sweetie pie wrote:Eliko wrote:[
We are faced with an enemy that has been instructed from an early age to hate the infidels .This is happening with children all over Pakistan ,
Bangladesh etc etc.
Good morning miltiades, I would like to ask you a simple question relative to your quote.
"Have you ever wondered WHY these people instruct their siblings to adopt such an adverse attitude to we of the West ?.
Given that they do not wish to adopt our codes of conduct, would it not be fair to at least consider their grievances?, there may be some justification in their reluctance to integrate with us.

The UK has bent over backwards in trying to assist those from an ethnic minority to integrate into British Society. From providing funds to set up groups to providing interpreters for those who cannot speak English and also lessons to assist them to learn. They have been entitled to benefits and have been able to live freely in the UK. Their, as you put it, grievances are being listened to and wherever possible and if things can change they are changed. However, what the UK must not do is to alter the fabric of their society to incorporate laws/rules etc that go against what the UK deems right.
When you have a population of people who will not access health services because the men folk refuse to let their wives be examined (without them present), where there are significant numbers who will not learn the language and have their children interpret for them etc etc it is no wonder they find difficulty adapting and integrating.
They wish to come to the UK but do not wish to be a part of the UK society so they segregate themselves.
This has a knock on effect in that it breeds a disenfranchised youth that is easily swayed by the arguments used by certain clerics in certain mosques.[/quote]
Sweetie pie , I too came to the UK way back in 1961 in search of an opportunity to improve my self , just as millions have done since then and are still doing so today some risking life and limb to get to the UK. The difference to when I came and today , is that I was fully aware that I was emigrating , not forced to do so but on my own free will , to a nation called England where language , culture and way of life was ENGLISH , and I felt comfortable with that just as the overwhelming majority of Cypriots felt on arriving at the UK. We were not given interpreters and neither were we schooled into claiming everything under the sun , instructed in the skills of claiming the maximum benefits that this stupid country provides today to people who not only they have never contributed to the welfare of this nation , but on receiving their freebies they have the audacity to openly express their hatred for the system that provided them and their families with health care and a vast array of substantial benefits. They bring their children up to despise our way of life while at the same time reaping the rewards of our welfare system.
Today we see Gypsies from Romania on receipt of every single benefit entitlement , mostly going around shops thieving , part of their culture that a certain member on this forum no doubt will want to examine the roots of their thieving tendencies , as for Miltiades , well I see them for what they are Bloody thieving bastards .
We have thousands upon thousands of new immigrants with total disregard for law and order , most driving cars without insurance MOT and not even in possession of proper licences. This problem is huge only the government is brushing it under the carpet .
I admire any immigrant that is descent hard working with the will and intention to abide by our way of life and show respect to our culture. When I came to the UK , an older Cypriot who had been in London for a year took me round and showed me the robes as it were . One thing he always told me is "do not talk in Greek loudly when in the company of English people because it is rude " Now , not only they talk in foreign languages we also provide interpreters for them in order to ensure that they continue ignoring the need to integrate and learn the language of the nation that they chose to come to for a better standard of living which in their native countries could only dream about.