In thirty years time more correct figures might turn up to be much higher. I hope not.

GR wrote:Btw, I was an infantry sergeant and still a reservist; I've got a lovely G3 automatic and a couple of hundred rounds of ammo in my cupboard because we keep them at home!, but as I said before it's irrelevant to this issue. Trouble spots like Cyprus, Lebanon, Israel, etc, have firepower coming out of their ears!
Halill wrote:You see G_R what is differences between TC's site and your site.we don't carry guns in our homes. GC wants turkish troops to leave . guns in the reservists homes tell me how the TC's will feel safe and things will not happen again. It is shame on your leadership...... İF we solve the problem.who knows where will be those guns..... Are sure there will be no EOKA C thats way we need quarteens of the Turkish army.Do u know that we can't have single bullet in our is forbitten.....
Get Real! wrote:GR wrote:Btw, I was an infantry sergeant and still a reservist; I've got a lovely G3 automatic and a couple of hundred rounds of ammo in my cupboard because we keep them at home!, but as I said before it's irrelevant to this issue. Trouble spots like Cyprus, Lebanon, Israel, etc, have firepower coming out of their ears!Halill wrote:You see G_R what is differences between TC's site and your site.we don't carry guns in our homes. GC wants turkish troops to leave . guns in the reservists homes tell me how the TC's will feel safe and things will not happen again. It is shame on your leadership...... İF we solve the problem.who knows where will be those guns..... Are sure there will be no EOKA C thats way we need quarteens of the Turkish army.Do u know that we can't have single bullet in our is forbitten.....
That's a lesson we learned from July 1974 when GC reservists rushing to defend Cyprus from the Turkish invasion were unable to find weapons in caches locked up or stolen during the coup etc. Now every reservist can transform from civilian to soldier in about 10 minutes by keeping all his gear at home in a secure place. Think of how much time can be saved for battle readiness.
Eliko wrote:denizaksulu, there can be no doubt that the initial founding of the state of Israel was a grave injustice to the Arab population, at that time, the Arabs were far less advanced than they are today.
Israel has not been popular for decades but has been backed by Western powers since it's conception.
It could be that the 'Root Causes' of all the conflicts in the region stem from the same source, I do not know, THAT is why I invited members to make suggestions, I must say my hopes for some enlightenment on the subject have suffered some abatement in their expectations.
I do take your point, political chicanery once again I suspect. Best Wishes.![]()
halil wrote:Btw, I was an infantry sergeant and still a reservist; I've got a lovely G3 automatic and a couple of hundred rounds of ammo in my cupboard because we keep them at home!, but as I said before it's irrelevant to this issue. Trouble spots like Cyprus, Lebanon, Israel, etc, have firepower coming out of their ears!
miltiades wrote:halil wrote:Btw, I was an infantry sergeant and still a reservist; I've got a lovely G3 automatic and a couple of hundred rounds of ammo in my cupboard because we keep them at home!, but as I said before it's irrelevant to this issue. Trouble spots like Cyprus, Lebanon, Israel, etc, have firepower coming out of their ears!
You see G_R what is differences between TC's site and your site.we don't carry guns in our homes. GC wants turkish troops to leave . guns in the reservists homes tell me how the TC's will feel safe and things will not happen again. It is shame on your leadership...... İF we solve the problem.who knows where will be those guns..... Are sure there will be no EOKA C thats way we need quarteens of the Turkish army.Do u know that we can't have single bullet in our is forbitten.....
miltiades wrote:GR wrote:Btw, I was an infantry sergeant and still a reservist; I've got a lovely G3 automatic and a couple of hundred rounds of ammo in my cupboard because we keep them at home!, but as I said before it's irrelevant to this issue. Trouble spots like Cyprus, Lebanon, Israel, etc, have firepower coming out of their ears!Halil wrote:You see G_R what is differences between TC's site and your site.we don't carry guns in our homes. GC wants turkish troops to leave . guns in the reservists homes tell me how the TC's will feel safe and things will not happen again. It is shame on your leadership...... İF we solve the problem.who knows where will be those guns..... Are sure there will be no EOKA C thats way we need quarteens of the Turkish army.Do u know that we can't have single bullet in our is forbitten.....
Correction Halil. GR does not represent the opinions of all Cypriots .
Viewpoint wrote:You are probably not aware that GC reservisits also keep dismantled guns and amunition at home, the serial numbers are registered with army and controlled every so often to ensure they have not been used and kept for times of war to kill TCs. Not as white as you think.
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