turkish_cypriot wrote:alexISS wrote:In what way is Greece interfering to Cyprus's affairs?alexISS I like the way you dissapear and then miraculously re-appear as soon as Greece is mentioned
He does the "trojan horse"...

turkish_cypriot wrote:alexISS wrote:In what way is Greece interfering to Cyprus's affairs?alexISS I like the way you dissapear and then miraculously re-appear as soon as Greece is mentioned
SN wrote: 1.Yes,that is exactly what i am saying.Why should Greece be legally obligated to military intervention in Cyprus?That only deepens the divitions that is caused to the Greek Cypriot society.
I might accept help on humanitarian bases(food,medical help etc) considering Cyprus is an ally in the EU and NATO.That is all Greece should be eligible to offer.The same off course goes for Turkey.
But the main issue for me personally is not Cyprus but Greece.I dont see why a Greek citizen should be obligated to offer assistance to an independend sovereign country???Why should i be obligated to go to war protecting something that has nothing to do with the sovereign interests of Greece???I mean give me a credible reason....just one.What do I have to do with Cyprus?Or what does a Turkish citizen have to do with Cyprus???
2. RoC needs Greece.It is only normal a small country to be politically dependant on its ''protector''.So yes,the Cypriots might have a saying on whom they elect but i doubt it that they have a saying on what is really going on in RoC.Greece does,it is my firm belief that if Greece doesnt abandon its colonialism pocilies then the Cypriots would continue to suffer and live in a divided island.
Piratis wrote:SN, telling us about your feelings is fine. But you are obviously clueless regarding political issues so leave that to others. You even said that Cyprus is a member of NATO...
Piratis wrote:
SN, telling us about your feelings is fine. But you are obviously clueless regarding political issues so leave that to others. You even said that Cyprus is a member of NATO...
SN wrote:Piratis wrote:
SN, telling us about your feelings is fine. But you are obviously clueless regarding political issues so leave that to others. You even said that Cyprus is a member of NATO...
It is not a matter of feelings.It is a matter of the political existance and piece in the region.Clearly i want piece for the Cypriots,without undermining piece in Greece.As you see Cyprus and Greece are linked military and politically.
Regarding NATO, i was under that impression.It is not that i think about Cyprus everyday.So it is ok for you to share your feelings as well but save your arbitrary characterisms about my knowledge of politics.
In case your people dont know what Greece is all about,let me enlighten you.Bsc i take it that most of the GC regard Greece as a panacia.
Greece is a country that constantly violates humans rights.It has the strongest policy of ethnic cleansing in the Balkans.Turkey is an angel compared to Greece in this respect.Even Serbia(our dear ally) is an angel compared to Greece.We go around accusing Turkey of non existant human rights,while Greece has done ten times worst things to Bulgarians and Macedonians(SlavMacedonians)and Turks offcourse.
Take Macedonia for example.During the civil war we exterminated and exciled thousand of Slavophone Greeks(as we so dearly wanna call them) that did not have an ethnic Greek consiousness.After the Balkan wars we tripled in size.....Oh hang on...i know Macedonia is Greek.....That is only a fairytale....Macedonia was a gift given to Greece after the Balkan wars.How come Greece is the only country in the Balkans not having an ethnic minority???I mean how come????Simply bsc Greece has an iron fist against all non Greek-consiousness ppl.That is exactly why today we have another country bordering Greece named Macedonia.This country is a constant reminder to Greece's iron fist policies of the Slavophone populations and minorities in general.While the Slavophones didnt manage to create an independent Macedonia inside Greece,after being expelled from Greece to Yugoslavia during the civil war,Tito recognized their ''sensetivities'' that Greece failed to recognize.He enhanced their national consiousness and after the collapse of communism a new country proudly borders Greece with the name Macedonia.....That is the ultimate proof of how democratic Greece was or has been....
Greece directly plans and have been planning for years to geopolically control Cyprus.You see in Cyprus the Greek propaganda of hellenism is working just fine....So as long as we have you believing that you are a part of hellenism our task is easier.Ultimately Greece aims to annex Cyprus.The same goes for Turkey as well.What do you thing the ENOSIS issue was all about.?...The bottom line is that Hellinsm is bad for our health....Very very bad.We had thousands of bilingual Greeks suffering in Greece in the name of hellenism....
I say block Greece from Cyprus in any way form and shape and i say block Turkey from Cyprus the same way.Leave Cyprus to Cypriots.
SN wrote:Piratis wrote:
SN, telling us about your feelings is fine. But you are obviously clueless regarding political issues so leave that to others. You even said that Cyprus is a member of NATO...
It is not a matter of feelings.It is a matter of the political existance and piece in the region.Clearly i want piece for the Cypriots,without undermining piece in Greece.As you see Cyprus and Greece are linked military and politically.
Regarding NATO, i was under that impression.It is not that i think about Cyprus everyday.So it is ok for you to share your feelings as well but save your arbitrary characterisms about my knowledge of politics.
In case your people dont know what Greece is all about,let me enlighten you.Bsc i take it that most of the GC regard Greece as a panacia.
Greece is a country that constantly violates humans rights.It has the strongest policy of ethnic cleansing in the Balkans.Turkey is an angel compared to Greece in this respect.Even Serbia(our dear ally) is an angel compared to Greece.We go around accusing Turkey of non existant human rights,while Greece has done ten times worst things to Bulgarians and Macedonians(SlavMacedonians)and Turks offcourse.
Take Macedonia for example.During the civil war we exterminated and exciled thousand of Slavophone Greeks(as we so dearly wanna call them) that did not have an ethnic Greek consiousness.After the Balkan wars we tripled in size.....Oh hang on...i know Macedonia is Greek.....That is only a fairytale....Macedonia was a gift given to Greece after the Balkan wars.How come Greece is the only country in the Balkans not having an ethnic minority???I mean how come????Simply bsc Greece has an iron fist against all non Greek-consiousness ppl.That is exactly why today we have another country bordering Greece named Macedonia.This country is a constant reminder to Greece's iron fist policies of the Slavophone populations and minorities in general.While the Slavophones didnt manage to create an independent Macedonia inside Greece,after being expelled from Greece to Yugoslavia during the civil war,Tito recognized their ''sensetivities'' that Greece failed to recognize.He enhanced their national consiousness and after the collapse of communism a new country proudly borders Greece with the name Macedonia.....That is the ultimate proof of how democratic Greece was or has been....
Greece directly plans and have been planning for years to geopolically control Cyprus.You see in Cyprus the Greek propaganda of hellenism is working just fine....So as long as we have you believing that you are a part of hellenism our task is easier.Ultimately Greece aims to annex Cyprus.The same goes for Turkey as well.What do you thing the ENOSIS issue was all about.?...The bottom line is that Hellinsm is bad for our health....Very very bad.We had thousands of bilingual Greeks suffering in Greece in the name of hellenism....
I say block Greece from Cyprus in any way form and shape and i say block Turkey from Cyprus the same way.Leave Cyprus to Cypriots.
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