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6 brand new houses for sale - Lakatamia, Nicosia

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6 brand new houses for sale - Lakatamia, Nicosia

Postby Beth_Josephine » Mon Jul 02, 2007 3:41 pm

I have a complex of brand new houses for sale in Lakatamia (off Tseriou Ave, Nicosia), these are due to be completed in December 2007.

There are 6 houses available in total, 2 x 2 bedrooms and 4 x 3 bedrooms, all ranging in price from £143,750 - £189,750 Cyprus pounds (these prices are including VAT).

• 4 x 3 bedrooms, plot size 229 - 239.85sqms, covered area 140sqms, covered verandas 14.50 - 31sqms, uncovered verandas 26 - 30sqms, and total area covered 194 - 201sqms – prices from £166,750 - £178,750 cyp pounds.

• 2 x 2 bedrooms, 110sqms plot size, covered areas 86sqms, , covered verandas 13sqms, uncovered verandas 16sqms, total area covered 115sqms – both for the price of £143,750 Cyp pounds

For more information, please contact myself on either of the below;

Mobile: (00 357) 99097469
Office: (00 357) 22813131
Email: [email protected]
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Joined: Fri Jun 01, 2007 11:07 am
Location: Nicosia - Cyprus

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