Johnson&Johnson wrote:'sifu' michael polydorou - is this the fat bald guy from edmonton ?
they say the yank was found with his throat cut.
apparently he committed suicide.
How do you know him?
Eliko wrote:halil, this matter was brought up yesterday and it would appear that there is no information available at the present time, I do wonder if we are about to receive the news that Lt Col Thomas Mooney has defected, he is apparently of Irish descent and would therefore be well aquainted with the under-handedness of government policies.
His sudden disappearance is bound to attract speculation and consternation in high places, the outcome will be most interesting I am sure.
I wonder how much disaffection exists among the troops of both the U.S.A. and the U.K. when those young men have to witness the horrors their presence in an unlawful and murderous attack on an innocent people creates.
Look at some of the information available on the internet regarding the casualty figures (on both sides) and ask yourselves the simple question,"how can it be justified".
Eliko wrote:GorillaGal, the post you have highlighted was the second I made on the subject of Tom Mooney's disappearance, you may recall that I did make contact with you on the subject the previous day explaining that I was approached by persons seeking information about him.
Subsequent to that and prior to the news of his being found, there was naturally a great deal of speculation as to what might be the outcome.
Not wishing to contemplate the fact that the man might be found murdered or captured and held for ransom, I opted for the possibility of 'defection', I chose that possibility for a particular reason.
There are several prior instances of such behaviour on record and they are of little concern to me.
We are informed of the awful amount of young American soldiers who are admitted daily to your mental hospitals suffering from the effects of their involvement in Iraq.
If it transpires that those same effects are in any way connected to the suicide of Lt Col T. Mooney, then let his demise be added to the tally of your president, I am sure the long list will hardly notice the addition of one more soul.
Naturally my sympathy is with those he has left behind, the difference is that I MEAN it, politicians merely mouth the words, (Don't you know that?).
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