While your traits,are class A?Take a hike,Alexis.
Go play your willy re-assuring your self that Greece is better than everyone else.Maybe that way,viagra wont be of importance to you.[/quote]
Ρε ΜΑΛ*ΚΑ μην πετάγεσαι συνέχεια σαν την π*ρδη. Ξέρω ότι σε τρώει ο κ*λος σου αλλά σταμάτα το ξύσιμο, δεν είναι αυτό που του λείπει και σε τρώει...

Alexi if you are refering to your craving for my dick...well,you are welcome...i wont charge.Promise!!!!!![/quote]
While I totally support your right to be gay, I doubt you'll succeed in finding a mate in a political forum... but if you HAVE to try, avoid using the "free of charge" line, don't mix work with pleasure

Moderator, Is there a GAY channel for these "gentlemen"? Perhaps they ought to be diverted!!