Like I have said repeatedly, the issue is not just about whether Greece sees the FYROM as a threat. The issue is much deeper than that. If you have any understanding of it (as you claim to have, being a Macedonian yourself) you would realise this.
[quote]Bilaterally Macedonia with every country that recognizes it is referred to as Macedonia.Only bsc of Greece's bullshit UN still refers to it as such.[/quote]
Therefore, they have not got their victory that you were to eager to proclaim, have they?
[quote]Off course officially Macedonia says it does not want monopoly over the name.Find me one quote that the official Macedonian government says it wants the monopoly.Thats is merely your bullshit talk and arbitrary claim that Macedonia has ever explicity demanded monopoly over the name. [/quote]
If you have the intelligence to look beyond the surface of this dispute and look beyond what FYROM say publically, you may just finally understand it.

[quote]Stick to the Cyprus issue as you apparently have nothing to do with Greece.People dont give a shit what the actuall out come will be. [/quote]
Typical response from a person who has no arguments left. Well, I can say back to you; stick to biasely bashing Greece in a Greece forum, as you apparently have nothing to do with Cyprus personally, and neither for that matter, does this one-sided debate. The people don't give a shit, because you say so?

[quote]The rest we have covered it,you go rounds and it is boring.Play with a toy or something.Not with words.[/quote]
You are right we have, and each time I've made you look silly, both with your pathetically exaggerated, inconsistent arguments, and your words, which you obviously can't choose correctly.