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Postby miltiades » Sat Jul 07, 2007 8:13 am

Eliko wrote:miltiades, I think I have finally cottoned on to your game mate, 'YOUR HAVING A LAUGH !'.................................

You have got me in stitches at this end, how could I have been so daft as not to have recognized the fact before now ?, I am a serious man you see, it didn't occur to me until just now, BOY you sure sucked me in to that one.

CONGRATULATIONS, I think you are GREAT !!!!!!!!!!!!!

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Eliko , I'm also a serious man , but the difference between us , apart from age , is the fact that I'm a realist that having seen both sides of the coin does not wait for further sides to appear. I do not mince my words. I have in the past , on more than one occasion , referred to you as an educated moron. Not wishing to be rude I withdrew this remark . Some on this forum might have even questioned the validity of my assessment .EDUCATED MORON.
Events of the last few days have given us a perfect example of what an educated moron is. Your continued refusal to condemn such repugnant acts UNCONDITIONALY , and your dedication in wanting the root cause to be found for such perverted actions leads me to believe that you yourself is possessed by serious credentials that indicate your silent support of such sickening acts . You either condemn such barbaric acts without adding the usual annoying yes but.... this is what the Islamic fundamentalists normally say.

Yesterday , I discussed with a Pakistani doctor , born in the UK , the horrific attacks.He condemned such acts by finishing with Yes but .......

On a previous discussion with this doctor , he informed me that only Muslims would go to paradise . When I enquired whether Mother Teresa had any chance of an entry ticket , he looked amused and with a sarccastic smirk on his face looked at me in the eyes and answered " But she is not a Muslim !! Some educated moron.
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Postby tessintrnc » Sat Jul 07, 2007 8:44 am

I am sure that somewhere in the Koran it states that ALL good people will go to Heaven, sounds like your Doctor doesnt know his own religion.
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Postby Eliko » Sat Jul 07, 2007 9:27 am

miltiades, I have indicated on many occasions that I, along with many others, do not condone the actions of those who perpetrate acts of violence against their fellow man.

I cannot separate the disgust I feel for the cowardly attack on Iraq from that which I feel for the victims of that attack who may be retaliating.

That is the difference between us maybe, YOU seem to be able to accept the actions of the U.S.A. regardless of their actions, whereas I seek to find the justification.

I cannot find it in the aggression of the West, I CAN venture a guess which would only highlight the fact that there are more horrors to come.

As far as the helpless victims of the aggression are concerned, I do wonder what their answer would be if you posed them THIS question:-

Would you rather die at the hands of an invading ALIEN force which has no respect for your life, OR suffer death at the hands of those who seek (by any means) to resist that force.

NOT much of a choice I know, think about it, I know which I would prefer.

The victims are faced with an overwhelmingly superior military machine, they are ill-equipped to stand toe to toe with their antagonists, how would YOU deal with such a situation ? (run and hide maybe), for God's sake miltiades, do you imagine that such action would solve the problem.

I feel sympathy for all those who have suffered in this conflict, I also feel sympathy for those who are FORCED to take such drastic action in order to retain the self-respect any culture deserves, I am sure they would rather not have to, what do you think?.

:?: :?: :?: :?: :?:
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Postby ukman » Sat Jul 07, 2007 10:15 am

yes fight fire with fire .and yes do it by every means you have .if you want to blow yourself up and turn yourself into a bomb fine they would be classed as hero's.and win some support from non muslims,but to say because we have voted bush and blair in so we are ligitimate targets to bomb and kill is wrong .we are easy targets and that aint right .if we went into every corner shop or kebab house and burnt them out because there faith is killing non muslims .would that make us right would not ,but we are justified to do that .but islam wants to rule the world and are brainwashing people to do these things .if they are justified so are we .
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Postby tessintrnc » Sat Jul 07, 2007 10:46 am

Ukman, I think that some of these bombers are retaliating against the forced occupation of their country. And if the UK / US are killing their civilians maybe they feel justified in killing ours? They also sacrifice their own people without thought to the consequences. But can I ask one thing? How many suicide and car bombs in Iraq prior to the invasion? Sadaam was no righteous man, but my God look at what we have done instead. Is it the intention of the US / UK to completely wipe out all opposition to the so called puppet Democracy they so favour, including women and children - is so then thats not a democracy is it?? I struggle to comprehend what goes through their minds when they blow themselves up in the middle of a market square - but I am sure that it is not to get to paradise - I have always thought that a ridiculous and patronising suggestion. In the same way I struggle to comprehend why a whole village is bombed to weed out the few so called terrorists ? Tess
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Postby miltiades » Sat Jul 07, 2007 10:59 am

Eliko wrote:miltiades, I have indicated on many occasions that I, along with many others, do not condone the actions of those who perpetrate acts of violence against their fellow man.

I cannot separate the disgust I feel for the cowardly attack on Iraq from that which I feel for the victims of that attack who may be retaliating.

That is the difference between us maybe, YOU seem to be able to accept the actions of the U.S.A. regardless of their actions, whereas I seek to find the justification.

I cannot find it in the aggression of the West, I CAN venture a guess which would only highlight the fact that there are more horrors to come.

As far as the helpless victims of the aggression are concerned, I do wonder what their answer would be if you posed them THIS question:-

Would you rather die at the hands of an invading ALIEN force which has no respect for your life, OR suffer death at the hands of those who seek (by any means) to resist that force.

NOT much of a choice I know, think about it, I know which I would prefer.

The victims are faced with an overwhelmingly superior military machine, they are ill-equipped to stand toe to toe with their antagonists, how would YOU deal with such a situation ? (run and hide maybe), for God's sake miltiades, do you imagine that such action would solve the problem.

I feel sympathy for all those who have suffered in this conflict, I also feel sympathy for those who are FORCED to take such drastic action in order to retain the self-respect any culture deserves, I am sure they would rather not have to, what do you think?.

:?: :?: :?: :?: :?:

You may convince some that you are indeed condemning these barbaric acts BUT YOU ARE NOT CONVINCING MILTIADES.
You Eliko is an ardent supporter of these vicious acts , and I bet every time some atrocity happens you rejoice. I HAVE FOUND YOU OUT SO CUT THE CRAP AND COME CLEAN.
You are justifying the shit that goes into a restaurant , a mosque , a market and murders indiscriminately innocent people and you are asking me to examine the roots of this evil are you serious are you plain stupid, you are an indirect accessory to such horrific events by even feebly attempting to justify such malignant acts.
From my part , I will inform you , that I will not read any of your posts and neither will I respond to you. You are to me of the same mentality as the Doctor who question Mother Teresa's credentials. You are a lost cause .
How on earth can anyone with the slightest amount of self respect come out with such rubbish:

"""I also feel sympathy for those who are FORCED to take such drastic action in order to retain the self-respect any culture deserves, """

Are you out of your tiny mind !! The 6 doctors who planned to massacre innocent by standers were FORCED to take drastic action ???? You are nuts. Goodbye and don't bother addressing further obscenities on this matter.
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Their silence was deafening

Postby Southerner » Sat Jul 07, 2007 11:15 am

We seem to be forgetting something regarding Iraq, Saddam mudered hudreds of thousands of his own coutrymen, men, women and chidren in an open policy of genocide, the 180,000 Muslim Kurds are just one example.
The Iraqi people welcomed the coalition when they arrived, the biggest mistake was to get rid of the Iraqi army, In south east asia after WWII the Allies left the Japanese in charge but under strict control of the Allies.
Saddams acts were calculated and deliberate, for that alone the rest of the Arab world should taken action against him, their silence was deafening.
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Postby tessintrnc » Sat Jul 07, 2007 11:51 am

So too were barbarous acts in Rwanda against inoccents but the USA and the rest of the world were silent. I believe that the US / UK invasion was also calculated and deliberate - but the reason for invading wasnt to save the Iraqis from the dictator Sadaam but to get rid of the chemical weapons? The very same weapons that were always denied - and never found ? The whole episode stinks and thank God the decent people of America and Britain are now to realising it. They invaded because of money - OIL, nothing more nothing less, end of. You cannot FORCE democracy on people - that in itself is undemocratic, most of these people are still known by which tribe they belong to, they need a strong leader to pull them together and I am sure that eventually they will have true democracy - but from within, and maybe it will never happen in our lifetime. The Scots clans a few hundred years ago fought the English Invaders - AND each other for power. These people are NOT of our culture, we are interfering in things we dont comprehend,
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Postby RichardB » Sat Jul 07, 2007 12:03 pm

And why no intervention in Zimbabwe??

Nothing to do with the fact that there is nothng to benefit from I'm sure!!
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Postby Eliko » Sat Jul 07, 2007 4:44 pm

miltiades, thank you once again for your assessment of my personality and political leanings, have you ever stopped to consider the fact that there may be other people in the world besides yourself and your American heroes ?.

I am sure you must be feeling weary of our exchanges, NOT because we are of such different opinions but because of my earlier strong objections to your attrocious language.

I am sure you must be under a great deal of stress by being reluctant to use it since your recent rebukes.

Feel free to use whatever language you choose Sir, your grasp of issues is admirably suited to the level of your diction I am sure, certainly I would not wish to be engaged in a general conversation with you, my God, how disgusting.

You Sir, have taught me NOTHING, I, on the other hand, have at least taught you to control your bad language, the evidence of that fact is clearly visible if you take the time to look through your past posts.

It is a sad state of affairs when a younger man has to teach one older, it is an offence to the meaning of life.

(In my humble opinion that is)........................................................... :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:
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