Eliko wrote:miltiades, I think I have finally cottoned on to your game mate, 'YOUR HAVING A LAUGH !'.................................
You have got me in stitches at this end, how could I have been so daft as not to have recognized the fact before now ?, I am a serious man you see, it didn't occur to me until just now, BOY you sure sucked me in to that one.
CONGRATULATIONS, I think you are GREAT !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Eliko , I'm also a serious man , but the difference between us , apart from age , is the fact that I'm a realist that having seen both sides of the coin does not wait for further sides to appear. I do not mince my words. I have in the past , on more than one occasion , referred to you as an educated moron. Not wishing to be rude I withdrew this remark . Some on this forum might have even questioned the validity of my assessment .EDUCATED MORON.
Events of the last few days have given us a perfect example of what an educated moron is. Your continued refusal to condemn such repugnant acts UNCONDITIONALY , and your dedication in wanting the root cause to be found for such perverted actions leads me to believe that you yourself is possessed by serious credentials that indicate your silent support of such sickening acts . You either condemn such barbaric acts without adding the usual annoying yes but.... this is what the Islamic fundamentalists normally say.
Yesterday , I discussed with a Pakistani doctor , born in the UK , the horrific attacks.He condemned such acts by finishing with Yes but .......
On a previous discussion with this doctor , he informed me that only Muslims would go to paradise . When I enquired whether Mother Teresa had any chance of an entry ticket , he looked amused and with a sarccastic smirk on his face looked at me in the eyes and answered " But she is not a Muslim !! Some educated moron.