SN, I am very disappointed in your posts I have to say. Let me state why. You seem to continuously point out Greece's past policies (i.e. 1913) etc, and consider these in isolation, without considering what is occuring in the rest of the region, and without considering why Greece's attitudes are as they are today; instead, merely putting them down to "colonialism" and "Nazism". Allow me to enlighten you; what was the purpose of Bulgaria during the Balkan Wars? What was the purpose of the Ottoman Empire? What is the purpose of FYROM when they spread propaganda incessantly and name their Airport after Alexander the Great? What is the purpose of the modern day Turkish state, when they expand their territorial waters to the limit allowed under International law, but threaten Greece with War if they do the same in the Aegean? What is there purpose when they constantly violate Greek airspace, hence CAUSING dog-fights? What is the purpose of Turkey when it suddenly decides to claim Imia and several other islets in the Aegean? What is the purpose of Turkey when, allowed to intervene in Cyprus to preserve the constitution, instead, creates a new Turkish state, colonizes the area with over 100,000 settlers and keeps 40,000 Turkish troops in the area for 33 years and counting?
You must consider the reasons for Greece behaving in the way it does, i.e. not calling the VARIOUS minorities in Thrace, Turkish. When doing this, you must also consider the way in which Greek minorities in the region have been treated. Yet you seem to care very little about this. How have Greeks been treated in Turkey? Far worse than the Turks in Greece. Heard of the Istanbul Pogrom? Greece did not retaliate to this, hence the Turkish minority has exapnded. Perhaps you should mention this, or does that not suite your biased defamation of your country? Greeks have also in the past had a bad time in Albania, have they not?
I do not actually believe it matters too much whether we call them Turkish or Muslim in any event. What matters is, are they treated as equal Greek citizens in everyday life; and I believe the answer to that is Yes. In the past (Balkan Wars), all the nations had populations in various areas, and ALL of them tried to expand their borders, not just Greece. Look at the ethnic cleansing Turkey carried out in Smyrna, ending thousands of years of Greeks living in Anatolia. The minorities of Greece are treated well in comparison to the region and when considering its history; they have flourished and expanded in number. Can Turkey say this? I am not saying that improvements cannot be made, but the way you are criticising Greece is ludicrous and exaggerated to say the very least (i.e. Nazi state)

Sorry, I can't help but laugh at that one.
So stop blindly maligning Greece, and consider the whole region, and why Greece behaves like it does. Greece is still a new nation, and it feels threatened by Turkey (a much larger nation on its border, that is extremely nationalistic) and FYROM, which repeatedly has displayed expansionist attitudes towards Greece. It seems to me that the only thing that would make you happy is for Greece to allow itself to be broken-up by its neighbors, and your completely naive, short-sighted and vendetta-like attitude towards Greece, compels me to believe you have an agenda and therefore lose all credit.
P.S. Before you start pleading for multi-culturalism in Greece, perhaps you may want to just think about it a little longer. It is not all it is made out to be: ask the UK.