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How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby RichardB » Thu Jul 05, 2007 1:01 pm

GDP isnt that a figure which is relaesed by Governments

and if you divide by 50%

Subtract 25

Take off another 10%

And the figure left is what the average Joe Bloggs earns in a year (before deductions) :lol: :lol:
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Postby DT. » Thu Jul 05, 2007 1:02 pm

SN wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:1.I suppose you mean that SN is trying your "Greekness". .

2.Maybe he is a disaffected "Macedonian", who does not feel "Greek".


1.In fact its vice-versa.I wanted Piratis to see that i am Greek,so i had to swift to Greek.I didnt try to test his Greek.I was trying his typical and detrimental ethnic Greek mentality.

2.I am not a citizen of the Republic of Macedonia,nor i am connected to this country in any way.I am not a Slavophone bilingual Greek and as far as i know my family's presence in Greek Macedonia has a long history.

The debate about Macedonia is not a historical one.I have already stated that i agree with western academia about the origins of the Ancient Macedonians.The Greek position is slightly favoured by all major unies.Today we know that the Ancient Macedonians were probably a backward Greek tribe.
The Macedonian issue,has to do with Greece's superioriry complex and imperialistic and destabilizing Balkan policies which off course extends to Cyprus

People like Alexis,Kifeas and Piratis i meet everyday in my life in Greece and i bash them every time.I am dead arrogant to the village mentality of people like them...I attack them just for that...their ignorance and their perception that Greece is any better to Turkey.That is not only typical of Greek people but is also detitrimental to Greece.

I met Zelidis in person,who is around my age and i have seen how ''democratic'' modern Greece can be.We need more Zelidis in Greece.

While i dont claim that all modern Greeks are like them,i still do my best to promote freedom of speech in this country....

Did you know that we had Xrisi Augi(something like Grey wolves in Turkey) threatening the life of a well known female reporter here in Greece just bsc she accidentaly referred to our neighbouring country in the Eurovision contest as Macedonia?

We even had the government spokesman making a statement about this bullshit issue.That only prooves how anachronistic most Greeks are regarding their foreign policy.

Greece must comply to International law.It must immediately recognize an Albanian,Macedonian,(under that name) and Turkish minority.The L Treaty is outdated by what is happening today in the Balkans.

Turkey has important issues to tackle,she will not give a shit if the Greek government recognizes a Turkish and not a muslim minority in Thrace.

Greece is not Cyprus to fear that Turkey will attack its sovereignity.Bullshit claims like that only proove how propagandized Greek people are...Let alone GC....

Greece is not alone in issues such as this.

In the UK the voice of Sinn Fein Gerry Adams was not allowed to be heard on he news a couple of years ago so you had some guy dubbing over his voice so that we could hear what he was saying!
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Postby SN » Thu Jul 05, 2007 1:13 pm

We have been almost 30 years in the EU and by definition we are supposed to be light years ahead,Albania,Bulgaria,Macedonia and Turkey.Instead of being the true leaders of the Balkans we and France continue to live in the dark ages regarding minority and human rights.

While i was in the Army last year i had a guy we were serving together.He was what the fasist Greeks call a Rosopontios(Greek Pontian).I freaked out about how Greece has been treating him and his family.He told me that in Greece the call him a Russian and in Russia a Greek.Go figure....

I call specially the young generation of Greek-Cypriots to re-examine their relationship to Greece.While i condemn acts like the banner in the APOEL-OMONOIA football game ''GAMW TO ETHNOS SAS ELLINES EISTE KAI FENESTE'' (FUCK YOUR NATION,YOU ARE GREEKS YOURSELVES),I ask for those level headed guys my generation(mid 20's) to rethink what Greece has done for Cyprus,other than betraying them EACH AND EVERY TIME for her sole interests...
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Postby SN » Thu Jul 05, 2007 1:20 pm

alexISS wrote:Did that jerk finally learn what the GDP per capita is? :lol: :lol: :lol:

Alexis the only jerk is you.I told you what it mean read the cencus in the link i provided you.The figure is used for a median household.

44Thousand is the median household number USED in that way.44thousand is the GDP number for the usa used AS A MEDIAN HOUSEHOLD INCOME.It is not my problem that you are incapable of understanding.

Take your car and go to bouzoukia man.And live Greece to those who really want to make her a progressive country.

we have millions of anachronistic bastards as your self.
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Postby SN » Thu Jul 05, 2007 1:25 pm

DT. wrote:Greece is not alone in issues such as this.


Oh trust me,Greece is very very alone in such issues....It only enjoys France's company in the EU.
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Postby DT. » Thu Jul 05, 2007 1:38 pm

SN wrote:
DT. wrote:Greece is not alone in issues such as this.


Oh trust me,Greece is very very alone in such issues....It only enjoys France's company in the EU.

if you're going to quote then quote the entire paragraph. I gave you an example of why Greece is not alone in these things. When you get a bit older and travel a little more you'll see how other countries who are "advanced" are doing the same shit.

As for your per capita definition. I believe you were arguing against Greece's GDP per Capita which means per person not per family.

alexISS wrote:
SN, are you THAT stupid? GDP per capita is exactly that, the average annual income!
Oh, and Rafaelides is DEAD you jerk, are there no limits to your ignorance? You can give him your best when you meet him, hopefully not very soon, you are quite entertaining...

I'm not into bouzoukia, but I like ridiculing BOUZOUKOKEFALOUS like you...

Per household Alexis.Per household.Not per actual person.Do you want me to start talking in Greek????
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Postby SN » Thu Jul 05, 2007 1:44 pm

While Humanist said that using history in this forum is not approriate,i believe that history most of the times can help us understand what our countries are really all about.

As i said Turkey has a long long way to go.But Turkey is NOT my issue.GREECE IS.

If the modern Greeks cant understand how fasistic their own country has been,then it is not valid to excpect Turkey to make any progress.

If Greece does not show Turkey the true and right meaning of a European future,then Greece is solely to be blamed for any future clashes.
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Postby SN » Thu Jul 05, 2007 1:48 pm

DT. wrote:
SN wrote:
DT. wrote:Greece is not alone in issues such as this.


Oh trust me,Greece is very very alone in such issues....It only enjoys France's company in the EU.

if you're going to quote then quote the entire paragraph. I gave you an example of why Greece is not alone in these things. When you get a bit older and travel a little more you'll see how other countries who are "advanced" are doing the same shit.

As for your per capita definition. I believe you were arguing against Greece's GDP per Capita which means per person not per family.

alexISS wrote:
SN, are you THAT stupid? GDP per capita is exactly that, the average annual income!
Oh, and Rafaelides is DEAD you jerk, are there no limits to your ignorance? You can give him your best when you meet him, hopefully not very soon, you are quite entertaining...

I'm not into bouzoukia, but I like ridiculing BOUZOUKOKEFALOUS like you...

Per household Alexis.Per household.Not per actual person.Do you want me to start talking in Greek????

Dont isult me about my age DT i live all my mature life outside Greece.As for the GDP number i provided you the link one HOW THE NUMBER IS USED officially.

By definition i have a European mentanility.Not a Greek one.

It is solely your problem that you have a sense of ''Greekness'' that blinds you against your TC compatriots.

No one said that Turkey didnt do attrocities BUT Greeks have done much many on your island.Either you live with them in peace or you continue believing in the fairytales Greece propagates.
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Postby Get Real! » Thu Jul 05, 2007 1:49 pm

"Per Capita" is a Latin term meaning "by head". (per person)

But anyways, SN & Alexis in case you're wondering this is the effect your 22 page "debate" is having on people...
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Postby SN » Thu Jul 05, 2007 1:53 pm

Get Real! wrote:"Per Capita" is a Latin term meaning "by head". (per person)

But anyways, SN & Alexis in case you're wondering this is the effect your 22 page "debate" is having on people...

I know what it mean Per capita.The number though is officially used as a median household income per country.I provided you the link

Regarding the effect,it can be boring,but fasists like Alexis who think Greece is richer or better than the rest of the EU will be bashed immediately by me.
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