Southerner wrote:The point is Eliko you give the impressiion that you do by constantly turning to the coalition who have actualy killed but a small fraction compared to Saddam followed by the suicide bobmbers,..
Eliko wrote:miltiades, WE ALL KNOW WHAT YOU CONDEMN UNRESERVEDLY, you have rammed it down our throats MANY TIMES and I have told you often enough, I AGREE with you.
I do not approve of bus bombs etc, I don't suppose anyone else does either, do you think it makes you somehow 'SPECIAL' because YOU don't ?.
The fact that I wish to examine the reasons for these events, does not make me one of the perpetrators, it does not make me a sympathiser, it does not mean that I feel joy when I hear of a new attrocity.
Those are all YOUR interpretations of what you extract from my posts.
You are unable to digest the contents of them since you are blinded by your inflexible assessments of what is right and what is wrong, that attitude is NEGATIVE since it can lead NOWHERE.
I have never stated that I hate everything Western, American or other, I have only ever indicated my abhorrence for the actions and conduct of the West, IN COMPARISON to those I have experienced in the East.
I do not like to resort to insult and/or abusive language, it is unnecessary and basically ignorant, quite unacceptable to a decent clean living person such as I consider myself to be.
Please READ my posts, look for the meaning of them, I feel that you are trying to annoy me with your retorts, I must tell you, you will not succeed for I am above them Sir.
miltiades wrote:Southerner , I would not waste any more of my time with this Jihadi sympathiser . In Iraq the last 48 hours almost 200 Iraqis lost their lives as a result of suicide bombers , and yet this individual still supports this "ill-equipped population "" the reason he can not see further than his nose , is that he himself is an ardent supporter of anyone that inflicts damage to the USA , Brittain or any other Western target. He hides behind the veil of educational charisma that he no doubt possesses to which I again say what a waste.
Get Real! wrote:Southerner wrote:One of these days you’re just going to have to realize that a professional musician can only grasp so much because you are obviously unable to comprehend the difference between 5kg or 10kg of explosives that can be carried by a suicide bomber compared to a 500lbs, 1000lbs, or 3000lbs bomb fired or dropped by a machine.To .
Southerner wrote:Get Real! wrote:Southerner wrote:One of these days you’re just going to have to realize that a professional musician can only grasp so much because you are obviously unable to comprehend the difference between 5kg or 10kg of explosives that can be carried by a suicide bomber compared to a 500lbs, 1000lbs, or 3000lbs bomb fired or dropped by a machine.To .
Get Real can you pease give me a rundown of your military back ground
Get Real! wrote: Although pretty much all the males in Cyprus have a military background due to an obligatory military service, this issue is really one of common sense.
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