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Postby miltiades » Mon Jul 09, 2007 7:44 am

It is because we consider their plight that we can see clearly WHO is protracting this conflict.
There is a government MADE UP OF IRAQIS , Al Quida and their fanatics will not give them a chance.Daily massacres and yet YOU do not ever express any dismay at this carnage happening daily because you are too busy dealing with the Greek and G/C decease of American bloody finger , why on earth are these bloody idiots killing their own people every day , why not fight their enemy , the USA.
For as long as there are people who support as you and Eliko do , this attrocious acts there will never be peace in Iraq.
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Postby Eliko » Mon Jul 09, 2007 11:00 am

miltiades, you again infer that I support the attrocities occuring in Iraq and elsewhere, I think I have made it quite clear that I do not.

Unfortunately, you have proven on numerous occasions that you are unable to grasp the fundamental issues in several posts.

You have rigidly fixed ideas and cannot see that YOU are the only one suffering from the disease of 'ALLEGIANCE',
(if we may term it as such) whereas I am not concerned with loyalties, only in discovering the 'Root Causes'.

I am well aware of the unjustified attacks perpetrated by the U.S.A. on a defenceless civilian population, as are most 'THINKING' human beings, YOU being one of the exceptions of course, nothing unusual there then, 'eh ?...... :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:
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Postby Southerner » Mon Jul 09, 2007 11:53 am

RichardB wrote:But this background does not give me a right to be any better than others on the forum to give an opinion

[/quote="Get Real!]
One of these days you’re just going to have to realize that a professional musician can only grasp so much because you are obviously unable to comprehend the difference between 5kg or 10kg of explosives that can be carried by a suicide bomber compared to a 500lbs, 1000lbs, or 3000lbs bomb fired or dropped by a machine.

But he was correct was he in in assuming because I am a musician I had no grasp on the situation (although I do have two nephews who served in the Gulf war) and therefore should not pass an opinion, this seems a little like double standards on your part.
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Postby Southerner » Mon Jul 09, 2007 11:55 am

Southerner wrote:
RichardB wrote:But this background does not give me a right to be any better than others on the forum to give an opinion

[/quote="Get Real!]
One of these days you’re just going to have to realize that a professional musician can only grasp so much because you are obviously unable to comprehend the difference between 5kg or 10kg of explosives that can be carried by a suicide bomber compared to a 500lbs, 1000lbs, or 3000lbs bomb fired or dropped by a machine.

But he was correct was he in in assuming because I am a musician without a military background I had no grasp on the situation (also I do have two nephews who served in the Gulf war) and therefore should not pass an opinion, this seems a little like double standards on your part.
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Postby denizaksulu » Mon Jul 09, 2007 11:57 am

Good morning Eliko: First of all, I deplore all acts of violence. You say:

" Southerner, I do know from experience and having visited Israel on various occasions that there is a great deal of resentment there due to Israel's progressive development, in the early days of the formation of the state, the land was barren and it is only through the hard work and industry of the new occupants, that the state became what it is today.

I think it would be fair to say that such progress, viewed through the eyes of the original inhabitants would create such resentment, call it jealousy".

But this jealousy you talk about, would it have been justified in 1948. What was there to be jelous about? I do admit that the Kibbutz system since then has miraculously indeed turned desert regions in to green pastures etc. but that barren land you talk about was their (Arab / Palestinians) HOME.

They (the Jews and the Arabs) both were victims of British false promises and Policies at the end of the WWI and the collapse of the Ottomoan Empire.
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Postby Eliko » Mon Jul 09, 2007 12:12 pm

denizaksulu, there can be no doubt that the initial founding of the state of Israel was a grave injustice to the Arab population, at that time, the Arabs were far less advanced than they are today.

Israel has not been popular for decades but has been backed by Western powers since it's conception.

It could be that the 'Root Causes' of all the conflicts in the region stem from the same source, I do not know, THAT is why I invited members to make suggestions, I must say my hopes for some enlightenment on the subject have suffered some abatement in their expectations.

I do take your point, political chicanery once again I suspect. Best Wishes. :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
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Postby RichardB » Mon Jul 09, 2007 12:16 pm

Southerner wrote:
RichardB wrote:But this background does not give me a right to be any better than others on the forum to give an opinion

[/quote="Get Real!]
One of these days you’re just going to have to realize that a professional musician can only grasp so much because you are obviously unable to comprehend the difference between 5kg or 10kg of explosives that can be carried by a suicide bomber compared to a 500lbs, 1000lbs, or 3000lbs bomb fired or dropped by a machine.

But he was correct was he in in assuming because I am a musician I had no grasp on the situation (although I do have two nephews who served in the Gulf war) and therefore should not pass an opinion, this seems a little like double standards on your part.

Southerner I was certainly not having a 'dig' at you with my post

The quote you made above is slightly out of context as I made my post on this thread after GR.

My point which you seemed to initially agree with was that a persons background does not make them any less qualified to give an opinion
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Postby denizaksulu » Mon Jul 09, 2007 12:28 pm

Good morning Miltiades,
I have been following your "discussion" with Eliko and co re: Israel, arabs, terrorists etc.
Regarding the events of 1974 in Cyprus, I am sure that you would like to be in the know, of root causes for all the problems we all face. It would be part of the general understanding of what we face and might help us understand the situation. There is nothing wrong in trying to understand the root causes for those "heinous" attempted terrorist activities. I watched Sky news this morning, lo and behold another three poor british soldiers die for Bushs' and Blairs war on terrorism. and another car bomb goes off in another market place killing god knows how many. Without approving their methods of (the NHS 5/6) and definitely condemning such actions, it will not condemn people for trying to understand WHY? One of the Iraqi medics is reported as saying "what have they done to my country). If a GC did something like that in Turkey, because of what Turkey "did" to their country, I would definitely condemn the action but I would understand it. What do you tell this poor lost soul, (NHS%),"dont worry everything will be fine"? Who do you think we can blame and what good does it do? Maybe my opinions are too simplistic but there will be diferent shades of opinions to this problem and we must listen and respect all others opinions without getting nasty about it. I understand how you feel, you have been rightly or wrongly maligned. My turn will also come.
Religion need not come into it. Half the population of Palestine are not Moslem. I am sure you do lot want me to list their non-moslem leaders names of whom you are familiar with.
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Postby denizaksulu » Mon Jul 09, 2007 12:32 pm

Tessintrnc: Regarding all good people go to paradise being mentioned in the Koran, I can definitely say thet According to the Koran Jesus the son of Mary is in paradise.
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Postby Southerner » Mon Jul 09, 2007 3:24 pm

RichardB wrote:
Southerner wrote:
RichardB wrote:But this background does not give me a right to be any better than others on the forum to give an opinion

[/quote="Get Real!]
One of these days you’re just going to have to realize that a professional musician can only grasp so much because you are obviously unable to comprehend the difference between 5kg or 10kg of explosives that can be carried by a suicide bomber compared to a 500lbs, 1000lbs, or 3000lbs bomb fired or dropped by a machine.

But he was correct was he in in assuming because I am a musician I had no grasp on the situation (although I do have two nephews who served in the Gulf war) and therefore should not pass an opinion, this seems a little like double standards on your part.

Southerner I was certainly not having a 'dig' at you with my post

The quote you made above is slightly out of context as I made my post on this thread after GR.

My point which you seemed to initially agree with was that a persons background does not make them any less qualified to give an opinion

My reply to Get Real was due to him jumpnig in and being quite offensive with his inference that being a musician left me at a disadvantage in these matters, I was not claiming anything special just that I am not totaly devoid of knowledge on these matters as Get Real implied; just because I became a musician
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