Southerner, very clever of you to consign the book to a place which you consider to be appropriate, the only fly in the ointment being that the book contains some documented proof of political underhandedness.
I try not to include the statements of politicians in any of my posts, miltiades on the other hand, often relies on such statements whenever he wishes to press a point.
My own view is that we all know of the connivances practiced by our politicians, we have all witnessed the results and some unfortunates have suffered severely as a result of them.
I just cannot understand how any person (other than a citizen of America) can be so besotted by that nation, there is so much evidence available to discredit them.
Perhaps you should re-consider your judgement, or do you also uphold the actions of the US in IRAQ ?.
Since my comment was directed at 'miltiades' I wonder why you began your response with 'WE', does that mean that you are in sync with him ?, two musicians playing the same tune I think.