Simon wrote:Hahaha.You have shot me down??Ela re.Please dont make laugh.You prooved nothing but how biggot you are.The minority name is crutial element.Whatever Greece propagates i dont care the name is Muslim.
About Greece having the international law on its side...well, unless you are a judge in the Hague court,i take your claims as bullshit,horseshit etc.I provided a neutral link naming the violations as disputes.Legally both countries are covered.Proove me wrong from a neutral source
I told you we are doing rounds bsc you wanna have an argument.My choice of words is perfect while you have discredited nothing.If you want to descredit me find one quote about the name of the minority and about Macedonian's gov monopoly over the name.
It is only bla bla bla bla to post something i believe.About Thessaloniki you are boring...i told you Thessaloniki has the same population of ethnic Macedonians as the whole country of Macedonia.If not more(if you add the metropolitan area of Thessaloniki).
Twist the words of a fellow GC not mine.Find me the quotes i asked you and then will do the real debate until then save your bullshit for the belivers.
HAHAHA, even DT is picking up on your pathetic inconsistencies.

The name is Muslim you repeat, and repeat and repeat. I have clearly answered you about this, and you completely avoid the issue, by repeating, 'the name is Muslim.'

Great argument, they must be terrible then.
Greece will go to the Hague you cretin, the point is Turkey will not! Perhaps this has to do with the fact Turkey knows it will lose? And therefore, only wants bilateral talks. Greece clearly has international law on its side, because it is legal to expand to 12 n.miles. DT already clearly explained this to you. However, because it is in Greece's favour, you choose to ignore it like the pathetic fool you are! I do not need to post any links - The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea speaks for itself. Turkey is not a member of this convention (surprisingly

); and yet applies its 12 nm limit to its other seas! Pathetic hyprocrisy, that only fools could overlook! All this is about is Turkey trying to dominate and Aegean, with its threats of casus belli; nothing more.
Your choice of words is perfect!!

Well that really does make me laugh. My five year-old Niece could do better! You should really leave the issue of Thessaloniki, I have already showed you up on that one before. Do you want me to show you your first quote, considering that you are persisting on this issue?

Read Bullshit.Need i repeat what i have said repeatdly.Turkey uses casus belli,clearly because Greece understands only power.The rest is bullshit.Greece in turn replys to be legally covered,to go to hague.Turkey interpretes the Treaties differently and the process is slowed down each time,Greece tries to find an interpretation it suits.So you see the bullshit of what you say?The hiporcricy mate is from both sides.Spare me the typical Greek biased propaganda arbitrary claims that people of your stock have adopted to feel you are always right.Stick to Cyprus and Cyprus only.
About Thessaloniki you can twist the words as you like.What i meant i clarified it and off course i abide by it.Besides only a fool pretends he didnt understood what i said just to use it as an argument against me.It takes the minimum IQ before you are clasified as a retarted,to understand what i have said.To make things even easier for you,i have clarified it beautifully what i said.Save your twisting of my words.
Kane mou ti hari koumpare i opws alliws sas apokaloun stin Kypro,as i said i grew up with the bullshit retard mentality that Macedonia is Greek,as well as with the extremely retarded battle over a name.Go enlighten you self with more important issues,such as the problem you face in Cyprus and leave out the battle over a name,which is only pathetic and deminors the mentality of healthy Greek citizens which view the name issue only as laughable at best.