To all members of this forum :- I notice that there have been more than 500 views of this particular topic and I think that the time is now right to begin delving into the REASONS for all the mayhem we are daily witnessing.
May I suggest we lay down certain guidelines in discussing the 'Root Causes' of these events ?.
Let us NOT refer to the numerous suicide and other attacks, since they only serve to distort our views and defeat the object of the discussion.
The first step we must take is very simple, we must imagine ourselves to be in the situation others may find themselves to be in, through no fault of their own.
We are dealing with a different culture here, a culture which does not wish to emulate our own since they regard it as decadent.
We are dealing with a different religion and for as much as WE may think OURS is correct, THEY think THEIRS is.
We are dealing with a different system of government, a different system of moral standards and a different mode of general principles.
These are the basic 'Differences' between THEM and US.
My own view is quite clear, I can accept that some of their perceptions are superior to ours, particularly in the areas of general morality and can understand their reluctance to adopt our standards.
We of the West, have infiltrated their system in many areas, we have foisted our standards upon them, we have robbed and plundered their resources and have finally unleashed a murderous, cowardly, illegal and unjust attack upon them.
We use the excuse of 9/11 to justify our action, (the root causes of that are precisely the same), we have forced our will upon other nations and they do not accept it.
I realize my views are bound to attract some controversy, providing it does not take the form of the usual hate filled nonsense we have witnessed so far, I don't mind that.
In closing, here is a small snippet that you may be able to understand, (providing you are able to place yourself in the position of the other person), the matter of benefits, lack of integration, abusing the system etc.
If a person came into YOUR house and destroyed it, would you not wish to retaliate and destroy THEIRS ?.