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How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Simon » Sun Jul 08, 2007 1:19 pm

SN, if you are not even capable of picking your words correctly and remain consistent in your views, than you obviously should not even be spending your time on a debating forum. :roll: Firstly, you said that the population of Thessaloniki is the same as the whole nation; do you want me to find your quote to prove it to you once again? Then, you switch it to the "ethnic Macedonians" :roll: Either way, the city Thessaloniki is not 1.2 million. It was a similar story with the 'Greeks don't give a shit', then 'I would not be surprised if 90% regard it as the most important issue' or something similar you said. Similar story with 'Greece being a Nazi state', with all Human Rights watchdogs backing you up, when, what they were actually doing is merely criticising, like they have many other countries in the past. You are just full of garbage I'm afraid, so save your wet dreams about Greece being the worst country in the world for a retard who buys it.

Like I have said repeatedly, the issue is not just about whether Greece sees the FYROM as a threat. The issue is much deeper than that. If you have any understanding of it (as you claim to have, being a Macedonian yourself) you would realise this.

[quote]Bilaterally Macedonia with every country that recognizes it is referred to as Macedonia.Only bsc of Greece's bullshit UN still refers to it as such.[/quote]

Therefore, they have not got their victory that you were to eager to proclaim, have they?

[quote]Off course officially Macedonia says it does not want monopoly over the name.Find me one quote that the official Macedonian government says it wants the monopoly.Thats is merely your bullshit talk and arbitrary claim that Macedonia has ever explicity demanded monopoly over the name. [/quote]

If you have the intelligence to look beyond the surface of this dispute and look beyond what FYROM say publically, you may just finally understand it. :roll: Their intention in using the name 'Macedonia' is clear, we have seen it in the propaganda many times in the past, and still see it today; as they try to claim the ancient Macedonian history as their own, so don't give me the rubbish about what they say 'publically.' Simply calling themselves 'Macedonian' along with their propaganda machine, by implication, monopolises the name and denies others the right of self-determination.

[quote]Stick to the Cyprus issue as you apparently have nothing to do with Greece.People dont give a shit what the actuall out come will be. [/quote]

Typical response from a person who has no arguments left. Well, I can say back to you; stick to biasely bashing Greece in a Greece forum, as you apparently have nothing to do with Cyprus personally, and neither for that matter, does this one-sided debate. The people don't give a shit, because you say so? :roll: Give me a break... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: They didn't give a shit about Cyprus before, oh I forgot, you changed your mind about that one :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

[quote]The rest we have covered it,you go rounds and it is boring.Play with a toy or something.Not with words.[/quote]

You are right we have, and each time I've made you look silly, both with your pathetically exaggerated, inconsistent arguments, and your words, which you obviously can't choose correctly.
Last edited by Simon on Sun Jul 08, 2007 1:29 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Postby Simon » Sun Jul 08, 2007 1:21 pm

[quote]Whoever calls those Titozombies as Macedonians and their country as Macedonia, is not Greek by definition.
So, accept that you are not Greek, accept your identity and gain our respect and answers.[/quote]

I do not recognise them as Macedonian and I accept that I am Greek. I think you need to address this to SN.
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Postby istor » Sun Jul 08, 2007 2:58 pm

Simon wrote:
Whoever calls those Titozombies as Macedonians and their country as Macedonia, is not Greek by definition.
So, accept that you are not Greek, accept your identity and gain our respect and answers.

I do not recognise them as Macedonian and I accept that I am Greek. I think you need to address this to SN.

It was for, him, bre !!

Sorry for the misundesrtanding!
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Postby SN » Sun Jul 08, 2007 9:37 pm

Simon wrote:SN, if you are not even capable of picking your words correctly and remain consistent in your views, than you obviously should not even be spending your time on a debating forum. :roll: Firstly, you said that the population of Thessaloniki is the same as the whole nation; do you want me to find your quote to prove it to you once again? Then, you switch it to the "ethnic Macedonians" :roll: Either way, the city Thessaloniki is not 1.2 million. It was a similar story with the 'Greeks don't give a shit', then 'I would not be surprised if 90% regard it as the most important issue' or something similar you said. Similar story with 'Greece being a Nazi state', with all Human Rights watchdogs backing you up, when, what they were actually doing is merely criticising, like they have many other countries in the past. You are just full of garbage I'm afraid, so save your wet dreams about Greece being the worst country in the world for a retard who buys it.

Like I have said repeatedly, the issue is not just about whether Greece sees the FYROM as a threat. The issue is much deeper than that. If you have any understanding of it (as you claim to have, being a Macedonian yourself) you would realise this.

Bilaterally Macedonia with every country that recognizes it is referred to as Macedonia.Only bsc of Greece's bullshit UN still refers to it as such.

Therefore, they have not got their victory that you were to eager to proclaim, have they?

Off course officially Macedonia says it does not want monopoly over the name.Find me one quote that the official Macedonian government says it wants the monopoly.Thats is merely your bullshit talk and arbitrary claim that Macedonia has ever explicity demanded monopoly over the name.

If you have the intelligence to look beyond the surface of this dispute and look beyond what FYROM say publically, you may just finally understand it. :roll: Their intention in using the name 'Macedonia' is clear, we have seen it in the propaganda many times in the past, and still see it today; as they try to claim the ancient Macedonian history as their own, so don't give me the rubbish about what they say 'publically.' Simply calling themselves 'Macedonian' along with their propaganda machine, by implication, monopolises the name and denies others the right of self-determination.

Stick to the Cyprus issue as you apparently have nothing to do with Greece.People dont give a shit what the actuall out come will be.

Typical response from a person who has no arguments left. Well, I can say back to you; stick to biasely bashing Greece in a Greece forum, as you apparently have nothing to do with Cyprus personally, and neither for that matter, does this one-sided debate. The people don't give a shit, because you say so? :roll: Give me a break... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: They didn't give a shit about Cyprus before, oh I forgot, you changed your mind about that one :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

The rest we have covered it,you go rounds and it is boring.Play with a toy or something.Not with words.

You are right we have, and each time I've made you look silly, both with your pathetically exaggerated, inconsistent arguments, and your words, which you obviously can't choose correctly.

The fact that i used a WORD wrogn changes nothing.What i meant,to avoid confusion,bsc you are trying to present it as an argument against me is the following:The population of Thessaloniki is the same if not bigger than the whole macedonian nation in Macedonia.The rest of the inhabitants of Macedonia are Albanians.While that is not the essence you try with your bullshit to discredit what ever i said,while it is perfectly valid and i am bored re-posting the NEUTRAL links and not whatever bullshit claims come from the Greek govt.

So yes i used the word wrong bsc i dont pay attention to every sigle word i write.What i meant is understood though.So save the bullshit about my inconsistencies and answer why Greece does not have an ethic minority also find an official quote of the Macedonian govt that says they want the monopoly of the Macedonian name and substansiate how Macedonia constitutes a threat to Greece's intergrity.

Whatever your bullshit fairytales,Greece has been condemned repeatdly about its minorities(you can do a re-check to the thread to find what the Helsinki watch says),also Greece is isolated in the International community regarding the name of Macedonia and it is crystal clear that Greece doesnt have an ethnic minority,but only an official religious minority.I dont see how you have prooven me wrong to any of the above claims.The only thing that you have prooven to me is the % of a biggot and complex mentality some so-called Greeks have.I detach my self from that kind of mentality of anachronism.

While i my self am a ''Greek Macedonian'' i have no problem what so ever with Macedonia using its constitutional name and many Greek citizens do not give a shit what the actual out come of the name issue will be
.The strangest thing is that a person that has nothing to do with Greece nor is a Greek citizen has a problem with Macedonia's name while the problem has nothing to do with Cyprus's integrity.
I'd suggest you pretend to be a self-proclaimed advocate only for Cyprus and leave Greece to what its citizens have to say.This whole bullshit is typical of fascist and COMPLEX Greek mentality,that i am amazed to find out that even the Greek Cypriots have.

While you might consider you are Greek of somekind i find it appropriate to repeat the Greece neither cares about your people NOR will it ever care BY DEFINITION,since
you are a citizen of another country that Greece only happens to be a guarantator power.That is the only ''caring'' Greece has ever done for the Greek Cypriots.
While Greece has sold you out during the Junda i believe it is only appropriate we now back down from Cyprus even unilateraly since it is obvious that our interference has caused nothing but division to your people and Island.The same stand i have for Turkey as well.
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Postby SN » Sun Jul 08, 2007 9:46 pm

istor wrote:
SN wrote:...... Na mi se vrisw xana e?To ehw kanei se tosa forum.Papse na asxolise me oti lew...

Na papseis na les malakies.

Istor trava paixe me kanena fasistomoutro tou sinafiou sou kai ase emena.
Kopse na epemvaineis opou simetehw kai se oti ehw na pw,protinw na peraseis to idio minimataki kai sta kolopaidia ta filarakia sou.
Den iparhei logos na mpaineis se opoio forum mpainw kai na epemvaineis.Oute tha allaxeis kati stis apopseis mou.Einai i teleutaia fora pou anoigw dialogo mazi sou,prepei na katalaveis oti den einai oloi oi ellines polites sa ta moutra sou.Molis to hwnepseis tote euharistws na sindialagw gia to pws mporei i Ellada na veltiwthei.Pros to paron krata tis anahronistikes sou apopseis gia tin parti sou.
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Postby T_C » Sun Jul 08, 2007 10:00 pm

The strangest thing is that a person that has nothing to do with Greece nor is a Greek citizen has a problem with Macedonia's name while the problem has nothing to do with Cyprus's integrity.

Because just as a lot of TCs are brainwashed into thinking they are just Turks born in Cyprus, theres a lot of GCs who think they are just Greeks born in Cyprus. :roll:

Greece and Turkey have turned this ''battle'' into Greeks VS Turks. It has nothing to do with Cyprus or Cypriots.

Cyprus is GONE!

We are living in a country that is split in 2, one half is an extention of Greece, the other Turkey...
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Postby DT. » Sun Jul 08, 2007 10:08 pm

SN wrote:
istor wrote:
SN wrote:...... Na mi se vrisw xana e?To ehw kanei se tosa forum.Papse na asxolise me oti lew...

Na papseis na les malakies.

Istor trava paixe me kanena fasistomoutro tou sinafiou sou kai ase emena.
Kopse na epemvaineis opou simetehw kai se oti ehw na pw,protinw na peraseis to idio minimataki kai sta kolopaidia ta filarakia sou.
Den iparhei logos na mpaineis se opoio forum mpainw kai na epemvaineis.Oute tha allaxeis kati stis apopseis mou.Einai i teleutaia fora pou anoigw dialogo mazi sou,prepei na katalaveis oti den einai oloi oi ellines polites sa ta moutra sou.Molis to hwnepseis tote euharistws na sindialagw gia to pws mporei i Ellada na veltiwthei.Pros to paron krata tis anahronistikes sou apopseis gia tin parti sou. sure you're not a cypriot? :wink:
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Postby SN » Sun Jul 08, 2007 10:15 pm

turkish_cypriot wrote:
Greece and Turkey have turned this ''battle'' into Greeks VS Turks. It has nothing to do with Cyprus or Cypriots.


Tell me about it....I see that....It is a shame honestly.

It is were the TC must come in and try reasoning with the GC.What i saw is that the TC seem more eager to be re-united.Talk to your brothers the GC and just turn your back both on Greece and Turkey.
This division must not stand.It is a shame for humanity.Cyprus must be re-united.I honestly hope and want that....
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Postby SN » Sun Jul 08, 2007 10:19 pm

DT. wrote:
SN wrote:
istor wrote:
SN wrote:...... Na mi se vrisw xana e?To ehw kanei se tosa forum.Papse na asxolise me oti lew...

Na papseis na les malakies.

Istor trava paixe me kanena fasistomoutro tou sinafiou sou kai ase emena.
Kopse na epemvaineis opou simetehw kai se oti ehw na pw,protinw na peraseis to idio minimataki kai sta kolopaidia ta filarakia sou.
Den iparhei logos na mpaineis se opoio forum mpainw kai na epemvaineis.Oute tha allaxeis kati stis apopseis mou.Einai i teleutaia fora pou anoigw dialogo mazi sou,prepei na katalaveis oti den einai oloi oi ellines polites sa ta moutra sou.Molis to hwnepseis tote euharistws na sindialagw gia to pws mporei i Ellada na veltiwthei.Pros to paron krata tis anahronistikes sou apopseis gia tin parti sou. sure you're not a cypriot? :wink:

Elladitis eimai(kai ton oro to hrisimopoiw apo sevasmo pros tous Ellino Kyprious).To kopse to leme sineheia stin Ellada.Giati na pw oti eimai Elladitis?
Kai giati sinehws amfisvitite tin ethniki mou katagwgi?
Toso diskolo einai na ginei antilipto oti enas Ellinas politis,me xekathari Elliniki ethnikotita mporei na ginei katapeltis apenanti sti patrida tou?

Auto den einai kai i ousia tis dimokratias?

Se diavaivew, Serraios,genima threma.
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Postby DT. » Sun Jul 08, 2007 10:21 pm

SN wrote:
DT. wrote:
SN wrote:
istor wrote:
SN wrote:...... Na mi se vrisw xana e?To ehw kanei se tosa forum.Papse na asxolise me oti lew...

Na papseis na les malakies.

Istor trava paixe me kanena fasistomoutro tou sinafiou sou kai ase emena.
Kopse na epemvaineis opou simetehw kai se oti ehw na pw,protinw na peraseis to idio minimataki kai sta kolopaidia ta filarakia sou.
Den iparhei logos na mpaineis se opoio forum mpainw kai na epemvaineis.Oute tha allaxeis kati stis apopseis mou.Einai i teleutaia fora pou anoigw dialogo mazi sou,prepei na katalaveis oti den einai oloi oi ellines polites sa ta moutra sou.Molis to hwnepseis tote euharistws na sindialagw gia to pws mporei i Ellada na veltiwthei.Pros to paron krata tis anahronistikes sou apopseis gia tin parti sou. sure you're not a cypriot? :wink:

Elladitis eimai(kai ton oro to hrisimopoiw apo sevasmo pros tous Ellino Kyprious).To kopse to leme sineheia stin Ellada.Giati na pw oti eimai Elladitis?
Kai giati sinehws amfisvitite tin ethniki mou katagwgi?
Toso diskolo einai na ginei antilipto oti enas Ellinas politis,me xekathari Elliniki ethnikotita mporei na ginei katapeltis apenanti sti patrida tou?

Auto den einai kai i ousia tis dimokratias?

Se diavaivew, Serraios,genima threma.

Me to na se apokaleso kyprio den amfisvito thn ethnikotita sou.
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