Hi all. Arguing about how many poor souls were killed and who knows the truth reminds me of the victims of the Jewish Holocaust. It began as two million, then leaped to four the other day it was 6 million Jews alone. No one can be sure of any exact figures. Each source will have its own agenda. Each of us will find our own sources and quote them as the gospel truth. The fact is whatever the number, it is too much. From what I can guestimate it might even be higher that what Get Real quoted. Lets not be too hasty on the subject. We all know 'the first casualty of war, dont we? Its the 'TRUTH". After all that is said it might be even fewer that GRs assertion. Then we all are the innocent victims of 'body counters'. One innocent 'dead' is too many.
In thirty years time more correct figures might turn up to be much higher. I hope not.