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Postby miltiades » Sun Jul 01, 2007 2:50 pm

In February this scoundrel made the following appeal>

""""Cancer has no frontiers, it does not recognise ethnicities or religions.
The " Help those with Cancer Association" in North Cyprus, which cooperates with the corresponding Associations in the South, needs your help!
The yellow tulip is the emblem of the association presided by Mrs Raziye Kocaismail, and the association is selling sculptures of the tulip for a very low price about 5YTL or 2 CYP, for the aid of cancer patients.
Other donations are more than welcome.
Please contact for further details, if you wish to help. """""

I responded by sending the sum of £100 direct to Fanos as per his instructions. Following my repeated requests for an official acknowledgement by the Cancer Association , he has informed me that my donation has not reached the intended beneficiary , in other words this dishonourable thief used the cancer appeal in order that he would embezzle any funds donated. Well baddie you have come unstuck here .
I'm a man of principles and above all I believe in doing what ever I can to help fight this dreadful decease that has afflicted so many loved ones and you have used this in order to cheat and gain financialy.Those Turkish Cypriot cancer sufferers have not benefited one little bit by my contribution , YOU HAVE.
Now Sir you you now have two options . Make a public apology on this forum , return the donation to the rightful recipients the Turkish Cypriot Cancer Association and forward an official acknowledgement to me in London.
The other option I will report your vile and illegal act to the authorities concerned , I'm not a vindictive individual so I do hope you will choose the first option.
I ought to also say that I do not give up easily.
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Postby Hazza » Sun Jul 01, 2007 3:11 pm

This thread reminds me, sorry if its going off topic, but did Fanos ever repay anyone back for the loan that he got?
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Postby Niki » Sun Jul 01, 2007 3:24 pm

Not to me he didn't but I must admit that I half expected this.

A pm to explain why no donation has been repaid would have been enough but I sent him a pm recently with no reply.

What a shame. Oh well, you live and learn!
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Postby pantheman » Sun Jul 01, 2007 3:44 pm

miltiades wrote:In February this scoundrel made the following appeal>

""""Cancer has no frontiers, it does not recognise ethnicities or religions.
The " Help those with Cancer Association" in North Cyprus, which cooperates with the corresponding Associations in the South, needs your help!
The yellow tulip is the emblem of the association presided by Mrs Raziye Kocaismail, and the association is selling sculptures of the tulip for a very low price about 5YTL or 2 CYP, for the aid of cancer patients.
Other donations are more than welcome.
Please contact for further details, if you wish to help. """""

I responded by sending the sum of £100 direct to Fanos as per his instructions. Following my repeated requests for an official acknowledgement by the Cancer Association , he has informed me that my donation has not reached the intended beneficiary , in other words this dishonourable thief used the cancer appeal in order that he would embezzle any funds donated. Well baddie you have come unstuck here .
I'm a man of principles and above all I believe in doing what ever I can to help fight this dreadful decease that has afflicted so many loved ones and you have used this in order to cheat and gain financialy.Those Turkish Cypriot cancer sufferers have not benefited one little bit by my contribution , YOU HAVE.
Now Sir you you now have two options . Make a public apology on this forum , return the donation to the rightful recipients the Turkish Cypriot Cancer Association and forward an official acknowledgement to me in London.
The other option I will report your vile and illegal act to the authorities concerned , I'm not a vindictive individual so I do hope you will choose the first option.
I ought to also say that I do not give up easily.

I May be confused here but wasn't it our sweet LENA that exposed this cheat sometime ago with his appeal for help for his daughter??

And to think of the shit she took for that. I guess some of you guys should now make a public appology yourselves to LENA.

BTW, LENA mou where are you ? i miss your postings. You should have had your PC fixed by now !!

Miltiades, unless you can brave the Troops mate, i think its safe to kiss the £100 goodbye. I don't think you should expect anything from a crook like that. Save your efforts koumbare for better things and put this down to experience.

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Postby Eliko » Sun Jul 01, 2007 4:15 pm

miltiades, I think the actions of this individual (if they are as you state), do not deserve your offer of two options, he should be reported to the authorities immediately and subjected to as much bad publicity as possible.

I have also encountered an unscrupulous scavanger in my travels, he uses the misfortunes of the poor in order to increase his social standing, unfortunately I am not permitted to reveal his identity since I would be in breach of confidentiality if I did so, I therefore block his every move and thus prevent him from further malfeasance.

Good luck in your quest to flush out this RAT, Best Wishes............... :) :) :) :) :)
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Postby fanourıo » Sun Jul 01, 2007 4:29 pm

Why on earth these people do not contact me to get repaid back whatever I owe them??? do they take advantage of the fact that I was offline for a while? Just to make imprssive FARTS over the forum? If i am a swindler that makes you an idiot! Doesnt it now? I have answered to your call Mr Miltiades asking you to tell me what you preffered for your money!!! Didnt i? I asked you if you wanted it back or if you wanted me to insist forwarding it to the Cancer society as planned! DIDNT I??? But you preffered to make this posting against me just because I hurt your darling Papadopoullos with my writing in the papers or the forums...You had to find a way to hit me back but then can kiss my hairy ass! I WONDER WHERE THE MODERATORS ARE WHEN PERSONAL ATTACKS LIKE THIS ONE ARE MADE!!!!
FOR YOUR PERUSAL MY NUMBERS ARE 00905338321422 OR 0035799987654 AND MY EMAILS ARE and for anybody wishing to come in touch for any reason!
Last edited by fanourıo on Sun Jul 01, 2007 4:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby fanourıo » Sun Jul 01, 2007 4:30 pm

and i have to apologise about nothing!
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Postby miltiades » Sun Jul 01, 2007 5:48 pm

fanourıo wrote:Why on earth these people do not contact me to get repaid back whatever I owe them??? do they take advantage of the fact that I was offline for a while? Just to make imprssive FARTS over the forum? If i am a swindler that makes you an idiot! Doesnt it now? I have answered to your call Mr Miltiades asking you to tell me what you preffered for your money!!! Didnt i? I asked you if you wanted it back or if you wanted me to insist forwarding it to the Cancer society as planned! DIDNT I??? But you preffered to make this posting against me just because I hurt your darling Papadopoullos with my writing in the papers or the forums...You had to find a way to hit me back but then can kiss my hairy ass! I WONDER WHERE THE MODERATORS ARE WHEN PERSONAL ATTACKS LIKE THIS ONE ARE MADE!!!!
FOR YOUR PERUSAL MY NUMBERS ARE 00905338321422 OR 0035799987654 AND MY EMAILS ARE and for anybody wishing to come in touch for any reason!

I repeat Mr. Crook , when in February of this year you made the appeal on this forum for donations for this worthwhile cause , it was understood by all , as is normally the case that any donations made would naturally go to the cause that initiated the appeal , in this instance the Turkish Cypriot Cancer Foundation. Your email to me on Saturday 30th June 2007 , informed me that the funds had not gone to the Cancer foundation and you requested me to choose an option !!! Either to have the money returned to me or you would give the money to the Cancer Association !!!
Let me assure you Mr Crook , I do not know you from Adam , when in March of this year you begun hurling abuse at Mr.Papadopoulos , I remained on the fence since I'm not at all familiar with the Cypriot politicians private lives. The fact of the matter is that you are disgrace to your self your family and your country for stooping so low as to embezzle funds destined for such a noble cause , who will incidentally receive the same sum from me directly , and no doubt you Mr Crook will make good your promise to return to the Association my original donation. For your information , this will constitute only a part of option one , the other part will be your unconditional apology on this forum , failing which I shall report the case to the authorities. Impersonating an accredited charity organizer or collector of money is a criminal offense in most nations on earth. The "TRNC" "authorities " will I'm certain wish to examine this case a little closer .

This is what will not be acceptable and a repetition of such nonsense will invalidate my offer of in-activeness following your apology.
"""""""I asked you if you wanted it back or if you wanted me to insist forwarding it to the Cancer society as planned! DIDNT I??? """"

After repeated emails and a telephone call that was answered by someone who on knowing who the caller was chose to put the phone down , you emailed me yesterday informing me , amongst other things , that you would now give the money to the Cancer Association or send it back to me !!
I donated the money in February , some 4 months ago , you had the audacity not only to retain this money but to email me privately requesting financial assistance on May the 10th !!
You have until tomorrow midday before my emails are sent out.
I have chosen not to paste your email of yesterday on the grounds that such emails are not disclosed unless the originator makes claims contrary to the contents of the email.
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Postby Hazza » Sun Jul 01, 2007 5:51 pm

Apparantly, according to Mr Fanos, I'm a twat. I'm assuming thats because I dare to ask if he payed anyone. Is that right Mr Fanos? Or are you going to deny it?

Considering that I didn't even address you, you insulted me by calling me a twat. Is it because I brought up your daughters loan, or is it because another line was added to your ever impressive CV for deception?

Normally, a PM is a private affair, BUT, there are times when it should be made public.

From fanourıo
To Hazza
Posted Sun Jul 01, 2007 4:32 pm
Subject twat

how much did you lend me you twat?

Fanos Droushiotis
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Postby fanourıo » Sun Jul 01, 2007 5:52 pm

what fuss! I have explained to you that the Cancer Society has asked me to refrain from acting individually! I will sed you your money back if this makes you a happier man. Only if you are ready to apologise for calling me a swindler!
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