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Postby pcjunky » Sun Jul 01, 2007 11:23 pm

I have just returned from the Island and cannot believe the death toll in relations to RTA's .... 40 motorcyclists dead since January...85% may have lived if they had been wearing crash helmets and protective clothing.
What is going on ????!!!!!! :!:
Whilst I was there I saw the aftermath of 3 fatal RTA's. 2 cars and 1 motorbike other vehicle involved...I heard of 4 others...
I drove for the 17 days I was there and can see clearly why the stats of so high....
Can anyone tell me why the Cyps are so intent on not only killing themselves but others too?
I was appalled by the the total lack of driving skills and consideration for other drivers....
This is not the Cyprus that I have grown to love!!!

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Postby humanist » Sun Jul 01, 2007 11:33 pm

junky, you are so very correct. I think they have the mentality of "it's not going to happen to me" notion.
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Postby miltiades » Mon Jul 02, 2007 5:56 am

I will never understand that for an otherwise laid back approach to most things , yet when it comes to driving , the Cypriots are perhaps Europe's worst drivers. The fact of the matter is that they do not see anything wrong with their driving on the contrary they pride themselves on being such good drivers. The motorcyclists are a death hazard not only to themselves but to others and yet the authorities are not only reluctant to take action but are also unable to since the motor cyclists it appears , are a powerful force to reckon with. The idiots drive around with their helmet perched on their arms . The young drivers are the worst not only in Europe but perhaps the worst in the world.They use their car as a symbol of masculinity , the faster you drive and the more noise you make the bigger your dick is . Dickheads !!
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Postby Hazza » Mon Jul 02, 2007 6:14 am

miltiades wrote:The idiots drive around with their helmet perched on their arms!!

It says you have to have protective headgear in the highway code, but does it actually say you have to wear the headgear on your head? :wink:

But yes, there are too many stupid and inconsiderate drivers around. I drive on the highways alot, going to Limassol, Nicosia and Paphos. The other day, I really wanted to his somebody, he annoyed me so much. Was doing around 115km/h in the overtaking lane, several cars in front of me, couldn't go anywhere. This pratt in a double cab truck right on my bumper, tailgating me, flashing at me to move out of the way. I had nowhere to go so ignored him, baring in mind that there were cars in front of me and we were all overtaking other cars. As soon as I could, I moved over to the left lane, only for this twat to drive besides me giving me hand signals and shouting/screaming. You could see the vains in his neck popping out. I laughed and blew him a kiss, which I don't think he appreciated, but have to say, he did piss me off, and would have loved to have a straightner with him :lol:
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Postby Crivens » Mon Jul 02, 2007 9:20 am

Yeah, you have to love it. Biggest problem is they do not concentrate on the road when driving. Now fair enough this happens everywhere, but here it seems to be the national sport! Plus it is the only place I have ever been where they beep you for walking out on a pedestrian crossing. :)

And I truly believe people here will only park immediately outside of where they are going. That includes up on the path (and destroying the path so the whole place looks like crazy paving or a bomb has gone off and walking on it requires constant looking at your feet incase you go flying) and blocking everything else if need be. Always amuses me when you see people do this (possibly stuffing up cars on the road too with stupid parking) and yet there is many spaces available 10 metres away by the side of the road, or a whole side street with no cars on it. I mean, eh?

flashing at me to move out of the way
Ah no, that happened to me all the time back in the UK (used to commute on the M4). One time this older M5 (BMW drivers are universally p***ks) came right up behind me flashing his lights. I was also in the position where there was like 5 cars in front of me, and loads of cars to my left. I gave him the traditional one fingered salute. Then when it opened up I left him behind (Subaru STIs are much more powerful than conky old M5s). Once I slowed down and he eventually caught up I amusingly was in the same position again. He didn't flash this time :)

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Postby pcjunky » Mon Jul 02, 2007 9:59 am

I am so glad I am not alone in my observations of the non existant driving skills!!!
In the short time I was there, I was beeped for stopping at a red light..beeped for not moving away on the amber-despite pedestrians crossing...beeped for keeping to the speed limit .... It was like something off a cartoon. Driving on the highway in Limassol one evening, there was a female motorist doing 40 km in the outside lane. It caused total chaos. A 13 year old girl was arrested in a village outside limassol -- her father lent her his car to go out... a 15 year old boy died in an rta ...his grandparents had bought him a scooter 3 days previously...I have lived and been visiting my parents on the island since 1979. It has changed beyond all recognition which is to be expected but the driving needs sorting. I was told whilst I was there that the traffic police are reluctant to hand out fines, if the person they know is a friend. or friend of friends or distant relative etc....soooo the Paphos police are working in Limassol and vice versa....TOTAL MADNESS!!!
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Postby Hazza » Mon Jul 02, 2007 10:09 am

Thats what the biggest problem is out here pcjunky. Everyone knows somebody in authority, so whatever fines they get, their friends take care of it.

I was at a beach party a couple of years back. Had 1 small bottle of beer, then I was on softdrinks because I was driving. Somebody that I had never met before came up to me and asked why I wasn't drinking a beer. When I mentioned to him that I was driving, he laughed and told me not to worry about it, he is a policeman and that he will ensure that I will be ok if I get stopped. That for me is very worrying that this can happen. There is far too much corruption everywhere :(
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Postby pcjunky » Tue Jul 03, 2007 10:33 am

Someone needs to bring Cyprus into the 21st century so that normality of some kind can prevail and life on the Island will improve instead of declining. I think being a member of the EU at this time makes a mockery of the whole sytem in the rest of the EU. Whilst Cyprus joining the EU has had great benefits for me personally, I can see how it has had a detrimental effect on most things Cypriot and I find it very sad.
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Postby Edman » Tue Jul 03, 2007 10:42 am

Well I'm gonna try and make a difference when I arrive in september as I'm a driving instructor and I'm going to be working out there, though to be honest I think I've got my work cut out! :lol:
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Postby kafenes » Tue Jul 03, 2007 10:54 am

pcjunky wrote:I have just returned from the Island and cannot believe the death toll in relations to RTA's .... 40 motorcyclists dead since January...85% may have lived if they had been wearing crash helmets and protective clothing.
What is going on ????!!!!!! :!:
Whilst I was there I saw the aftermath of 3 fatal RTA's. 2 cars and 1 motorbike other vehicle involved...I heard of 4 others...
I drove for the 17 days I was there and can see clearly why the stats of so high....
Can anyone tell me why the Cyps are so intent on not only killing themselves but others too?
I was appalled by the the total lack of driving skills and consideration for other drivers....
This is not the Cyprus that I have grown to love!!!


pcjunky, where did this stats come from?
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