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Postby RichardB » Sun Jul 08, 2007 12:53 pm

Elkio wrote
I do not consider myself qualified to insult leaders of other nations since they are entitled to the respect that their position demands, whether or not we agree with their policies is irrelevant, it is a matter for the people of the nation affected by their leaders to decide.

This is all well and good when the peoples are allowed to vote for change elkio. But in countries where the population isnt allowed ths option' and is constantly suppressed by a government their only hope is through help from the 'outside'
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Postby miltiades » Sun Jul 08, 2007 12:57 pm


""""""""The fact that I am unwilling to condemn certain actions without knowledge of their cause, does not make me a supporter of them, I think it reveals the fact that I prefer to discover the reasons for such actions before making any judgements. (not a bad characteristic I think) and certainly not an indication that I am unable to distinguish between right and wrong. """""

Therefore you are unwilling to condemn the 9/11 . 7/7 and the recent "medical assault " since as you say you do not have the "knowledge to their cause. My answer , BULLSHIT !! You are undeniably a supporter of these acts.

""""""I do not consider myself qualified to insult leaders of other nations since they are entitled to the respect that their position demands, whether or not we agree with their policies is irrelevant, it is a matter for the people of the nation affected by their leaders to decide. """""" !!!! What a plonker !

Neither do I profess to be qualified , but when faced with unadulterated shit I recognise it as such , and Mugabe is "entitled to the respect that their position demands, whether or not we agree with their policies is irrelevant ""
are you out of your tiny mind , this is the butcher of Africa who along with Idi Amin , another of your great heroes no doubt , are perhaps the worst Africans of all time and you suggest that we treat them with respect !!!

My answer > More bullshit from you . What a bloody waste of an education.
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Postby Eliko » Sun Jul 08, 2007 12:59 pm

RichardB, that snippet was aimed at miltiades, he constantly insults all and sundry and I merely wanted to point out that HE is not in a position to do so, he immediately concluded that I was a supporter of Mugabe's regime, such is the level of his ability to understand simple observations. :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:
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Postby Eliko » Sun Jul 08, 2007 1:23 pm

miltiades, well done, you have just proved my point. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby Southerner » Sun Jul 08, 2007 6:06 pm

Churchill once said "Jaw, Jaw is better than War, War", but, and it is a big but, there comes a time when action speaks louder than words.
We waited too long in Bosnia, did nothing in Uganda, stiill doing nothing in Zimbabwe, didn't finish the job in the first Gulf war, the result; figures running into millions of men women and children lost their lives, in Zimbabwe it still goes on.
As I said ealrlier the biggest mistake in Iraq was to disband the military, many out of work ex military have taken to organised crime, religious fanatics are piling into the country from Iran and Syria.
Anyone who really believes that the majority of attacks against the coalition forces and the new Iraqi law enforcement/armed forces are carried out solely by Iraqis is not worthy of a worthwhile response.
In my opinion it is more wrong to stand by and watch than it is to stand up and be counted. It is the bystanders who are just as guilty as the perpetrators.
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Postby Eliko » Sun Jul 08, 2007 6:25 pm

Southerner, are you suggesting then that the un-armed and ill-equipped population should just allow themselves to be bombed into submission, that they should accept a system of government that they do not want, that they should adopt the lifestyle of those that they regard as decadent, without applying for assistance from similarly minded allies ?.

Surely that would be an extension of the attrocities perpetrated by the Israeli's against the Palestinians.

Or, since you seem to like political quotes, how about 'Might is Right', would you subscribe to that statement ?.

:?: :?: :?: :?: :?:
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Postby miltiades » Sun Jul 08, 2007 6:50 pm

Eliko wrote:Southerner, are you suggesting then that the un-armed and ill-equipped population should just allow themselves to be bombed into submission, that they should accept a system of government that they do not want, that they should adopt the lifestyle of those that they regard as decadent, without applying for assistance from similarly minded allies ?.

Surely that would be an extension of the attrocities perpetrated by the Israeli's against the Palestinians.

Or, since you seem to like political quotes, how about 'Might is Right', would you subscribe to that statement ?.

:?: :?: :?: :?: :?:

You are such an annoying sod aren't you. The majority of Iraqis VOTED for this government , they do not want an Islamist state , get that in your head man , your persistently displaying your ignorance and should refrain from making further idiotic posts.The majority of Iraqis ARE SHIA , NOT SUNI. Those blowing themselves up and refusing to abide by the majority are the MINORITY in Iraq . The Iraqis voted this government in .
The fact that our "Mercenary " MEMBER SUPPORTS YOUR VIEWS is an indication that such views are formulated by your intense hatred of the West and your unquestionable support of the suicide bombers of Iraq and elsewhere.
You have bored us to tears with your "roots" " cause" syndrome when fanatics spread death and destruction to innocent people here comes Eliko to justify such actions by the usual nonsense , Ah but what makes them do that .I dont give a monkeys what turns a paedophile on and what turns Doctors into murderers. I do not want to smell shit to know it is such.

To summarise , the whole argument here is this.Miltiades condemns UNRESERVEDLY the premeditated acts of barbarism , the blowing up of buses , mosques , markets etc etc in order to kill and maim as many as possible. YOU DO NOT . MILTIADES BELIEVES IN THE SANCTITY OF LIFE , ALL LIFE .YOU DO NOT , UNLESS YOU KNOW THE CAUSE OF SUCH DESTRUCTION.
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Postby Eliko » Sun Jul 08, 2007 7:30 pm

miltiades, WE ALL KNOW WHAT YOU CONDEMN UNRESERVEDLY, you have rammed it down our throats MANY TIMES and I have told you often enough, I AGREE with you.

I do not approve of bus bombs etc, I don't suppose anyone else does either, do you think it makes you somehow 'SPECIAL' because YOU don't ?.

The fact that I wish to examine the reasons for these events, does not make me one of the perpetrators, it does not make me a sympathiser, it does not mean that I feel joy when I hear of a new attrocity.

Those are all YOUR interpretations of what you extract from my posts.

You are unable to digest the contents of them since you are blinded by your inflexible assessments of what is right and what is wrong, that attitude is NEGATIVE since it can lead NOWHERE.

I have never stated that I hate everything Western, American or other, I have only ever indicated my abhorrence for the actions and conduct of the West, IN COMPARISON to those I have experienced in the East.

I do not like to resort to insult and/or abusive language, it is unnecessary and basically ignorant, quite unacceptable to a decent clean living person such as I consider myself to be.

Please READ my posts, look for the meaning of them, I feel that you are trying to annoy me with your retorts, I must tell you, you will not succeed for I am above them Sir.

:wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:
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Postby Southerner » Sun Jul 08, 2007 7:54 pm

Eliko wrote:Southerner, are you suggesting then that the un-armed and ill-equipped population should just allow themselves to be bombed into submission, that they should accept a system of government that they do not want, that they should adopt the lifestyle of those that they regard as decadent, without applying for assistance from similarly minded allies ?.
Surely that would be an extension of the attrocities perpetrated by the Israeli's against the Palestinians.
Or, since you seem to like political quotes, how about 'Might is Right', would you subscribe to that statement ?. :?: :?: :?: :?: :?:

Quite frankly it sounds as if you'r describing Iraq under Saddam, weren't these things the hallmarks of Saddam, bombing an ill equiped population (see Kursds) bombed into submission, Saddam's Iraq had a minority government that was decadent and they (the majority) did not want it.
When the Israelis go in and knock a few heads together they always seem to kill innocent old men, women and children; oh and I foregot men dressed as women, it's amazing what you can conceal under a head to toe hood. Saddam even fired Scud missiles into Israel to try and get Israel to enter the 1st gulf war the result would have been to get the Arab members of the coalition to dessert the cause. thankfuly the Israelis were too wise.
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Postby Southerner » Sun Jul 08, 2007 8:01 pm

Eliko wrote:I do not approve of bus bombs etc, I don't suppose anyone else does either, do you think it makes you somehow 'SPECIAL' because YOU don't ?.:wink:

The point is Eliko you give the impressiion that you do by constantly turning to the coalition who have actualy killed but a small fraction compared to Saddam followed by the suicide bobmbers, Saddam ruled by terror and used outlawed weapons against his own people.
His was a minority government which carried out attrocities against the majority. His army was well equiped but poorly commanded.
The insurgents are not patriots but fanatical terrorists.
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