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Postby miltiades » Wed Jul 04, 2007 7:06 pm

Tess wrote:
""""These people are fighting against the invader of their Country but they havent used planes to bomb the enemy, they use themselves - literally........dont they?
Tess ""

Yes they do indiscriminately against civilian targets , you either condemn such barbaric events unconditionally or you see in their actions a justification .They are vile , sick individuals who have hijacked the religion of 1.4 billion followers .
The are modern day savages not freedom fighters but savages. They are not only responsible for the death of innocent civilians but are also wholly responsible for creating an anti Islamic feeling through out Europe. They and they alone are the people inciting a backlash against peaceful decent Muslims.
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Postby Eliko » Wed Jul 04, 2007 7:21 pm

Southerner, what may I ask, is the point you are trying to make in relation to the subject under discussion?.

Do you believe that every topic is based on the same issues that have been under scrutiny and condemned by everyone severally ?.

What we are trying to determine here is quite apart from any of the 'well aired' views on extremism, we are only interested in discovering the 'Root Causes' of the events that we are all now witnessing.

Fanaticism, Extremism or whatever labels you may wish to attach to the events are NOT the 'Root Causes', they are the result of something else which created extremists and fanatics.

That is why I raised the subject of 'Patriotism' (an honourable title), because it occured to me that the only way to understand a patriot's motives is to compare your own to his.

No need for abuse, no need for cliche's, no need for insults............................. :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:
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Postby zan » Wed Jul 04, 2007 8:11 pm

miltiades wrote:Tess wrote:
""""These people are fighting against the invader of their Country but they havent used planes to bomb the enemy, they use themselves - literally........dont they?
Tess ""

Yes they do indiscriminately against civilian targets , you either condemn such barbaric events unconditionally or you see in their actions a justification .They are vile , sick individuals who have hijacked the religion of 1.4 billion followers .
The are modern day savages not freedom fighters but savages. They are not only responsible for the death of innocent civilians but are also wholly responsible for creating an anti Islamic feeling through out Europe. They and they alone are the people inciting a backlash against peaceful decent Muslims.

Why do we need judges and/or a jury in court rooms. If it is so clear cut then why can't we just have a computer dole out the punishments? The point is that although murder is murder, the reasons behind the murder have to examined. In France I believe they still have the verdict known as "Crime of passion". It is put down to a moment of madness in which a person finds their partner in bed with another or have suffered abuse at the hands of a apartner and they retaliate in a violent way. Can you not see tthe difference in the act as apposed to the reason of the act. Keep cutting out the cancer without making a single attempt to find out what the cancer actually is and iunderstand it and you will just carry on cutting out cancer for ever and ever. There might just be a cure somewhere.
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Postby miltiades » Wed Jul 04, 2007 9:08 pm

Zan , you are therefore comparing July 7th when savages indiscriminately killed and maimed innocent civilians to a crime of passion !!!!! Find your partner in bed and blow your self up killing all around you !!!

I know where the cancer and what causes cancer , it is called BRAINWASHING AN INDIVIDUAL UNTIL HE LOSES ALL TRACES OF HUMANITY AND TURNS INTO A SAVAGE.
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Postby Eliko » Wed Jul 04, 2007 9:54 pm

miltiades wrote:Zan ,

miltiades, since you refuse to discuss the topic we are trying to highlight and since you continually extract small sections of OUR comments to suit YOURS, how do you like THIS interpretation of your words.

Is the above quote indicative of the technique used in training a pilot to fly 6 miles high over a sleeping city and drop bombs on innocent children ?.

The only 'Brainwashing' that is apparent seems to be coming from people who are unable to discuss a topic without lurching in to a monotonous repetition of the same nonsense every time a point is raised.

We are NOT concerned with blowing up beds, we are trying to reach an intelligent assessment of a particular matter, please try and contribute to the discussion without resorting to anger and abuse......... :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:
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Postby Southerner » Wed Jul 04, 2007 9:57 pm

Eliko wrote:Southerner, what may I ask, is the point you are trying to make in relation to the subject under discussion?.
That is why I raised the subject of 'Patriotism' (an honourable title), because it occured to me that the only way to understand a patriot's motives is to compare your own to his.
insults............................. :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:

When I consider a deliberate missuse of words to excuse acts of barbarism I call it Bulshit!

A patiot is one who feels and acts strongly for his country not his religion. Religion is a belief that should not be forced upon anyone,.

A patriot does not murder people in the land of his birth (London 7/7 bombings), that is the act of a barbaric low life that drags islam ever further into the cesspit, even the scum in iraq who are murdering fellow muslims cannot call themselves patriots they're terrorists just the same as 9/11 scum, the 7/7 scum, the recent attempted London/Glasgow bomber scum, they have nothing in common with patriotism the only thing that they do have in common is, wait for it, you've got, ISLAM, I rest my case.

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Postby Eliko » Wed Jul 04, 2007 10:17 pm

Southerner, Thank you for your 'rested case', now go back and READ the initial topic, where do the points you raise fit into it ?.

We are NOT concerned with any of your comments, we are trying to establish the 'Root Causes' of the problems, unfortunately you seem to be preoccupied with ISLAM, sorry I can't help you too much on that one mate, QAMERSLAND is the man YOU want to see.................. :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:
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Postby SN » Wed Jul 04, 2007 10:22 pm

Southerner wrote:A patriot is one who feels and acts strongly for his country

A patriot is not a person who romantically feels strong about his country Southerner...A patriot seeks to see his country evolve.He fights for his country's best interests,without ever having to resort to extreme actions.

A true patriot does not put down other nations or religions.He is respective of the others,while he critisizes his own mother land(even harsly).It's called ''harsh'' love.
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Postby miltiades » Wed Jul 04, 2007 11:00 pm

Eliko wrote:
miltiades wrote:Zan ,

miltiades, since you refuse to discuss the topic we are trying to highlight and since you continually extract small sections of OUR comments to suit YOURS, how do you like THIS interpretation of your words.

Is the above quote indicative of the technique used in training a pilot to fly 6 miles high over a sleeping city and drop bombs on innocent children ?.

The only 'Brainwashing' that is apparent seems to be coming from people who are unable to discuss a topic without lurching in to a monotonous repetition of the same nonsense every time a point is raised.

We are NOT concerned with blowing up beds, we are trying to reach an intelligent assessment of a particular matter, please try and contribute to the discussion without resorting to anger and abuse......... :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:

Eliko , you and I have been down this road before. I UNRESERVEDLY CONDEMN paedophiles , child Molesters , intellectual bankrupts and suicide barbarians without any consideration what so ever as to why are these monsters behaving the way that they do. You must see that the very moment that you search for reasons to either understand or even excuse vile behaviour that is the moment that you as a human will be judged. Those that read your explanation or your feeble efforts to see beyond such hideous demonic acts will see right through your sentiments , and justly arrive at the opinion that you are a supporter of such crimes because as you state """ intelligent assessment of a particular matter "" There is only one assesment of this peculiar , not particular , but exclusively a byproduct of a sick and bunkrupt ideology. The Doctor that was arrested at Glasgow airport was not shouting British out of Iraq , but God you are great . The have digested wrongly the meaning of Islam they are giving this faith a label that only they can remove by re joining the human race. I do not have to understand their evil acts. These so called martyrs , that you Eliko want to understand in order to find justification for their evil acts , are the rotten apples of an otherwise peaceful religion. Why do they not protest against the indisf=criminate killings of Muslims by these fanatics ?? What is the cause behind suicide attacks in Mosques , at funarals , in public markets ?? What the hell do you want to understand about such disgustingly savage acts.
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Postby Eliko » Wed Jul 04, 2007 11:07 pm

miltiades, for god's sake, READ THE TOPIC..........goodnight.............. :idea:
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