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Postby alexISS » Mon Jul 02, 2007 11:10 pm

turkish_cypriot wrote:
alexISS wrote:In what way is Greece interfering to Cyprus's affairs?

:lol: alexISS I like the way you dissapear and then miraculously re-appear as soon as Greece is mentioned :wink: :lol:

TC I understand that you HAD to post this since you thought it was too funny to not share, but you should first verify it.
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Postby MR-from-NG » Mon Jul 02, 2007 11:12 pm

turkish_cypriot wrote:Greece probably told Papadopulous to do everything in his power to reject it while they opted to accept it so as not to seem like they had any influence over the plan or Cyprus!

Even if the above is totally untrue the funny thing is GCs would say be the first to make statements like the above about Turkey but they would NEVER consider that similar tactics may be used on themselves by Greece...they tell us we're brainwashed but would they EVER even consider let alone think they are in the exact same boat as the TCs? The only difference is that they're in the blue boat while we in the red :wink: :lol:

Totally agree with you T_C.
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Postby Kifeas » Mon Jul 02, 2007 11:12 pm

turkish_cypriot wrote:Greece probably told Papadopulous to do everything in his power to reject it while they opted to accept it so as not to seem like they had any influence over the plan or Cyprus!

Even if the above is totally untrue the funny thing is GCs would say be the first to make statements like the above about Turkey but they would NEVER consider that similar tactics may be used on themselves by Greece...they tell us we're brainwashed but would they EVER even consider let alone think they are in the exact same boat as the TCs? The only difference is that they're in the blue boat while we in the red :wink: :lol:

Wait and soon you will see that this is not the case!

Wait a couple of more years and you will see us vetoing and trashing kemalofascist Turkey's EU dreams, while Greece will be screaming to us not to do so!
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Postby T_C » Mon Jul 02, 2007 11:13 pm

alexISS I wasnt insulting you or anything (though I do insult Greece from time to time :?)...its just a few times now Ive realised you just come out of no where once Greece is mentioned and youre fast to reply as though youve been hiding in a dark corner waiting to be summoned. he he he...
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Postby alexISS » Mon Jul 02, 2007 11:14 pm

turkish_cypriot wrote:Greece probably told Papadopulous to do everything in his power to reject it while they opted to accept it so as not to seem like they had any influence over the plan or Cyprus!

Even if the above is totally untrue the funny thing is GCs would say be the first to make statements like the above about Turkey but they would NEVER consider that similar tactics may be used on themselves by Greece...they tell us we're brainwashed but would they EVER even consider let alone think they are in the exact same boat as the TCs? The only difference is that they're in the blue boat while we in the red :wink: :lol:

Greece only offers help to the RoC when help is requested. Try to understand this, because convincing yourself that the "other side" is just as hopeless as yours may make you feel better, but it certainly does NOT improve your situation. Be assured, the EU would never accept a "client state" as a full member, it's you that see the RoC as such, and you alone.
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Postby alexISS » Mon Jul 02, 2007 11:19 pm

turkish_cypriot wrote:alexISS I wasnt insulting you or anything (though I do insult Greece from time to time :?)...its just a few times now Ive realised you just come out of no where once Greece is mentioned and youre fast to reply as though youve been hiding in a dark corner waiting to be summoned. he he he...

The reason I joined this forum is because I care for the wellbeing of Cypriots, both Greek and Turkish. Since I am Greek, I consider myself more qualified to contribute to threads where Greece's role in the Cyprus problem is discussed. I don't pretend to be a know-all, unlike others who will say their piece even when they are clueless on the subject
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Postby Kifeas » Mon Jul 02, 2007 11:20 pm

SN wrote:Kifeas i am decribing the Greek mentanility.Not the actual politics.As long as Cyprus needs Greece to protect it against Turkey,Greece has a saying.

The thing is that Greece must be quiet about these issues.We are supposed to be in the EU.We must have a democratic facade....That is not the case at all...

Greece aims directly to geopolitically control Cyprus. Turkey as well aaims the same.Off course i know that Cyprus in sovereign nation.But as long as you fall victims of the hellenism propaganda,your people will suffer more and more.Already the GC community is divided on its relations towards Greece.

Btw-Greece never said actually directly YES to the Annan Plan.We said that we agree but the ultimate choice is up to the Greek-Cypriots to decide.

The only dream that i have is that i am Hellene.Bsc it is only a dream.The same way you dont have anything Hellenic on you....Hellenism is bad,both for Cyprus and Greece.I think it is time for Cyprus to wake up.Greece had a lions share on the Balkans,dont let Cyprus be a part of its Hellenistic dreams...

The same off course always apply for Turkey....

Wake up....the Iranians are more Hellenic than the modern Greeks or GreekCypriots!Dont make me laugh and read a book on Greece Foreign policy.

SN, I do not have time to waste with nonsense!
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Postby SN » Mon Jul 02, 2007 11:23 pm

alexISS wrote:
I was just about to seriously answer to your previous post but you just discredited yourself with this one. There are some Greeks that have anarchistic views towards the Greek state, but none of them claim at the same time that Turkey is an "angel". You may be a Greek citizen, but you are obviously not a Greek. It's a shame of course that you feel the way you do, because your people (whoever they are) that live in Greece lead a much better life than their countrymen back home, and you should be grateful, as most of them are.

Hahaha.Dont make me laugh Alexis please.I am not an anacrhist or a communist or whatever fits your Hellenic dream.

So i am not a Greek???Kane mou ti hari re filaraki....Des ti skata se taizoun gia tin Ellada.Des poso fasistiki einai i idia i Ellada me tis meionotites tis.Molis to deis auto,tote mila gia tin Tourkia.Sto spiti tou kremasmenou de milane gia skoini....

Give me a break.I am neither a commie nor an anarhist,i am a level-headed Greek that believes that Greece has nothing to do with Hellenism or Ancient Greece for that matter.We are one of the most bastardized nation in the Balkans...Face it mate....

See how the Greek propaganda works????Once a Greek says something against Greek national interests....we deem him a non-Greek or even a traitor....Give me a break.For crying out loud....
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Postby MR-from-NG » Mon Jul 02, 2007 11:30 pm

SN wrote:
alexISS wrote:
I was just about to seriously answer to your previous post but you just discredited yourself with this one. There are some Greeks that have anarchistic views towards the Greek state, but none of them claim at the same time that Turkey is an "angel". You may be a Greek citizen, but you are obviously not a Greek. It's a shame of course that you feel the way you do, because your people (whoever they are) that live in Greece lead a much better life than their countrymen back home, and you should be grateful, as most of them are.

Hahaha.Dont make me laugh Alexis please.I am not an anacrhist or a communist or whatever fits your Hellenic dream.

So i am not a Greek???Kane mou ti hari re filaraki....Des ti skata se taizoun gia tin Ellada.Des poso fasistiki einai i idia i Ellada me tis meionotites tis.Molis to deis auto,tote mila gia tin Tourkia.Sto spiti tou kremasmenou de milane gia skoini....

Give me a break.I am neither a commie nor an anarhist,i am a level-headed Greek that believes that Greece has nothing to do with Hellenism or Ancient Greece for that matter.We are one of the most bastardized nation in the Balkans...Face it mate....

See how the Greek propaganda works????Once a Greek says something against Greek national interests....we deem him a non-Greek or even a traitor....Give me a break.For crying out loud....

Turkeys Turkishness and Greece's Hellenism, they both STINK.
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Postby SN » Mon Jul 02, 2007 11:31 pm

[quote="turkish_cypriot"]Greece probably told Papadopulous to do everything in his power to reject it while they opted to accept it so as not to seem like they had any influence over the plan or Cyprus!


Bingo.Greece cant afford to show a non-democratic face.We must have a democratic facade for the rest of the world.While inside Greece we are free to kill and torture the Albanian,Romanian and all the immigrants.Greece is a shitwhole for human rights....
I am so dissapointed from my own country....Cyprus is constanlty victimized bsc of Greece and Turkey....
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