ILLEGALLY removed from office by the invader regardless of your personal feelings about him, which I'm sure you also know.

Your petty attempt to promote something so ludicrous was the dead giveaway that you are a Zionist. I am well versed in Zionist propaganda as I have confronted it scores of times.

Do you ever read “Haaretz” Southerner? I think you do, so Guess who Get Real is… :)

Btw, unfortunately you still can’t spell...

GR , you appear to be rather proficient in M.Eastern affairs , as well a virtuoso in repudiating those above the mental age of 18 , which of course does not include you in spite pf sentiments recently expressed on the benefits of mercenaries , while repeatedly your views are in contrast with your philanthropistic tendencies when it comes to the M.East and our great allies the Arabs.

May I respectfully suggest that you refrain from indiscreet assertions whose only purpose is to demean some one with whom you will be at a great disadvantage in a hall of political deliberation , unless of course the main agenda consisted of polemics. As you can can see your derogatory comments such as your above ::there is no hope for you but to be quite honest with you at 61 it's too late for you now anyway. Miltiades just enjoy your grand daughter, and wine, and don't worry too much.""""
Such remarks are not only insulting but extremely immature and rather dismissive and appalingly stupid. A young man ought to refrain from rudeness and bravado since such displays tend to activate an otherwise mellow 61 year old grandad.

Unfortunately, you have the kind of personality that when it reaches 61 you are set like concrete and there’s just not enough information and facts on this planet to make someone like you see the light in areas where you are clearly in the dark, such as your unconditional love for the US, and it’s not my responsibility and nor do I have the interest to waste my time for you so I therefore choose to let you be. So…

Fare thee well Miltiades.
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Postby Eliko » Thu Jul 05, 2007 10:14 pm

Eliko wrote:As a follow up to the previous comment about 'Democratically Elected Governments', was there not a considerable amount of talk about 'Gerrymandering' when the democratic elections took place in Iraq ?.

Perhaps I am mistaken, miltiades would know for sure.................. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

You forgot to go off on one of your tangents in dealing with this comment Sir.

Perhaps you have an opinion.

:wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:
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Postby miltiades » Thu Jul 05, 2007 10:15 pm

"""""Unfortunately, you have the kind of personality that when it reaches 61 you are set like concrete and there’s just not enough information and facts on this planet to make someone like you see the light in areas where you are clearly in the dark, such as your unconditional love for the US, and it’s not my responsibility and nor do I have the interest to waste my time for you so I therefore choose to let you be so… """""
Fare thee well Miltiades. """""
And good bye to you too , but before I go , let me offer my sincere apologies for wrongly interpreting your commitment to introducing money-grubbing killers onto our island in order to assit in the removal of the Turkish army , afew suicide bombers from Iraq might also bolster your argument , however , as you put it , Im in the dark , while you young man have seen the light . May you continue your journey through life always seeking enlightenment and by the time you reach my age , may be your arguments will be as tough as concrete and not as soft as they now are immersed in mud.
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Postby Southerner » Thu Jul 05, 2007 11:12 pm

Eliko wrote:Southerner, if you take the time to READ , you will see that our friend miltiades made issue of Democratically Elected Government, I was a bit surprised at that since in the past he has condemned Hamas, (A Democratically Elected Government).

I am also a bit surprised that you should level such an accusation at me since miltiades NEVER responds to the questions asked of him, he invariably resorts to his usual inane comments about some past incident.

Take the time to read back a few exchanges and you will see the evidence................. :idea: :idea: :idea: :idea: :idea:

Just answer without the usual waffle
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Postby Southerner » Thu Jul 05, 2007 11:53 pm

Get Real! wrote:Unless you change your sources of information there is no hope for you but to be quite honest with you at 61 it's too late for you now anyway. Miltiades just enjoy your grand daughter, and wine, and don't worry too much..

There you are miltiades you'r obviously suffering from advanced Sealion Dimension.
Diagnosed by Dr Get Real MD, Bsc, VD & Scar, soul member of the Rebel Without A Clue club, Chairman of the Flat Earth Society.
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