Annan's plan is not a good plan for Cyprus. That said we all know the balance of power in the area, and we all hope for a true united Cyprus to become reality one day.
The plan as it is today can not be accepted, but some changes might make it bearable and more people might be willing to take the risk and vote yes to the referendum.
Some of the changes I would like to see in that direction are:
1)The special majority (veto) that is required for decisions to be taken by the central government to exist only on specific and defined matters of great importance.
2)To set a specific time (5-10-20 years) that all restrictions in movement, settlement etc should be lifted.
3)To set a specific time (5-10-20 years) that both Turkish and Greek troops should leave Cyprus. (If we could do the same for the British troops that would be even better)
4)Turkey to take a big part of the costs associated with the solution. If we will have to pay for everything we will go bankrupt. Others (British, Americans etc) should also help.
These are the major things, that if changed the plan will become more bearbale for our site and we will be able to take the risk and vote for it.
As you can see, I have no problem with a transitional period as long as this period is defined. I have no problem to have a TC president every 20 months. I can accept that some Turkish settlers will stay, I can accept that restristions will be in place for several years until trust is build, I can accept the presence of Turkish army for some time, I can accept that the 18% minority will have a federal state of 25% of the land.
I think I am very compromising, and please don't try to say that I am not because I can not accept all your unfair demands.
There are some other issues that we need to look at (e.g that thing with foreign judges!!!) but the above I think are the main ones.