bigOz wrote:DT. wrote:SN wrote:Piratis wrote: 1.What is the point? That you personally don't care about Cyprus, and therefore if Cyprus is attacked you wouldn't want Greece to support us?
2.This couldn't be further than the truth. About Cyprus who decides are Cypriots.
1.Yes,that is exactly what i am saying.Why should Greece be legally obligated to military intervention in Cyprus?That only deepens the divitions that is caused to the Greek Cypriot society.
I might accept help on humanitarian bases(food,medical help etc) considering Cyprus is an ally in the EU and NATO.That is all Greece should be eligible to offer.The same off course goes for Turkey.
But the main issue for me personally is not Cyprus but Greece.I dont see why a Greek citizen should be obligated to offer assistance to an independend sovereign country???Why should i be obligated to go to war protecting something that has nothing to do with the sovereign interests of Greece???I mean give me a credible reason....just one.What do I have to do with Cyprus?Or what does a Turkish citizen have to do with Cyprus???
2. RoC needs Greece.It is only normal a small country to be politically dependant on its ''protector''.So yes,the Cypriots might have a saying on whom they elect but i doubt it that they have a saying on what is really going on in RoC.Greece does,it is my firm belief that if Greece doesnt abandon its colonialism pocilies then the Cypriots would continue to suffer and live in a divided island.
Had you said that you'de be happy for a mutual withdrew of gaurantees from both turkey and greece only then i'd be agreeing with you. Unfortunately you've said you' accept a unilateral withdrawal of just greece even if turkey remains. This to me is a cop out and betrayal.
Secondly, there is absolutely no chance that anything that gets done here has been decided to by greece. The tpap govt if its done one thing is prove to the world how a cypriot govt can run its own policies and continue to piss Greece and its gently-gently diplomacy policy its trying to follow.
Karamanlis and Bakoyianni have been placed ina difficult position in the EU many times the past 4 years due to Cyprus's actions.
Thirdly, Cyprus is not in NATO.
OK OK DT! You are also cool!
tsk Stop